Jora had barely spoken a word as Sage led the way back to the cabin, her eyes sharp but quiet. It wasn’t like she didn’t know better than to pry—he’d always been good at hiding things when he wanted to. But when she saw that bruise, the hesitation, and the way he tried to pretend it was nothing... It broke something in her. She’d waited for him to explain, her hands steady on his shoulders as she sat him down on the bed, but it was clear it wasn’t easy for him. When he started to speak, his voice low and reluctant, Jora listened carefully. He always seemed to downplay everything, but the way he said it—the weariness in his eyes—told her everything she needed to know. *The lowest of the low*. Jora frowned, her hand brushing his hair aside gently, trying to be careful, though the sharp hiss of pain that escaped him made her want to say something—anything. But she held back, even as her thoughts boiled with anger at those who had done this to him. When she was aboard this ship before, she never paid attention to the servants, and just assumed they got along for the majority of the time. "Servants and sailors," he said with that resigned bitterness in his voice. She could feel his frustration, the tug of his need to not make things worse, but her heart hurt. She *wanted* to make it better, to pull him out of this mess he’d somehow gotten stuck in. But he was so good at keeping his guard up. It was like trying to break through stone. “I don’t care about the others, Sage,” she said softly, her fingers lingering a moment longer on his bruised face before she pulled away. "You shouldn't have to endure that. None of this should be happening to you." But she knew better than to make promises about that—*not yet*. He was right. It would get worse before it got better. She could feel the tension in him, in the way he was *holding back*, like he was already preparing for the worst. Jora took a slow breath, trying to keep her voice steady. "If it comes to that, I’m not going to stand by while you’re treated like this.” Her eyes met his, unflinching, even if she could feel the weight of her words. He could fight as much as he wanted, but she wasn’t about to leave him to handle it alone. Jora hears a knock on her door, "Jora, Sweetie, may I come in?" Jora immediately recognizes the voice and opens it, embracing her mother with a hug. "Mom!" She grinned widely, like a child.

Sage had offered Jora a small smile, reaching for her hand and giving it a soft squeeze. "I know," he murmured. "But I'm not going to risk us getting found out just because I took a few small hits," he noted softly. It was all well worth it....he'd much rather this happen than whatever would happen if they were caught. He was protecting their child, mostly...but he also knew if he was hungry as a pirate it would devastate Jora too, and he didn't want that. "If it gets to the point i can't handle it, I'll tell you," he promised. "But you can't show any favoritism...that won't help things," he added with a quick shake of his head. That made things worse, really. Servants were just kind of....on their own. The favorites always got picked on too. When the knock came at the door, he quickly moved to brush his hair back over his face and resume his servant position where he perched lightly on the bed, as if waiting orders. Jora had wasted no time in flinging the door open ...but the two women were clearly only interested in each other, so he was probably safe. He did get a good look at the woman though....he supposed he should know what Joras mother looked like. Who she was.
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Her mother, always the picture of grace, stepped in with a soft smile. “Jora, sweetheart," she began, her voice gentle, full of that familiar care. "How are you? How’s the baby?” Jora's hand instinctively went to her belly, a smile spreading across her face as she beamed. "The baby is doing great! Still have many months to go—" Her excitement was palpable, but she quickly glanced over at Sage, who was still quietly perched on the bed, watching the exchange with an unreadable expression. Jora cleared her throat and focused back on her mom, lowering her voice slightly, "Everything’s going well, I promise." Her mom’s eyes softened even more, her gaze filled with concern as she stepped closer. “I’m so happy to hear that. And how are you, Jora? You’re taking care of yourself, I hope?” Jora grinned, a little self-conscious but undeniably pleased by her mother’s attention. "Of course. I’m fine. You know me, I’m tough." She laughed lightly, though the edge of vulnerability lingered just under the surface. Her mother had always known how to make her feel cared for, and in this moment, Jora wanted nothing more than to bask in that warmth.

