
"I'm just scared, Rose. That's all..." He admitted, burying his face in her shoulder.

"I know." But what more could she say to her scared, half-broken man that had endured so much beside her and without her? It was a lot to put into words-especially at a time like this-nut she was there for him in the best way she could be. By his side.
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Caden simply said nothing, letting the silence beween them become comfortable. It wrapped around their huddle like a blanket, keeping the outside away from the small moment of peace. Caden didn't feel like he had to talk or give a reaction to anything, he could simply just, be.

Rose stayed there for a while, not wanting to fall back asleep and not wanting to be awake. The nightmares would be torturous for the next few days and being awake would be an apprehensive task but she was willing to try for him.
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"Just try to sleep, it was me who woke you up anyways," He murmered softly, taking his face off her shoulder.

"No, it's fine. Won't get much rest anyways and I probably would still be having a nightmare if you hadn't woken me up..."
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"Eh, true." He agreed, nodding slightly. Murphy trotted in and hopped up on the bed, curling up in Caden's lap. He grabbed the dog and pulled him to the side, stroking Murphy's head.

Rose just sat there for a monet, her fingers busy playing with the sheet's hem
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"I should probably explain it, what he did for me to be so afriad of him." He said quietly, letting out a soft sigh. "My father was..... very much abusive. Both mentally and physically. If you ever see me spill something or knock something over and if I start freaking out about it, it's because of him." Caden paused, noting it hurt to talk about yet felt good to get out. "And then me and my mother moved to the states when I was 14, but she died two years later. He went to town when she died but I had to ignore, just hide myself in the money." He finished, realizing a tear was flowing down his face.

Rose looked at him curiously and thoughtfully, reaching up to wipe away the tears.
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