
∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Phoebe Nightlingale ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Phoebe`s smile remained plastered across her face as she observed him, taking silent notes of his expression and the way his eyes seemed to be dancing around the room. She almost found it amusing that he seemed clueless reagrding what to do next and, to be fair, she felt the exact same way. A soft hum echoed throughout her vocal chords as she tore her gaze from his dark one, glancing around his quarters once again. The silence that was now surrounding them would probably have been considered awkward or tense by most, but she found herself relaxed and calm, as if she were home; now that was an odd sentiment for her to be feeling here, yet she was. She knew that it would not be too long before her persisting absence was noticed and action would be taken because of it, especially when Morana had sent her to simply check on Rhys. Did she believe the royal would care enough to venture across the entire castle into the servants` quarters? No, but there was always a chance. ``You could still deem that an accomplishment,`` Phoebe`s voice penetrated the silence, this time much more quieter and gentle than her former tones of voice, if it was even possible; she was soft-spoken and quiet by nature, unless she was around the right person. Her smile was still bright and written all over her face when she focused her gaze on him again, lifting a brow in slight curiosity. She wondered if she was having the same effect that he had on her, making him feel more.. relaxed and at peace. All good things truly did come to an end, however, and Phoebe was painfully aware of that, yet she did not want to leave anytime soon. His quarters brought her a sense of peace and belonging like she was welcome here whilst the knowledge that practically no one knew she was here meant that she would be unbothered. Plus, she doubted anyone would need to barge into his place unless it was an emergency. Phoebe, for the first time in a while, was at a loss for words. She sighed softly as she folded her arms across her chest once again, leaning over so they were resting on the surface of the table. Her thoughts were still running rampant through her head, uncertain about what these feelings were and why she was feeling them towards Rhys. With yet another small sigh, she lowered her head and placed her chin on her arms, settling into a somewhat hunched-over position, something she as a royal was not meant to be doing yet was doing it anyways. Honestly, she just felt relaxed enough around him to do anything she pleased, so that was exactly what she was doing. Her gaze ever left Rhys` far darker one, however, since she wanted nothing more than to get lost in the intricate swirls of color that had probably never been seen by anyone else. She was painfully aware of what was unfolding within her heart, but she did not have the courage to force it away; she wanted to treasure it and protect it, even if it was a dangerous sentiment to have.
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Rhys was what some people would call content, for once. Pleased to see her smile, content to sit in the warm silence and ponder the mysterious that had just unraveled before him. He had solved her mystery, and was content to bask in that accomplishment for a little while, at least. It was quite the accomplishment, considering the odds. The fact that they didn't spend too much time around each other, and the fact that both of them had disliked each other before right now. Right now, he didn't know what was happening, but he didn't really want to go back. If they could hang in balance right here... like... trusted comrades. Not necessarily friends, but he wanted to be someone that she trusted telling her worries to, someone that she knew wouldn't judge her for anything she said. He was a good listener, even at the worst of times. At her quiet words, another small smile touched his lips. He could, indeed, call it an accomplishment, but since he hadn't really intended for it to happen, he wouldn't. "I cared much more about what needed to be said than that." He replied simply, feeling a rather homey warmth settle in his chest at the sight of her bright smile. The real smile, the one she didn't show to almost anyone. That's what he wanted to see. What he took joy in seeing. Every day, every week, if the one thing that kept him going was seeing that smile, he'd be fine with it. He may not be her friend, per say, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy seeing her truly happy. It was a rare enough occasion as to where he was glad he had Hyperthymesia. He could capture her smile in his memory forever. Misssion well accomplished. Rhys knew that they couldn't stay here forever, much as he loved this moment, deep down. Eventually, people would come looking for her, and although they might not come over here, she'd still have to explain where she had been when she went back. He didn't really want her to leave... he enjoyed seeing her smile, her actually relaxing. However, he knew that she had to go. He watched her carefully with his dark yet colorful gaze, capturing every detail of her eyes and expression and storing it away in his memory before finally letting out a small breath. "... you should probably go... I'm sure someone is wondering where you are. Thank you for your help." He stated quietly, his voice slightly reserved, like he was trapping away emotions that he didn't want there. It was still gentler than his normal gruffness, however, so that was a win. He resigned himself to the fact that she had to leave, and stood from the stool, gathering up the med kit and starting to dispose of the dirty gauze, wincing slightly as pain shot through his shoulder. It would be mighty interesting trying to work with this ... hindrence, but he would have to get it done. There wasn't really anything such as an off day in the life of a servant. He'd still have to get up early, go out to the gardens, where he always requested to work, and complete his days tasks. However, instead of running off, he'd most likely go back to his quarters after his work was done. He'd need to rebandage his wound, and should probably rest it a bit before he disappeared into the woods again. Rhys was definitely looking forward to resting tomorrow, after his work was done, and he may have been dreading the work part just a little. He always received his list of tasks in the morning, but he knew roughly what he had to do, and like most things, it was physical labor, including cutting down an old, dead tree that the royals didn't want anymore. That'd probably be the most labor intensive and problematic job, but he had a brain. He could strugge through. As he clipped the medkit shut, he really only had to wipe down the surfaces now, and the cleaning process would be complete. His muscles twitched as he turned back to Phoebe, awaiting her response.
