Jora watched him, feeling the weight of his gaze like a subtle pressure on her chest. She had expected his reaction to be something like this — that rush of excitement and the sudden shift from one train of thought to another. It was almost endearing, in a way. But beneath the initial joy in his voice, she could hear the tremor, the uncertainty. That was the last thing she wanted to make him feel. Her mouth went dry as she processed the realization of what was happening. She hadn’t planned this — not like this, not in the middle of the mess they were in. But somehow, in that brief moment when he stopped and looked at her with that panicked expression, something in her shifted too. She could see the tightness in his face, the hesitation, as if he was questioning everything they had, everything they were. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. It wasn’t like it was an easy thing to hear. She wasn’t completely sure, either. They weren’t ready for this, and yet... somewhere, deep down, she knew they could be. *He could be.* Jora reached out then, laying her hand gently on his, trying to ground him — trying to ground herself. She smiled, though it was small and tired, and met his gaze with a softness that hopefully conveyed everything she couldn't quite put into words. “I’m not mad,” she said quietly, voice steady but careful, as if treading on a fragile bridge. “I’m scared, yeah. But I’m not mad.” There was a beat of silence between them, where she just studied him, the faintest flicker of uncertainty in her own eyes. “This is... a lot,” she admitted. “But I think we’ll figure it out. We always do, right?” She didn’t have all the answers. Hell, she barely had any of them. But she couldn’t stand seeing him this way, unable to trust what they had. They could do this, she realized — even if it terrified her too. “Just... don’t think you have to do everything alone, alright?” Her thumb brushed across his knuckles. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” Maybe she didn’t know exactly what they were doing, but they’d always moved forward together, hadn’t they? This was no different. She could feel the pulse of something new in her chest, something unfamiliar but full of promise. She wasn’t ready to walk away from it. Not yet. Not with him. And so, as the moments stretched out in silence, she sat there, waiting for him to catch up — to really believe that this was something they could handle together. The world outside was shifting, and so was their future. She just hoped they were ready to face it, side by side.

Sage felt himself growing more panicky the longer the silence stretched between them, waiting for an answer and praying it wouldn't be what he was afraid of. He nearly jumped out of his skin when she took his hand, though he managed to control himself. But only just. He calmed slightly after that though, the touch bringing him back to his senses a little bit, and at her comment he felt the tension keave his body in a rush, leaving him tired and shaky and dizzy. He sort of stood there for a moment, just watching her tiredly as she talked, before allowing himself to collapse into the chair next to her, unable to hold himself up and process any more. But he laced his fingers with hers, offering her a small smile. "We always do," he agreed softly. "And we always will," he added after a moment. He wouldn't give up on her ..no matter what happened, even if she turned out to be some horrible, mean woman, he'd still come crawling back. She'd never hurt him or treat him like that he knew, but if it were to happen, it wouldn't change how much he loved her. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but it really wasn't something he needed to worry about. At her next comments about now doing everything alone, he just took a steadying breath, meeting her gaze. A soft nod. "We have a lot to do to get ready for this," he reminded her softly. "And you're in no state to build anything," he added pointedly. But this was good ...he was excited about it, even if it scared him a bit too. So many things could go wrong. "We'll have to figure out a way to get you to a doctor as you near you're nine months mark," he added after a few moments with a frown.
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Jora squeezed his hand gently, feeling the weight of their situation settle between them. She could see the worry in his eyes, the exhaustion too. He was trying so hard, and she knew that. She took a deep breath, the idea forming in her mind. "Listen, Sage," she began softly, her voice steady, "maybe we don't have to do all this alone. I think I know a way to make things easier on you… and on me too." She leaned in closer, her fingers still entwined with his, her thoughts sharpening as she spoke. "My father's ship is nearby. It's... well, it’s not exactly a hospital, but it’s comfortable, and they’ve got the resources to take care of me, especially once my pregnancy gets further along. I’m sure they’ll treat me right." She hesitated for a moment, then added, "But you’d have to come with me. You’d need to go in disguise, though. You can't be seen for who you are, my dad wouldn't like that..." She let out a breath, her expression hardening slightly as she laid out the plan. "You'll have to act like a bodyguard or some kind of servant—someone important, but someone in the shadows. It's risky, but it’s the only way we can ensure you’re safe too." Her gaze softened then, the edges of her words gentler. "We can’t do this alone, Sage. Not with everything that’s coming. But together, we’ve got a shot. You won’t have to worry about me or the baby while we’re there. You won’t have to do all of this on your own."

