Sage sighed slightly as she muttered her response, and shook his head slightly as she took off. He probably shouldn't have told her what exactly had happened to them. He forgot many of them were her friends ...or at least pretended to be. He wasn't sure, but either way she'd known and liked them, at least a little bit. He hadn't. And he was used to stuff like that. Maybe it wasn't healthy, pushing it all away and then making jokes about it to cover his ass, but it's what he did. He heard the girl's voice after a while, and chuckled slightly before calling out, "I'm down the hall a bit," to her. He set the chart he was holding down, moving to head to he next room, but waiting in the hallway where she could see him. A full ache had started in his stomach, but it wasn't bad so he didn't pay much attention to it. He figured he was just hungry, which wasn't abnormal at all.
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Flo toyed with her brown hair as she searched for Sage. Now I thik I'm really lost."she called out again. She had taken a wrong turn. She spun on her heel and walked back the way she came from. "why is this lace so big? peple like me cant find any- oh there you are" She walked the rest of the way then slumped against the wall. Im so tired but i know i cant sleep." she tok a deep breath. "Do you know when the war will be done?"
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Sage couldn't help but chuckle as the girl started talking again and he offered her a reassuring but also slightly amused grin. "Don't worry, I was the same way at one point," he noted with a shrug. "you'll get the hang of it sooner than you think," he added, jerking his head to the left when she said she couldn't sleep. "Me either...I'll check up on everyone again in a few hours," he sighed tiredly. "you hungry? We could raid the cafeteria and see what's left," he suggested. It had been a few days since he'd eaten, and at least a week since he'd had a solid meal. But this food was free, so he could eat it and send some home. Actually....no, he wouldn't do that. He did t care if his father died. The beast honestly deserved it. "No," he murmured in response to her other comment, a sort of far away look coming onto his eyes as he thought about the last war he'd been in. "I guess it depends on whatever dumbasses are up in charge of it All," he snorted, wincing slightly as the pain in his stomach sharpened. He tried to ignore it though....the girl didn't need him acting like anything was wrong.
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Florida looked up at Sage. "What kind of food do you think is in there?" she asked. her stomach growled and she bit her lip, placing her hands on her stomach. "Please tell me there is actually food" Her face fell when he spoke about the war. "So technically we could be the last of our poeple, the others could be dead, half the people here are technically dead, and were trapped in a hospital? Were doomed!" she rubbed at her temble ith her left hand, her left hand on her stomach still
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Sage shrugged in response to her comment. "Dunno. Ive never been up there. Never did understand why they kept us here and would t let us go eat but made us pay for food up there," he noted. "But there'll be food. They should have plenty stocked up on the back and today's dinner fresh," he chirped, rather excited to eat by then. Though, he cocked his head at her comment. "I can say with confidence there's plenty more people out there," he mused. "And we're better off in here than out there with no shelter or food," he pointed out. He moved to wLk to the cafeteria, where he opened the doors to a mostly fresh meal in trays. "See, still at least lukewarm," he chirpe, grabbing a plate and plopping down at a table with a grunt.
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Florida wrinkled her nose at the thought of semi-fresh food. She watched Sage as he opened the doors to where the food hid. Any thoughts she may have had flew away when he turned around with a tray. She turned slightly away and stared at it. "What is that?" she hesitantly grabbed her own then walked to a table, sitting across from Sage. "What has you in such a chipper mood?" She asked, a bit of sarcasm hinting in her voice. She became serious again as she icked at her food "I haven't heard any bombs in an hour or so. Does that mean they're done?" Suddenly she perked up. "could this whole thing be over!"
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Sage chuckled when the girl seemed to recoil from the food. "Cafeteria food," he noted with a shrug, moving to sit down at a table. "I'm sure it not what you're used to but us common folk don't have fancy dinners every night," he teased lightly. He knew full well he wasn't common folk, and in fact he'd never even gotten this, so it looked like a feast to him. "No idea," he noted in response to her question, glancing out the window when she mentioned the bombs. "For now, most likely," he mused. "I'm sure they'll be back, with more. I just don't know when," he sighed. "hopefully it's over soon though," he grumbled. They'd come here to get away from the wars, find a better life for them. It hadn't really happened.
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"No one really knows what im used to... they just guess that the nice clothes im spoiled with means i have money for everywhere else too" she stabbed the food with her fork and took a small bite before gagging and spitting it back out. "ok that is almost as bad as the schools attemot as chicken parmesan" she chugged her water then sighed. "i really hope they just give us a break..."her eyes wandered around the room
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Sage chuckled softly at her reaction and shrugged. "never had the schools food either," he mused, taking a hesitant bite of the food he'd grabbed before shrugging and digging in. "it what we've got so you may as well get used to it," he noted. It wasn't great....but it was better than digging through the trash or slowly starving to death knowing this was all up here, so he figured it was good despite the circumstances. "Me too," he admitted, shifting slightly and wincing again. He frowned slightly, figuring that definitely wasn't normal, but ignored it. Maybe he was just not used to a meal like this.
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Flo caught sight of a window. "is it night or just dark? i feel so discombobulated with all of this smoke" Florida put her hands on her hips after she got up and walked over to it. she wore a confused expression on her face. she toyed with her brown hair before turning her green eyes back to Sage. "tell me an interesting fact about yourself"
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