Sage had perched on the bed, listening to the exchange quietly. It was good that Joras mother seemed to be close to Jora. It was always nice to have someone there to support you in that way. She had him, of course, but it was a bit different. He wasn't exactly an expert in parents of course, but he'd imagined what a good family would be like for years. Pondering how it would feel to have a mother or father who cared for you like her mom seemed to care for her. The thoughts caused an all too familiar ache in his chest though, so he just focused on grabbing an extra chair and such and moving it over to the table, so Jora and her mom could sit down. Maybe have some tea or something while they talked and caught up. Jora had been gone for a while, he knew that much. Once he'd done that though, he sort of crept back again, perching back on the bed and leaning against the headboard, sort of just zoning out. It had been a wild morning already, and seeing how her mom reacted to her daughter was just a bit ..much. He was glad she was here...he just didn't have the mental energy to listen to the conversation or pay attention to her being there at the moment. (Might be nice for the mom to figure out he's the father and be all for it? Wind up supporting them?)
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Jora sat there, feeling her mom's presence settle like a familiar weight beside her. She could feel the soft murmur of her voice as it cut through the murky silence between them. The room was quiet, except for the occasional creak of floorboards and the distant murmur of the wind outside. Then came the whisper. "I know, Jora. I know he's the father." The words hit her with a strange mix of surprise, confusion, and… relief. She froze, her fingers suddenly stiff in her lap. She hadn’t expected her mom to say it so openly, so bluntly. She’d always been able to tell when her mom was being careful, tiptoeing around the edges of a conversation, but this? This was different. It wasn’t that she’d wanted to keep it a secret. Far from it. But the truth had always seemed too complicated, too tangled. The mess of it all—her relationship with Sage, the way things had happened, the fact that so much of it had been unspoken between them—had kept her from truly bringing it up. There were too many uncertainties, too many things still left unacknowledged. Jora’s eyes flicked toward Sage, who had been quietly moving chairs around in the corner. He had always been more comfortable in the background, his presence an anchor even when he didn’t speak much. But he was here, and that was enough. That was the part that mattered, the part she never doubted. She swallowed hard, trying to compose herself. "How did you...?" Her mother gave her a soft, knowing smile, her voice still low but gentle. "A mother knows her child. And I know you, Jora. You’re not the type to hide something like that, especially not from me." Jora's breath hitched. She had thought she could control how much of the situation was shared, how much was seen, but it seemed her mother had seen through it all—every hesitation, every quiet moment between her and Sage. Her mom wasn’t angry, wasn’t accusatory. It was just a simple statement, as though she’d been waiting for Jora to say it out loud. "I don't... I don't know how to say it," Jora confessed, her voice low. She could feel her hands trembling, but she didn’t want to hide it. Didn’t want to pretend. Her mom didn’t answer right away, simply reaching over and taking Jora’s hand in hers. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, even if no words followed. She wasn’t going to push Jora, not yet. But the truth was out there now, hanging between them, and there was something in the air that felt different. More certain. And as Jora sat there, staring at the soft, supportive gaze of her mom, she realized that maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t as alone in all of this as she thought.

Sage hadn't expected the tension in the air to suddenly develop out of no where. He hadn't been paying attention to the conversation, so he was admittedly confused when he noticed Jora stiffen. That was enough to get his attention, and while his body position didn't change much, his eyes were focused on his lover with a sudden protectiveness. He kept his hair over his face, of course, but he had tensed slightly, ready to do....well, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. He doubted the older woman would like...attack Jora or anything. And he doubted Jora would appreciate him attacking her mother. The captain definitely wouldn't appreciate it. So he was at a loss, but he was dfinitely prepared to do anything he needed to do. He still wasn't sure what was going on, or why Jora was acting like she's just seen a ghost or something. Especially since her mother wasn't acting threatening or like she'd told her bad news or anything like that. It didn't really help him read into the situation, and now the light on his eyes was turning more confused than anything, though that protective spark still remained.
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Jora felt the change in the air before she could fully understand why her chest had tightened so suddenly. There was something in the way her mother looked at her, a softness in her eyes that wasn’t always there before. It made Jora’s heart ache, even as she tried to mask the sharpness in her breath. Sage’s quiet shift beside her didn’t go unnoticed. She could feel his protective instinct before he even looked at her, and she appreciated it—more than he’d ever know. She wished she could calm his worry, but she wasn’t sure how to calm herself just yet. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel like he had to step in. This wasn’t something for him to fix. It was... it was her to deal with. When her mother spoke, her voice was steady, gentle, but there was a quiet expectation in it that made Jora’s skin prickle. It wasn’t anger, not really. It was something else, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She glanced at Sage from the corner of her eye and quickly gave him a small, almost imperceptible shake of her head. Not yet, she thought. Let me handle this. And yet, despite the discomfort, despite the ache that was always there when her mother was near, Jora felt a surprising wave of reassurance. She could sense something, some hidden form of approval from her mother that had been absent for years. It made her pause, made her wonder if the woman who had once been a stranger in her life could be... something more now. She didn’t know if she could trust it fully, but she was willing to try. For herself. For Sage. She straightened up, letting her shoulders relax just enough to keep herself grounded. Her mother had never been entirely unkind—just distant. The softening in her expression was confusing, but Jora couldn’t afford to dwell on it. Not now. She focused instead on Sage, meeting his gaze for a moment, silently reassuring him with a small, steadying nod. I’ve got this, she thought. We’re fine. Her mother’s eyes shifted toward Sage, and Jora felt an almost imperceptible shift in the atmosphere, a subtle assessment. Her mother, too, seemed to recognize the bond between them now. Jora couldn’t be sure whether she’d approve or not, but the tension she had expected—fear of judgment or rejection—wasn’t there. Maybe things were changing. “I don’t need you to protect me,” Jora murmured, more to Sage than anyone else, her voice soft but firm. She knew he wanted to, but she also knew this was something that could only be resolved by her, in her own time, in her own way. She wasn’t a child anymore. She didn’t need her mother’s approval to stand on her own. And yet... there was something in her mother’s gaze now that made Jora wonder if maybe, just maybe, that approval could come after all.