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∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Phoebe Nightlingale ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ``Oh, right,`` Phoebe mumbled sheepishly as she lifted her head, stretching her arms abovve her head whilst ensuring she did not accidentally bump him in the process; she may have helped tend to his wound and it seemed like it had lessened the pain, a wound was still a wound and they hurt.. a lot. She stood up as well and observed him gather up the supplies that had been placed sporadically across the table, frowning briefly at the sight of him wincing. It was well within her power to lessen his workload and deliver medicine that would increase his recovery time, so she found herself considering potentially doing so in the morning. If anyone dared to wonder the reasoning behind her actions, it was a simple one, but only from the surface level: he had prevented a royal potentially being wounded or killed, something that deserved to be acknowledged and rewarded. ``Don`t work yourself too hard. I`d hate for the wound to worsen,`` she spoke up again, flitting her gaze elsewhere out of a mixture of unease and uncertainty. Truth be told, she did not want to leave Rhys, whether it be because of her newfound solace that she felt around him or the fact that the moment she stepped out of his quarters she would have to act like the royal everyone thought she was. It hurt her, deeply, that there was a high chance Rhys would act like none of this had happened, but she knew she would understand it if that were to happen; their differences were too vast and she did not want to be the one to blame for any consequences that affected him. For a few seconds, she lingered as she reached the door of his place, glancing between the door knob and his familiar face, a face that she would never want to forget. It was enough time for him to say something else, anything for that matter. When she was seemingly met with silence, she offered him a final smile before she spoke up again, ``Have a wonderful rest of your evening and have a good rest, you deserve it.`` Phoebe nodded curtly before she fully turned and reached for the door knob, twisting it slowly as if it were the last thing she wanted to be doing: leaving him. With a heavy sigh, she opened the door and closed it promptly behind her the moment she was in the hallway, ensuring to close it gently as to not stir anyone nearby. She glanced at the door that led into the sanctuary that she had unexpectantly found within Rhys` quarters, a place where she felt free and.. herself. Gods, she was playing a dangerous game and she knew it, especially when her heart was feeling so cold and empty again. She needed to leave and go back to the section of the castle where royals reigned with their politics and schemes before she truly lost her mind. That did not change the fact that she waited outside his door for a few moments, listening to her inner, conflicting thoughts for what felt like hours; there was enough time for one last exchange before she finally left, heading down towards the place that was her actual home yet felt like a tense battlefield filled with the unknown.
