"Thanks! And Alright, Imma Go Get Them Some Water And Treats Real Quick, Meet Ya At The Beginning" Zach Said Unmounting And Leading Khrone To teh Stables Filling Up Two WWater Buckets And Grabbing A Few Bags Of Treats, And Leading Khrone Back to the Track Placeing the Water Buckets Down And Calling Daisy And Duke Over "Well Break time? Then We Can Jump Agian?" Zach Said Petting Khrones Muzzle
Following Zach, she gave Harry's legs a quick sponge down, cooling them off. She also gave him a little bit of carrot and scratched behind his ears. Bringing over a water bucket May said, "here you go bud! Get some hydration, and then we will go back out to help the kiddies." As the two sat there, they noticed the Pony Club getting ready. "C'mon Zach, or we might miss our chance before they take over!" May laughed.
"Ack! Alright" He said remounting and trailing May as her and Harry jumoed iver the jumps "Jeez i forgot how hard it was to jump with someone infront of you" He chuckled shakjing his head and slowing Khrone to a trot as the pony club directors called then over "ugh, Damn-" He said "Welp! time to go help some shorties" he chuckled
"Wooh!" As they trotted over to the directors and waved to the few people they knew, May could feel Hazza becoming skitterish around all of the horses and people. "Woahh... calm down." May pet Harry, keeping him calm. "What were you wanting us to do?" She asked Susan(The PC Director).
Waity Wait- U On a alt account like i am 0-0 ))
"Could ya'll, help the new comers learn how to jump the more smaller jumps?" Susan asked "Yeah sure! Whatcha want us to do with the normals we see?" Zach asked petting Khrone "We're gonna take them," Susan said "Alright Well, C'mon then" Zach said Turning Khrone Around Looking At May and The Pony Club
Lol your alright! just wonderin :3 It was pretty funny i was like "wait, WAT- Who the hell is this- Waittttttttttttttttttttttt is that Lucky- 0-0 Oop, why is it wheen im on an alt shes on a alt Lol" My legit reaction))
"C'mon kiddos" Zach said clicking his tongue and asking Khrone for a trot, Turning him towards the more beginner jumps (smaller jumps-) He turned towards May "Jeez These Kids Are Loud" He Said To Her Whiel The Group Of Kids Were Pretty Loud SOme Screaming Edited at January 15, 2023 06:22 PM by Blue Hood Sanctuary~
As the kids followed them, they stopped near a small brush jump. May went on to explain the importance of facing towards the jump, keeping your head up and such. "Now. Will Zach give us a demo?" The kids turned to Zach, waiting in anticipation.