Sages focus was locked on Jora, though he was also keenly aware of the other woman beside her. She was no threat sitting down though...really he doubted she was a physical threat of any kind. So he didn't pay much attention to her. At least, not yet. He met Joras gaze when she glanced at him, offering her the ghost of a reassuring smile. He did note the small shake of her head, the way she'd silently told him she would handle this one. He forced himself to relax again, after that, agreeing to her terms willingly. He doubted anything bad would happen, but if it did he knew Jora was more than capable of dealing with it. He trusted her. If she felt that sharing their secrets with her mother would be alright, then he didn't mind. He didn't trust the woman herself yet, but he did trust Jora. And that would be enough. He did let his gaze flicker over to her mother when he felt her gaze shift to him, and met her eyes, the intelligent light in them letting her know he wasn't just some servant. Jora and their baby were his priority, not her or her ship or anything like that. Jora was open to her, and so he was too, but there was a careful warning in his gaze...one letting the woman know that they wouldn't put up with anything other than support. He wouldn't stand for her to be cruel to her daughter. And that she had to keep these secrets to herself.
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Jora’s eyes flickered briefly to him, just enough to catch the reassuring smile he gave her. She didn’t need it—she had her own strength, her own plans—but it was enough to remind her that he was there, always watching, always ready to back her up. That was enough, more than enough. She trusted him implicitly, in a way she had trusted no one else. Not even her mother. Her gaze slid back to her mother, a sharpness behind it. It wasn’t a simple, nostalgic glance of a daughter hoping for understanding, nor one of warm, familial connection. No, this was a woman who had seen too much and who had learned the hard way that trust had to be earned. She might be willing to share their secrets with her mother, but that didn’t mean she would ever let her guard down. Not completely. She could feel Sage's gaze, his quiet presence beside her, like a solid rock in a storm. She appreciated his silence now, the way he wasn’t pressing her, wasn’t pushing for something. He knew this was her fight, and though his eyes spoke volumes—warnings, protectiveness, and a subtle promise that if anything went wrong, he would be there—he was letting her take the lead. Her mother might have once been an anchor in her life, but Jora had long since learned that anchors could also be chains. The woman’s gaze, when it turned to meet hers, was full of expectations Jora had never asked for, old scars disguised as care, and an intelligence that could be sharp but never quite as cutting as Jora’s own. She knew her mother well, too well. Jora didn’t flinch when their gazes locked, didn’t look away. There was no room for weakness here, not when her daughter’s future—and Sage’s—hung in the balance. She’d chosen this path, had taken the first steps toward honesty with the woman who once had been everything to her, and now would be little more than a shadow in the periphery of the new life she was carving out. "You're right," Jora thought, without saying it aloud, her mind working fast and silent, calculating. "I love you mom. But don’t forget, mother—I'm not the same girl you raised." And she would make damn sure that no one—least of all her mother—would try to change that. Her expression softened just slightly, a hint of something unreadable flickering in her gaze.

Sage didn't know what the next few minutes would bring. But he knew that he and Jora would be able to handle whatever got thrown their way. He hoped the older woman, whatever her name was, would recognize the bond he and Jora shared, and be ok with it. He figured it was pretty clear he wasn't just Joras servant by then, but that's didn't really matter. To everyone else, he was. His gaze moved back to Jora after her mother looked away from him and back towards her daughter. He kept his face carefully neutral as Jora spoke up, though he was proud of her. She could trust her mother...that was fine. But he did appreciate that she knew she couldn't completely let her guard down, even with her. It was good to know she wouldn't let the other woman dictate anything about their life. She was staying strong, for their growing family, and for that he was very appreciative. She hadn't said anything about him either yet, just agreeing that he was the father of the child. Maybe it would stay that way, maybe she'd say more. But if she decided to tell her, he wouldn't mind. If she trusted her, then he would trust Jora was making the decision she felt was best at that time. He still was keeping quiet, but this wasn't a meek silence of a servant anymore. It was the quiet presence of someone who was letting his lover deal with her family. But who wasn't opposed to stepping in if need be.
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