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Rhys glimpsed out of the corner of his eye that she frowned as he winced, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. There was no denying that a gunshot wound would hurt. That was the way of life. He tilted his head as he spoke, pausing before letting out a low breath. "I cannot slack off on my tasks because of a flesh wound." He stated lowly, his jaw tightening for a moment before he looked back at her. It was how life worked for someone like him. He was a servant. He served the royals. That was it. There was no avoiding it or getting around it. Unless someone in higher ranking specifically told him to go take a break, he would not be allowed to do so. However, he also knew that she was just that... something of higher rank. "I will do my best to stay in one piece." He added in an afterthought, gazing out the window for a moment, his gaze flitting all over. Not because he was uneasy, but because if anyone did approach the room, he wanted to be on high alert. He didn't exactly want the moment to end, either, but he took comfort in knowing that this wasn't the end, entirely. He had told himself that he was going to not allow this to be the only kind interaction they had. Of course, she deserved someone much better than him telling her the things she needed to know, but if he was all she had, then he was going to fulfill that. He had decided to put in the effort to not act so cold, although he would also have to dance around the whole... servant to royal conundrum. He wanted to help and show her how amazing she really was, because she obviously didn't see it, but he also couldn't get himself fired in the process. Rhys focused his gaze on her as she paused with her hand reaching towards the doorknob. Honestly, he would prefer if she stayed longer, but that couldn't happen. He would have to let her go someday. "To you as well, princess." He inclined his head respectfully... just because he had broken a couple rules in speaking to her like she was his equal- she wasn't, she was way more important than him, speaking in rankings- that didn't mean he had lost all of his training and hardwired respect. As she disappeared from view, he let out a low sigh, immediately feeling that warm feeling vanish, his heart crusting over with ice again. Hello reality, goodbye fantasy. He welcomed loneliness yet again, stalking over to the papertowels and slowly starting to clean up the rest of the mess, his mind racing. A little while later, he had everything organized and spotless again. He had gone into his bedroom, and glanced at the time, a bit surprised at how late it was- far past midnight. He didn't look forward to getting up in less than five hours, and honestly, he didn't know if he'd even fall asleep within that time. He stripped out of the rest of his clothing and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over most of his skin, though he avoided letting it touch the gauze. He focused on rubbing all the traces of dirt from his skin, and ended up staying in there quite a long time, just letting the water run over his bare skin for a while before he exited and turned off the water with a sigh. He dried his dripping hair and body, pulling on softer pants and flopping into his bed with a half groan of pain, letting his eyes drift shut. Today had been a long, hard day, and he was tired.
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∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Phoebe Nightlingale ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ It did not take Phoebe too long to make it back to the other side of the castle, her steps more hurried than they usually were since she despised wandering the halls alone; earlier tonight had been a prime example regarding why she avoided being alone, regardless of the cricumstances. A sigh left her as she sauntered into the lounging room she had previously been in, extinguishing the candles with a brief, precise exhale while she grabbed the book that had been left untouched in her absence. When the darkness engulfed her, a shiver ran down her spine, almost as if she weren`t truly alone at that exact moment. She knew how to get to her room from where she was currently standing, so the darkness was not a genuine problem. Unless, there truly was someone else with her. Before she could step forward, a rather calloused, rough hand landed on her shoulder, which nearly caused her to scream out of reflux. ``Phoebe,`` Nikolai Nightlingale`s voice sounded directly in her ear before he flicked the lightswitch he had left in his reach. That voice was more than enough to cause pure, unadulterated fear to spread through her body along with a wave of questions. Was he waiting here with the intention of reprimanding her? Had she done something wrong without realizing it? Maybe he was upset that she had spent time with Morana before she had gone to him? The answer to all of her questions were eventually answered when a long, tired sigh left him, a rare occurence that indicated he was genuinely exhausted. ``I presumed you would be in your room by now.`` ``I was helping Rhys,`` she explained as she met her father`s icy stare, the one that constantly held distaste and disgust whenever he looked at her for too long. Phoebe observed as his expression shifted into a contemplative one before returning to his stern, serious expression that he wore everywhere at all times. ``He should be fine. I ensured his wound was tended to.`` The king simply stared at her for what felt like eons, glancing over her appearance as if making sure there wasn`t anything out of the ordinary. He exhaled sharply before he folded his arms across his chest and indicated towards her room with a tilt of his chin. A lot of thoughts were still racing through Phoebe`s mind at the moment, especially since her father seemed eerily.. relaxed. He would have questioned her every move and action to determine whether or not she had done something else or if she had actually done what she had told him; he did not trust her, which she reciprocated. Nikolai`s voice interrupted her thoughts once again, the deep baritone as unsettling as always: ``Head to bed. It`s late and too dangerous for you to wander about.`` ``Yes, father,`` Phoebe whispered as she watched him walk away, presumably to his own chambers that he shared with her mother. Seriously, today had to have been an incredibly special case; her father usually approached her to enforce a rule or to scold her, yet he had simply acted like a normal.. father. It took her a few moments to recollect that it was always when Morana was around that he seemed slightly normal, not as cruel and vicious as everyone knew him to be. Did she know why? No. Did she want to know why? Also, no. She could care less what her parents and Morana did; they had practically disowned her anyways, excluding Morana. She headed towards her room and closed the door behind her, ensuring she heard the familiar sound of the door locking automatically; it was a mechanism that had been put in place ever since that one incident involving her mother, one that most found comical nowadays since she had mistaken her own husband as an intruder. With a roll of her eyes, she walked over to her bed and immediately sunk down into the plush sheets, far too tired and weary to do anything else. Phoebe planned on showering in the morning and after she had gotten a minimum of one hour of sleep; rest was something that avoided her like the plague. Her bright, blue eyes slowly closed as she somehow managed to fall asleep, insomnia seemingly vanished from her list of problems.