Sage had sort of zoned out after a bit, just thinking of all the things that needed to get done. It would be a lot of work ...though not as much work as carrying and popping out an entire human being, he didn't think. No, Jora definitely had the worst of the two jobs. When she spoke up again though, he blinked, listening with a cocked head as she mentioned her plan. He nodded along after a bit, sort of knawing at his lip ring, as he often did when thinking. Or stressed. Or worried. That poor ring was pretty beat up. "I've been a servant before....I think I could fit in pretty well," he murmured after a moment or so, nodding in agreement. It would be risky for him ...but giving birth here was too risky for Jora, and he wasn't willing to let that happen. Especially not because he was scared for his own skin. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to her or the baby because he'd wanted to stay out. And it was true....he'd been a servant and a slave for a while. Most of his childhood really. He knew what to do. How to act, how to speak, how to stay in the shadows. Not draw any attention to himself. Then he felt a small smile playing across his face. "I cant believe he'd think I was your bodyguard anyway," he noted with a soft chuckle. She could take care of herself and her dad knew it. Plus....he didn't exactly look like her bodyguard. "You're going to have to play your part though too," he noted gently. She'd have to snap at him now and again. Act like she wasn't particularly fond of him at times. He was fine with it...he knew she'd never mean any of it. But this was a good plan. "When do you want to set off for his ship," he asked with a cocked head.
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Jora let out a soft breath, her eyes drifting toward the horizon, though her mind was a few steps ahead. Sage's words were a quiet comfort in a situation that seemed to spiral with complications. She could tell he was still uneasy, but the decision was made—he would be going along with her, and she would make sure they both came out of this intact. He didn’t have to say it out loud, but she knew he'd do anything to protect her, and the baby. She appreciated it more than he'd ever understand. Her gaze shifted back to him when he spoke again, a small, wry smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "I know," she replied with a slight nod. "But you're good at blending in. You always have been. People won’t notice you if you don’t want them to." She could feel the weight of the plan hanging between them, knowing full well that it wasn't going to be an easy road. But it was the best they had. His chuckle made her heart flutter a little, despite everything. The idea of him as a bodyguard was laughable, but she didn’t want to argue with his logic. She could take care of herself, and she always had, but this was different. Things were different now. "Don’t worry, I'll keep up the act," she said with a small smirk, her voice teasing but with an underlying seriousness. She'd had to play roles before, but this would be a delicate balance. Keeping Sage in line without crossing the line—she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d be able to fake it with him, after everything. But they'd make it work. They had to. Jora straightened up, a quiet determination settling into her chest. "We leave first thing tomorrow," she said, the words firm. "That gives us enough time to prepare, but not too much time to start second-guessing ourselves." She was already planning the steps in her head—getting their things together, making sure everything was in order, and readying herself for the confrontation with her father. The thought of seeing him again made her stomach twist, but there was no way around it. "We'll need to move quickly once we're aboard. We can't afford to get caught, not when we're so close."

Sage nodded when she mentioned he was good at blending in, a soft smile playing across his lips. "I've figured out how to stay in the shadows," he agreed quietly, thinking back to the farmhouse he'd been at for so long. That was ok...the memories, as awful as they were, would only help him here. Well...mostly, at least. He nodded again when she mentioned she'd keep up the act, nodding along with a soft chuckle. "Don't worry, I'll be a good boy. Unless someone pisses me off too much." The last part came with a hint of mischeviousness, but it was mostly joking. Yes, he would probably do something secretly to someone...but he really wouldn't be able to do much besides mildly inconviencincing them. They couldn't afford to get caught. And if they knew he was a skilled fighter, they'd assume he was more than just a servant. "Who are you going to tell him the fatehr is then," he asked after a moment. "If you say it's from me he won't appreciate that," he added pointedly. He didn't mind....but they needed a solid story. One her father wouldn't look down on. At least...not too much. They needed him to want to keep the baby. He squeezed her hand when she said they'd leave tomorrow, moving to get up after that. They'd have a lot of packing and planning to do. They'd need basics for both of them, plus the new baby once it came. The house would need to be secured, and they'd just have to hope the canoe would get them to and from her father's ship. He worked at just taking out all the piercings he could while she talked, dropping each one into a small container that they could easily keep here. It felt odd, not having the metal in his ears, and such....though he did keep the lip ring. That would be hard to take out anyway, and no doubt he'd need it. One piercing wasn't so bad, he was more worried about the tattoos. He could cover a lot of them up with servant garb, but even so, that may become an issue. He'd have to come up with a decent excuse for it all.
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Jora couldn't help but smirk at Sage's words, the faint trace of mischief in his voice resonating with her own sense of humor. "Good to know," she replied, her tone light but with a hint of seriousness beneath it. She knew full well how easy it would be for Sage to slip from the quiet, obedient servant to someone a lot more dangerous if provoked. But for now, they'd keep the act up—after all, what choice did they have? They both needed to blend in, to survive. Her thoughts shifted at his question about her father's reaction. The idea of telling him the truth—telling him about Sage—made her stomach tighten. She'd have to think carefully. "I don't know yet," she admitted, her voice a little quieter. "Maybe someone... else. A passing merchant or—" She cut herself off, thinking better of it. "It doesn't matter, I’ll figure something out." She didn't want to dwell on the potential fallout just yet. What mattered was that they kept moving forward. When Sage squeezed her hand, it grounded her in the moment, even as her mind raced ahead. She followed his lead, beginning to pack what little they had, her fingers moving through the meager belongings she'd managed to gather. The weight of what they were about to do hung over her. Tomorrow, they would leave, and everything would change. She watched him remove the piercings one by one, feeling a pang of something she couldn't quite name. She knew what he was doing—preparing himself to be less noticeable, to blend in even more—but she also knew how much of himself he was leaving behind in the process. The tattoos, the piercings, the parts of him that spoke of a past he couldn't escape. She wondered how much he was willing to give up for this life... or if it would ever truly be enough. "One thing at a time," she murmured, as much to herself as to him, the weight of their choices settling like a stone in her chest. Tomorrow, they'd move forward, and she hoped it would be enough to protect them, to protect the baby.

