
Sage nodded with a soft hum when she agreed to doing a game or something, chuckling softly at her next comment and nodding. "I agree," he mused lightly before stretching and then settling down again with a hum of thought. "No," he admitted after a while, a slight laugh coming from his throat. "I haven't really ever played any," he admitted. "Though the idea of one sounds nice," he added with a sort of shrug. "Closest I got was a few of the guys working in the fields would toss the corn stalks around at each other here and there," he recalled. He'd made some...not quite friends, but people he enjoyed measinga round with while working. It made it all a bit easier. Hopefully they'd gotten somewhere good once he'd killed the family that was controlling them all.
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Jora raised an eyebrow, a small smirk tugging at her lips. "Corn stalks, huh? That’s one way to pass the time." She chuckled softly, her gaze flicking over Sage. "I get it, though. Having people around makes everything feel a little less heavy. Even if they're not friends, just having some kind of distraction can help." Her tone softened for a moment as she leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. "The only games I know are card games" she admits

Sage hummed lightly and nodded. "We weren't allowed to talk to each other while we worked, so we entertained ourselves by trying to nail each other with the corn," he snickered softly. "We were supposed to be tossing it around so the guards never could get any of us in trouble," he added, his normal mischievous grin forming on his face. When she mentioned card games he hummed and nodded, wrinkling his nose. "We'd play for money on board the ship," he admitted, moving to go rummage around in the bags they still hadn't unpacked. "There's probably some in here somewhere," he added.
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Jora leaned back against the nearest wall, watching Sage with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk tugging at her lips. “Sounds like you were a real troublemaker, huh?” she teased, crossing her arms. “I can just picture it—corn flying everywhere and all of you trying not to get caught.” Her eyes flickered to where he was rummaging through the bags. “Money on the ship, huh?” she continued, leaning forward slightly. “I bet you were a pro at card games. Or, you know, at least at convincing people they should pay you.” She chuckled, folding her arms a bit tighter. “Just don’t go convincing me to play—don’t think I’m ready to lose any more coins today.”

Sage chuckled softly and shrugged, his normal mischievous grin playing across his face. "Was," he teased, shaking his head. "Maybe you don't know me as well as we think," he added, clearly just messing around. They knew and understood each other better than anyone else ever had or could. Though, when she mentioned playing card games, he wrinkled his nose slightly. "Oh, I think I only won because they didn't want to beat the captain when I did play," he admitted, then shrugged. "Besides, we share everything now and it's not like there's any stores for you to buy something from around here," he pointed out, pulling a stack of cards out of a bag. There was no use for money, but they could just play for fun.
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Jora raised an eyebrow as he pulled the cards from his bag, the gesture both casual and knowing. “We share everything now, huh?” she repeated, her voice soft but playful. “Guess that means I’m stuck with whatever hand you deal me, huh?” She eyed the cards skeptically, already plotting how to turn the game in her favor. She’d learned early on that Sage's games were never as simple as they seemed. "Alright, let's see if you're still the sneaky card shark you were back then, Captain," she added, her smile shifting into something more competitive. She could feel the familiar challenge buzzing between them. It was their thing—no one else quite understood how they could go from playful banter to serious rivalry in the span of a heartbeat.

Sage hummed lightly in response to her comment, nodding along. "We are living together on an abandoned island," he noted lightly. "It would be rather hard not to," he added with an amused shake of his head. When she took the cards, he gave her a grin, more than ready to do his best to win this game they were setting up. "You're on," he noted. Both of them could get incredibly competitive....but that was partially what made it so fun. Plus he had some tricks up his sleeve to make it even better.
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Jora smirked, her fingers already shuffling the cards with practiced ease. "True, we are stuck here together," she agreed, raising an eyebrow. "But I suppose that's just more reason to make sure I win, right?" She met his grin with one of her own, eyes narrowing playfully as she arranged the cards. She could feel the tension building—Sage was always a worthy opponent, but she'd never let him think for a second that she was anything less than competitive. "Don't think I'll go easy on you," she added, voice teasing. "I’ve got a few tricks of my own."

Sage gave her his normal crooked grin in response to her comment, nodding along happily. "Oh, I don't know about that," he mused, knowing they'd both enjoy messing around with this. He watched her shuffle the cards, eagerly waiting for her to hang his few. "I'm sure you wouldn't dream of it," he noted lightly with a sort of eye roll, really just amused by the whole thing. Neither of them would show mercy on the other... Not for this. And it really was amusing. He was ready through, eager to mess around and have someone with her.
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Jora smirked back at Sage’s crooked grin, her fingers deftly shuffling the cards with practiced ease. She could feel his eyes on her, the energy between them buzzing with unspoken challenge. He thought she’d go easy on him? That was cute. “Dream of it?” she replied, her voice cool and teasing. “More like *dread* it.” She glanced up at him, her own grin sharp and knowing. Neither of them would be handing out mercy tonight—this wasn’t about winning, it was about *winning* in a way that made the other regret ever starting. There was a thrill in this, in the little games, the way the tension between them only made everything more fun. As she laid out the first card, her gaze met his, silently daring him to try his luck.