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For almost three hours, Rhys was yet again plauged by his memories, reminded of his mental disorder.. the one he usually called a curse. Hyperthymesia was a special mental disorder that caused the person to remember everything down to the last detail. He could recall a certain date and time in his mind and tell you exactly what happened that day. It meant his mind was quite crowded, but it also meant that he couldn't forget any of the traumatizing events he'd been through, and it meant that every night when he lay awake he was haunted by nightmares... but the nightmares were real. They had actually happened, actually occured. It was horrible. The one thing his disorder had ever helped with, and the thing that eventually got him to sleep, was the memorization of how Phoebe's face looked in the low light with a smile on it. He had pushed all other thoughts out of his mind and had fallen asleep thinking of that one thing. Only a little less than 2 hours later, his alarm clock shrieked, jerking him awake in a matter of seconds. He hated that noise more than anything else, but what was he going to do about it. A hiss of pain escaped his lips as agony immediately ricocheted through his shoulder. He lay back against the pillow for a moment, his closed, face taut with pain, but eventually, he had to get up. He dragged himself out of bed, gritting his teeth to suppress any more noise. It was 6:02, later than he usually woke up. Since he had taken a shower the night before, he went about getting dressed to start, pulling on faded blue jeans, and a light grey t-shirt, possibly the coolest outfit he had to wear, as he didn't wear shorts unless it was above 100 degrees. He didn't bother redressing the wound yet, knowing he'd have to do it after he worked. After he was dressed, he ate a very light breakfast- meaning a singular apple- and raked a hand through his hair as he headed out of his quarters. His work gloves were stuffed in his pocket as he headed to pick up his list where it was posted on a bulletin board at a back door. His gaze flit over what he had to do for the day, which included but was not limited to cutting down that tree, watering all the plants in the gardens, feeding the horses, and exercising Diablo. That last thing made him wince. Diablo was a helluva horse, a spirited 3 year old stallion. He wished he hadn't gotten that horse this day. He would've preferred Maple or something, the old draft horse. Every day, the other hands and him each got one horse to exercise, and of course... Diablo. How lucky was he. Rhys took the list with a sigh and headed outside, wanting to start with cutting down that tree. He only had to cut it down today, not cut it up or load it up onto a truck to be moved out. Those were tasks for the upcoming days. Still, even with a chainsaw, it was going to be taxing work. Thankfully, the tree was relatively small. In the hours of the morning, it wasn't as hot and humid, hanging around 70 degrees. He picked up the chainsaw and a couple other tools from the shed and got to work.
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∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Phoebe Nightlingale ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ When sunlight started to gradually stream through the small cracks within the fabric curtains covering her windows, Phoebe stirred incredibly slowly. It was almost alarming that she had genuinely gotten a decent amount of sleep for once; the doctor that had cared for her ever since the accident probably would have interrogated her to find out the precise reason why. As per usual, however, she looked like an absolute mess in the morning; her blonde hair was tangled and her blue eyes were still heavy from exhaustion. It may not have been physical exhaustion that was making her seem like a corpse risen from the dead, but emotional and mental exhaustion instead. Maybe that was why she woke up believing yesterday had been a dream, a mere fragment of her imagination. There was no way that she and Rhys had actually bonded.. right? With a dismissive shake of her head, Phoebe hulled herself out of bed and into the bathroom that was connected to her room. Her room had everything anyone could possibly imagine having, yet there certian things that she had even deemed unnecessary and utterly ridiculous to have. A groan left her lips as she lifted her hands to wipe at her groggy eyes, stumbling into the bathroom and shivering when her bare feet touched the cold marble flooring. She hurriedly removed her nightwear, which she had somehow gotten away with wearing for the entirety of yesterday, before hopping into the shower. Phoebe was someone that tried to reserve resources, but the only exception she made was the water she used to shower; she could spend hours beneath the warm, comforting water. Unfortunately, that was not an option today since she had to actually attend breakfast with her parents. She quickly washed herself with soap, taking the extra time to wash every strand of her hair. One trait that royals had that she still seemed to have was the need to be presentable at all times.. or at least for the majority of the time. Once she was finished with her shower, she moved on to dressing herself with the most comfortable attire she could. Phoebe knew that she was going to have to walk around a lot today, especially if Morana was going to ask her to accompany her to who knows where. She settled on wearing a black skirt and a tan, cotton-knitted sweater; she was sensitive to the weather and she preferred to be hot and sweaty than freezing and cold. With her arms crossed in front of her chest, she exited her room and headed down the hall to the dining room that was mostly reserved for royals. A part of her was ready for another day, one that was going to be decent for once- nothing could beat yesterday, however, if she had not imagined it- yet it seemed the universe despised with an unyielding passion. ``Shit,`` Phoebe hissed beneath her breath the moment she rounded the corner and saw her mother, father, Morana, and General Atius. Gods, words could not describe how much she hated that man; it did not help that he seemed to love telling her the gorey details of his campaign as if it were supposed to be impressive. There was no way she was going to have breakfast with that man, so she promptly retreated backwards and headed in the opposite direction. Her thoughts started to race at the possibilites regarding why he was here of all people. Was he visiting? Was there something wrong with the neighboring kingdoms? She felt stupid when it finally clicked: the day when all of her father`s closest associates and comrades would stay in the castle was approaching.. fast. Phoebe knew that the next few days, until all of those ``pests`` had left for the next year or two, were going to be absolutely miserable. She could barely imagine what the servants- the lower ranking ones to be more precise- were going to deal with; most of the royals and nobles were drunkards or.. the mere thought made her want to vomit.