Sage nodded slowly when she admitted she wasn't sure what she'd tell her father. It was a lot...they'd need a full story, and if he was going to take his place as her servant, then he wouldn't be able to speak up if she didn't have an idea and he did. "I won't be able to help you unless we're alone," he reminded her with a shrug. "I won't talk much, actually," he added. He did wonder how many servants she'd been around...she was on a ship for the last few years, and she'd always been with her and her father. As far as he knew, they didn't have servants. They had time to come up with a good story though....she wasn't exactly showing yet, so she didn't have to mention the pregnancy right away. Her father would never really expect that to have happened. "Well, we have time," he mused after a moment or so, placing the container with his jewelry in it in the dresser drawer of their bedroom, crossing the room to grab their clothes and settle the outfits in the suitcase they had. He grabbed the outfits Jora would want, and a few blankets, knowing they'd need them later on. Then he went through his own clothes, picking out the simpler things that were more servant-like. Which was a bit hard. He didn'e exactly wear fancy captain clothes, but they also weren't servant garbs either. Oh well. He could come up with a story for that too, if anyone asked. By the time they were completely packed, it was nearing night, so they moved to eat a quick dinner and then get ready for bed. They'd need a good night's sleep...they had a long journey ahead of them. He wasn't sure how much he'd sleep despite how exhausted his body was, but he knew he had to try.
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Jora shifted, watching Sage carefully as he spoke. His reminder that they needed to be alone hit her with a soft thud. Of course. That was the way it had to be. She felt a slight twinge of discomfort at the thought of her father, the one person who had always been so protective, being left in the dark. But she knew it was necessary. If Sage was going to be her servant, he couldn’t speak up, and that meant lying to her father. A knot tightened in her chest, but she had to be strong. They had a plan. They just needed to follow it. "Yeah," she said quietly, her voice trailing off as her thoughts raced. They’d need a story, something believable. Her father would never expect what was really going on. "We’ll figure it out," she added, more to reassure herself than anything. She watched Sage as he moved about the room, packing their things, the way he was so focused. His practical side was something she admired, even if he had this odd way of making everything seem like it would be okay. But he was right—time was on their side for now. There was no rush. Not yet. She absently ran her hand over her stomach, the subtle reminder of what was to come, and what they’d have to keep hidden. “Time,” she echoed quietly, mostly to herself, but she could see Sage moving to finish their packing, a quiet rhythm settling in the room. She followed his movements, her mind running through the steps ahead. The trip. Her father. What to say. How to get through it without everything unraveling. As Sage packed his simpler clothes, she felt a pang of guilt. He didn’t belong in servant garb. He wasn’t supposed to be anyone’s servant, not in her mind. Yet she knew why it was necessary. She had to make her father believe everything was normal. She had to make him believe everything was fine, even when it wasn’t. Her thoughts drifted to what they’d do once they were on the road. Once they’d left. Would her father suspect anything then? Would he see through the facade? She had to keep everything together. For now. Jora stood, stretching out the stiffness in her muscles. It was getting late, and Sage was right—they needed to rest. They’d need all the energy they could muster. She offered him a faint smile, trying to push past the unease in her chest. “Thanks for helping with all of this,” she said quietly. “I know it’s a lot.” "Tomorrow," she whispered, almost to herself. Everything would change then. Everything already had, and it felt like it was too late to go back.

Once everything had been packed, Sage closed the suitcases and set them down by the door. He'd pulled another bag out, to take the last few things they'd need, like toothbrushes and that sort of thing. But those would be tosed into the bag tomorrow morning, before they set out. He'd nodded in response to her comments, sort of just letting her mumble to herself without saying anything about it. She was worried, and he could tell she felt bad about him becoming so docile. But he'd do anything for her and the baby, so while it was bringing some bad memories back and he hated to just duck his head and not speak his mind....well, it was well worth it. They couldn't mess this up. He came back into the room, only for Jora to thank him. He sort of nodded and moved to collapse onto the bed next to her, completely exhausted. "We're going to get through this," he hummed softly, reaching for her hand and squeezing it gently, shifting over so she could slide under the covers with him. He could feel himself already slipping off, and while he did try to stay awake long enough for her to settle in comfortably, his body betrayed him. He knew he needed rest...he knew he was wearing himself down...but he had wanted to make sure she was calm enough to get some sleep too. That just...didn't happen apparently. He woke up the next morning, sort of squinting up at the clock and then the sun filtering into their room before flopping his head back down with a heavy sigh. He didn't want to get up...but they had to eventually. It would be hard to even just lay around and relax for a while. There was too much going on.
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