Coruscant, Eve is currently updating the game layout on mobile, so the pages already updated are default, and those she still is doing show custom palettes. Theres nothing we can do about it right now.
hey what do you have to do to get your palette to display on all the pages? mine only does on a handful of them, the rest are the default colors. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
Waiting for things to finish crafting so I checked my local petsmart website. Their having sales on fish tanks and stands. Might go crazy with the sales honestly
Dablio - keeps eating for a little while then stops and shakes his mane flicking his tail as he looked around it was very calm right now so he could relax a bit , he sniffed the air to check if any other mares where in heat , he didnt want any males coming around
Diablo - didnt smell any ready so he just looked around the big meaddow there was pine trees on one side and oakes on the other mabye there was some acorns there