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Rhys had been working at the tree for approximately 2 hours, so it was nearing 8 am when he set the chainsaw down with a growl of pain, skin slick with sweat under his shirt, wound stinging and shoulder throbbing, and leaned against a nearby tree. He pressed the shirt fabric to his face, groaning lightly. The weather had gone from 70 to 90 in less than an hour, and it seemed like the weather would be much worse today. Per usual, he never fared well in hot weather, and had a tendency to get heatstroke ... the wound was helping that along nicely. He could practically feel himself racing towards collapse, considering he was already lightheaded and dehydrated. He again stalked over to the water source to drink, for what seemed like the millionth time, before trudging back to the tree. Every fiber in his being was screaming at him to rest, or at least sit down, and yet he picked the chainsaw back up. There was really only half an hour or so of work left on the tree, and he wanted to get it over with. He worked at it as best as he could, and his hard work paid off, as there was a cracking and splintering sound, then the tree crashed down exactly where he wanted it to go. "Timber." He muttered under his breath, setting down the chainsaw and gritting his teeth in pain as he sat down on the freshly fallen trunk, dropping his head in his hands. That was an almost impossible task, and yet it was only one off of his list. His arm was practically numb by now, and he couldn't really tell if he was in pain or what. He knew that wasn't a good sign, but he didn't care. If he somehow managed to survive completing the days tasks, then he would consider it a job well done. If he did not survive, at least no one would miss him. He rubbed his face once more before lifting his head and standing back up, pulling the list out of his pocket. Next... water plants. He went and returned the chainsaw before attaching the hose to the faucet, then going and retrieving more hoses, attaching them each to a faucet. Some called it intelligence and some called it laziness, but whatever it was, he appreciated the fact that he could just hook sprinklers up and turn them on. He turned each of the spigots on, and water started spraying out over the plants. Perfect. He took the next couple minutes to not only wet his face with water, but stand in the shade for a little while, hoping that his slight dizziness wouldn't lead to something worse. - (I apologize for the short length, I had something come up that needed my attention) Edited at November 19, 2024 10:28 PM by Wild West Warmbloods
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∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Phoebe Nightlingale ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Phoebe truly needed a distraction at that moment, especially since today had already been dreadful so far. She knew she could handle a few hours without food, something she had learned the difficult way, so she decided to avoid the dining room until she was certain it was empty. Her face was not as bright as it usually was when she was alone, a tad duller and unamused; it was obvious to anyone that she wass not in the best of moods. She found herself heading towards one of the quieter parts of the castle: the ``private`` garden, which only specific servants were allowed to enter. Why was it considered special compared to the other one? Well, one of its four corners acted as a cemetery, silently protecting and sheltering other Nightlingales that had already passed away and anyone else that had an ounce of their blood, including those considered bastards. She did not mind nor truly cared about who was buried there, especially when she believed that no one could change their fate or circumstances when they`ve just been born. Some things were just meant to be and nothing could ever change that. With an apparent carefulness with each step she took, Phoebe navigated throughout the garden with utmost caution, feeling as if it would be rude to rush towards where she was heading. She often frequented this part of the castle whenever she desperately needed space. After all, it was rare for anyone to visit it; the moment someone was buried there was probably also the last moment they would ever be visited or honored, which was a sad truth. She eventually reached the familiar, looming tree she always curled up against in order to stare up through the foilage and into the sky or to read through the list of names on the nearby tombstones. Sometimes, she found herself observing the wildlife that managed to slip through the walled permiter of the property, looking around as if they had entered a whole new world. Phoebe let out an elongated sigh as she plopped down on the grass and leaned against the familiar bark, closing her eyes as she tuned out her worries and focused on the sounds of nature. The one thing she did not understand was why Rhys seemed to be a constant part of her thought process now, her heart warming