
Sage chuckled softly and gave her a grin when she leaned against him, not minding the touch at all. "I never thought you'd be single and I might get a shot at a relationship with you but here we are," he mused. It was bold, but she was being bold too. So he doubted she'd mind.
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"Maybe it will work. I'm up for a shot at it." She looked up into his beautiful eyes, smiling. "I'm sorry for kissing you without warning." She said, ducking her head down again. She wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his chest.
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Sage hummed lightly and offered her a grin. "Well, I suppose I can't say no to that then," he laughed with a quick shake of his head. "Oh, I'm sure I'll get over it," he noted, more joking than anything. Because, well....he'd sort of liked the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her when she curled in, perfectly happy to dive right into a relationship with her.
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She looked back up at him. "I love you." She murmured for the first time to him. She kissed him again, slow and inviting him to kiss her back. "I have the house to myself, so do you want to stay over? Unless you don't want to be with me that long....?" She added quickly, hoping she wasn't overstepping.
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Sage felt a smile cross his face at her words, and he kissed her back happily when she pressed her lips agaisnt his again. "I'll stay over," he noted lightly. "I don't have anyone here either, for a few days, so we can go wherever," he added, admittedly rather excited about it all.
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She smiled at him. "Perfect." She said, standing up. She stretched, "I'll order Doordash. What do you want?" She pulled out her phone, and took his hand in her free hand. She glanced at his face, hoping it wasn't overwhelming..
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Sage grinned back at her and then cocked his head in thought. "I dunno," he mused. "What sounds good? Maybe Thai? Or a pizza?" He'd eat pretty much anything, he wasn't very picky. He was just excited about what might happen, with the whole sleepover thing.
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"Pizza is good. I'm just gonna order cheese. That sound good, handsome?" She said with a smile. She ordered the food, and when it arrived, she ate a single piece. "I'm not that hungry. Let me show you my room." She took his hand, leading him upstairs to her large room. She sat down on the bed, lettting him look around
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Sage ginned at her and nodded. "That sounds great," he chirped. He ate a few pieces, but when she said she wanted to show him her room he nodded happily and follwoed her upstairs. He looked around, taking it all in and then flopping onto her bed with a chuckle. "I like the vibe," he noted.
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She snuggled up beside him, putting her leg over his. She kissed him again, hoping it would last a little longer this time. She smiled, kissing him.
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