
Celeste Harlow - Celeste nodded and crawled on top of him, cuddling in. She kissed him passionately, taking her time. "I love you..." she murmured when she pulled away. After another moment or so, she moved her face over to his neck, smelling up and down his neck for the best spot where she would be most likely to hit an artery.

Sage chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around her lightly and kissing her back. "I love you too," he hummed, tilting his head for her when she moved to sniff at him, letting her do whatever she needed to do to get this all done.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste found a suitable spot on his neck, just above a major artery. She opened her mouth, positioning herself for the bite, but she hesitated. Celeste had to mentally count down from three before she bit. She lodged her fangs deep into his throat, hitting the artery. Celeste pinned him down, keeping her teeth lodged in his neck for approximately 3 minutes, even though he writhed beneath her in pain, she made sure her fangs stayed in for 3 minutes before she pulled her teeth away.

Sage had noted her heasitation, and did appreciate her not wanting to hurt him. This was something they both wanted though, and he didn't mind taking the hit for their family. He let out a yelp of shock when she first bit him, expecting it to hurt but still being a bit surprised. He was glad she had super strangth though, because his body jerked as the venom hit it, doing everything in it's power to escape her grasp, even though he knew she'd never truely hurt him. He sort of went limp under her once she pulled her teeth out, breathing heavily, having definitely broken a sweat. "Pain level's about the same," he managed to get out though. "This is..sharper though."
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste lapped up the blood he was spilling from his neck, her eyes shifting into full black as she drank his blood. Once the bleeding had stopped, Celeste fully pulled away from his neck, looking down at him. "I'm sorry, baby..." I murmured to him, knowing the pain would just get worse.

Sage offered her a smile, knowing she felt bad. "I still say it'll be all worth it in the long run," he breathed, fighting the sleep that was tugging at his eyelids, at lest for now. He just didn't want her to worry. He'd lost s decent bit of blood though, and her venom was coursing through his body by now, taking it over. He was submitting to it, letting it take him out. Transform him. "At least tell me if I tasted good," he joked softly, just trying to lighten her mood a little bit.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste smiled sadly and got off of him, cuddling into him and tucking herself under his arm. "You always taste good." she mused, grinning wickedly. Although that was a half lie. Sages blood wasn't very tasty to her, as he was a werewolf, but he didn't need to know that right now.

Sage couldn't help but chuckle in response to her comment, finding it amusing despite the venom rolling through his body, slowly taking it over. He curled up when she cuddled though, letting sleep overtake him, though it definitely wasn't a restful one.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste cuddled into him, holding him tightly, and rubbing his back. She wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon. Not while her Sage was hurting.

Sage stayed in a restul sleep for most of the night, though his body woke him at some point in the morning. The pain had reached its peak, which meant he'd die soon. Hed come back, he wasn't worried about it...but he was a bit worried about how Celeste would response to watching him die.
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