
(ehem* top left it has our nicknames ;) "Thats good.If you did you'd be like those wannabe cheerleaders." Caden says as he rolls his eyes.

(Oh, mb) "Oh, also. I was wanting your permission to very politely kick Charli's ass. Just for wanting you." She muttered nonchlantly to him, flipping through some seasonal nails
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"Nah.Leave her so she can embarras her self more." Caden announced with laugh.

"You should come with me tomorrow to the gym." She offered, turning off her hpone and setting it down next to her. She snuggled into him, feeling quite safe.
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He rested his head near her neck. "Yeah,I should.Need to." He confessed.

"Maybe I can get as high of a deadlift as you." She joked, falling asleep. The next morning, Rose woke up at the same time as Caden. She got up and went to get breakfast
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"Doubt it.I deadlift 405#." He teased.Caden pulled her close before falling asleep.He woke up next to her.He got up and let Murphy outside.

"Morning, love." She said, as Caden let Murphy out. "You alright with Doordash?" She asked sarcastically
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"Heck yeah.Spicy Bacon Chedder Potato burrito please!" Caden says as he hops outside with Murph.

Rose rolled her eyes and ordered for him. She heard the delivery car pull in the driveway a few minutes later, and she went to grab Caden's breakfast. She set it on the bar in front of him and went to get dressed. She chose volleyball shorts and a black t-shirt she had shoved in the back of her drawer. Rose walked back downstairs and sat next to Caden. She pulls out her phone and sees her team had posted that they lost regionals. "Little bitches. Serves them right." She muttered, half hoping Caden heard her.
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