
Sage moved to wrap and arm around her when she curled up, best he could and grinned over at her with a nod. "I certainly hope so," he mused lightly. "I'm not going anywhere," he added happily.
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Florida smiled and closed her eyes, letting out a content breath and falling asleep
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Sage was glad to rest for a while once their conversation ended. He would up drifting off quickly once he'd settled down again.
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Flo woke up the next morning and just laid there. It was strangely silent, which made her mind immediately think the war was over. Her eyes took in the dark room then suddenly a loud boom in the distance shook the hospital and the power blipped. She flashed back to the last time the power went out and tears immediately filled her eyes as she ducked into Sage's embrace
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Sage jerked awake when he heard the boom, instinctively wrapping his arms tightly around flo and looking around in a panic. He quickly calmed enough to realize the power had just gone out, and he let out a heavy breath. "It's alright....we're ok," he noted after a moment.
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Florida cried, though she was trying to calm herself down. "What was that? Was it a bomb?" She said through the tears and the sniffles escaping her body as she trembled.
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Sage shook his head, letting out the breath he was holding. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "Whatever it was, it didn't hurt us," he added, sort of moving his hand on her back best he could to comfort her a bit.
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Flo nodded slightly, pulling back to look at Sage. "Are you alright? Are you still really sore?" She asked as she wiped a tear off of her cheek.
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Sage chuckled softly at her comment, kissing her forehead gently. "A bit," he admitted. "Give me another day and i'll be well enough to move around," he added. "Though that did nearly scare me out of my skin," he noted with a soft laugh, hoping it would at least make her chuckle
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Flo looked away, her eyes glued to the window. "The power flashed on and off. It made me think about all of the people that died..." She swallowed hard then looked over at the wall instead
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