
Caden got up as the game ended and found the dude who tackled him. "Bro,that tackle is,top tier." The player ackknowledged Caden before heading out.Caden put his stuff up and found Rose. "Wassup?So uh,we going to get Ice Cream or nah?" He asks.

"You can, but i'm not hungry." She said, taking his hand. "You alright?" She asked, looking him up and down
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"Yeah.My leg will bruise for sure but,other then that im fine." He grabbed her hand before walking to the car. "You sure you don't want anything?" He asks parking.

Edited at November 26, 2024 12:44 AM by Blue Diamond
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"Ok,whatever you say.Aight,i'll be back.Pepper spray and defense stuff is in the glovebox." Caden said with a smile.He then went inside and ordered.

"Right." She says, smiling at him, waiting for him to come back
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Caden soon returned,vanilla shake in hand. "Your so gonna regret not getting anything." Caden bragged as he drove off.

"No. I just worked off the calories, I don't want to get them back in one sitting, thanks though, love." She said, taking his hand
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"Yep." Caden said as he took a spoonful of icecream. "Thats fire." He mumbled.He put his hand on her thigh and plowed through the interstate.

(Prob gonna respond once or twice more, then pop off for night) She watched the city speed by as he drove like he always did. She liked how he always put his hand on her thigh. It made her feel......safe. They pulled up to the door, and Rose hopped out, walking over and taking Caden's hand. She kissed him before walking into the house
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