
"Well that makes two of us then" She said softly, her arms loosely around his neck
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Caden grinned slightly, craning his head over his shoulder to the baren wasteland behind them. He saw something dart around and he cursed under his breath, reaching behind a grill and pulling out a shotgun. The man raised it and loaded it, sending off multiple shots. "Damn wolves," He muttered, putting the gun away and turning back to Rose, acting as if nothing had happened. "It's cold, we should head in."

Rose just nodded, letting go and heading inside
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He pulled them inside and settled on the couch, bringing Rose to sit next to him, having already wrapped a arm around her. "I love you," Caden said, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he opened his phone.

"I love you too" She said tiredly, her phone nearly dead and her closing her eyes
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Caden's phone dinged and he stood, reading it and walking back out. "Hey, I just want you to know that I miss you.I really do.Life's been too empty with you gone, even if it was seven years ago, I still miss you.I know you'll never get this, never hear it, never know it exists, but I miss you.I'm not so sure about the other, might get disowned later but, that's not for now.Anyways, you didn't deserve it.At all.I love and miss you." With that he hung up the phone, wiping the few tears streaming down.Caden tucked the phone into his pocket and put his hands into his pockets, looking out into the tundra, wiping the occasional tear.

Rose watched him for a bit before falling asleep, curled in a ball
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Caden walked back in and curled up next to her, arms draped around her as he drifted off.

Rose woke in the middle of the night, honestly scared by how different it seemed here....She couldn't just doordash a lotus in the morning or call to Caden and tell him she was going to the gym as she walked out the door. Nothing felt like.....home.
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Caden slpet with a frown on his face, entering another nightmare as he held onto Rose tighter.