
"Fuck no.Ugh god I hate when girls teams lose big games." He complained as he took a massive bite of the burrito.

She glared at him. "I'm meaning because they only use me as a tool, and not a teammate. I didn't compete with them, Caden. On purpose. Lst night was the game." She stated, turning away from him. "That's why I was in a bad mood."
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"Not that.I knew about them just using you.Im talking about how annoying they are.Cause,we won the regionals game right?I had five girls on basketball,softball,etc. flirting with me the entire game.They were all wanting me to be like,I hope you all win!Or like,good luck number 43!Ugh,its stupid.Their stupid.I hate them for that." His phone dinged and he picked it up. "Yeah look,it says, can you post on insta good luck number 63 at the softball regionals?" He typed furiously, 'Fuck off'.He sighed and put his phone down.

"Yeah." She mutters, scrolling. "I'm just so done with them...." She said. "We need to head to the gym before I get angry and end up yelling." She said, grabbing the Cammero's keys
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"I have the perfect workout for you then." They arrived at the gym and Caden changed into a muscle shirt,as thats what he worked out in. Rose 10 250# Clean 'N Jerks 5 50# Wallball Shots 8 300# Deadlifts Repeat 6 times Caden 10 300# Clean 'N Jerks 10 400# Deadlifts 7 80# Wallball SHots 15 Pull - Ups 5 450# Deadlifts Repeat 7 times "Kay you ready?Just fill yourself with rage and boom,you'll do the workout easily.I promise." Caden said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You're fucking kidding me." She said, looking at the workout. "You're outta your mind, Caden." She said, looking at him. "I'm not the badass jacked volleyball player you think I am. I'm just not." But she walked over to a bar anyways
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"Nuh uh.We don't doubt ourselves at the gym.What do you hate and why do you hate it?" He asks,knowing once she filled herself up with rage she'd be able to do it.He loaded three bars.One with 300#,400#,and 450#.

Rose easily completed the first couple reps of the workout, sweating and rolling her eyes at Caden who was doing much more than her. She smiled, knowing this is what he loved to do besides football and hanging out with her. He loved to workout. She went back, now through the mental barrier, and completed the workout with a little energy to spare. As Caden dropped the bar to the platform, Rose walked over to him. "Can I try cleaning what you do?" She asked, curious if she could do it.
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"Rose,your going to try 150# more pounds?Goddamn.Sigh Go get chalk on your hands I guess." He said as he did another round of pull-ups.

Rose quickly got chalk, walking back over to Caden with confidence plastered all over her face. She glanced at Caden, placing her hands around the bar, thinking of all her volleyball teammates and her abusive brother, lifted the bar to her knees, hips, she pulled up, and dropped into a squat. Rose almost hit the ground, but she held her breath and stood. She dropped the bar once she had fully stood up, her legs shaking and aching.
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