at the mere idea of him showing up. It would seem that yesterday was proving a reoccurence regarding what she had been feeling and not some.. off day, but only for the time being; it could change tomorrow.. or the day after and so on. Eventually, it would disappear, right? The sounds of birds chirping to each other and the sporadic neighing from the stables were incredibly calming and proved to be quite an efficient respite. She may not have been a true outdoors type of person, but she did see the allure and comfort that most associated nature with. Her preference was to stay inside and read a book for hours upon hours, but this part of the palace felt like it deserved more attention, deserved to be acknowledged for what it was. Sometimes, if she felt willing enough, she took on the role of sitting beside the graves of her grandparents, updating them on what her father had been up to the past few days; she liked to think that they were listening, even if her father was not the best man out there. She wondered if they were proud of him and that maybe their presence would have helped him be more.. fatherly towards her; she had never met them since they had passed away a few years before she was born. (No worries! I understand.)
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After about 30 minutes of recovery, which was much longer than he usually would've wasted, but seemed far too short at the moment, Rhys headed towards the stables. He was glad to be fully outside of the sweltering sun, but the heat inside the stables was almost worst. Heaving a low sigh, he started arranging Diablo's tack. He had decided to stick with lunging for today, as he did not really appreciate the idea of getting bucked off. He got everything ready before entering the young black stallion's stall with a brush, starting the slow work of threading every bit of dirt from the majestic horse's coat. He used gentle, quick flicks with the soft brush, making sure to get the horse's ears and face as well. As he worked, he thought about the one thing that had been on his mind most of the day... Phoebe Nightlingale. Even now she managed to crowd his thoughts, smelling like lavendar, her light blue eyes with darker blue swirls engrained in his mind forever. So perfect, yet even thinking that could be considered treason. She would be the death of his life as he knew it. He pulled himself from his thoughts and focused on the horse, finishing the brushing and starting with the hooves. After narrowly avoiding being stomped on twice, he managed to move onto swinging the saddle on, with quite a bit of pain. After pausing for a second to suck in a breath, he finished strapping the bridle on as well, then the lunge line. He led the stallion out, who was now prancing anxiously, to the round pen. Rhys pulled on his work gloves before letting the stallion out on a circle. The high-spirited animal immediately attempted to rip his arms out of their sockets as it took off in a circle, cantering as quickly as it possibly could while jerking outwards every once in a while. Holding on with his single good arm, slight scowl on his face, he waited it out. After Diablo was off of his high, Rhys went about actually working the horse. Around an hour later, Diablo was finally ... worn out, you could say. It just meant he was acting like a normal horse instead of a fire breathing dragon. Sad to say, for Rhys, that meant he was absolutely exhausted. Wrangling the horse while trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder plus the lack of sleep and everything else didn't bode well for a nice pain free day. He let out a long, slow sigh and went about the last thing he had to do- some desensitization. His only goal was to get Diablo to walk over a tarp on th ground. That was it. Simple as can be. So, naturally, it took another hour to wrangle the horse over the slightly crinkly ground covering. A hefty amount of time later, with half the day successfully gone, Rhys was just moving onto his next tasks. It had taken an insane amount of time to get the work done with Diablo, and by this point, he honestly was about ready to die. He wouldn't be surprised if the stitches were somewhat ripped out, and he could visibly see that the wound had been bleeding again- his shirt was slowly stained red. He was tired as hell, light-headed, and a bit lethargic, but hey, on the upside... he didn't have to touch Diablo again for another month. He was currently arranging all the food for the horses and bringing it out to them one by one. Once that task was done, he only had one more thing to accomplish, besides clean up. He first decided to take another water break before moving onto sweeping the barns, his last task of the day. Normally, this'd be a 20 minute job at most, but he knew it was going to take a little longer, considering he could barely move as it was. Apparently, blood loss did some bad things. Who would've known. Edited at November 22, 2024 04:36 PM by Wild West Warmbloods
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