Mari hummed softly to him after a moment or two. She did agree. She wanted to be able to relax for a little bit. For them to enjoy their time in this new house once their baby arrived. They'd finally just be able to be a happy little family. She came back out after a little bit and gave a happy smile as Silas sat on her hip. She greeted everyone happily as her mother rushed over to greet her and the baby... and bump. She let everyone go explore the place for a little bit while she went to set out the plates on the dining room table.
Sage sort of just grinned as they all greeted eachother and then went to help Mari set out dinner and everything while everyone explored. He was rather proud of the house as a whole ....it looked a lot nicer than when they'd got it, and what they'd paid for it you wouldn't ever know it was a cheap home. It really was perfect for them...and he was quite excited for this next baby to come and for them to all live here, cozy and happy.
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Mari gave a happy smile to Sage when he came over to help. That was nice, and her family could have a little look around while they were setting the table out. Soon enough, though, everyone came into the dining room, Xander holding out a little gift for the two of them. "Thank you!" She chirped to the child before patting his back. "Go sit down and wait for everyone, hm?" She asked him, to which she got a happy grin in response. She hoped at least one of their kids would turn out like Xander. She loved that boy, and he was smart as anything. He was going to lead a good life, just as their kids would.
Sage grinned back at Mari, and he greeted Xander with a happy chirp what the boy wandered over to them. He thanked the boy happily, wondering what it was, and also sort of what it was for. No doubt it was for the house...the doctor had given them a little something too....but he was curious as to what it was. He set it down on the counter and chuckled fondly as he watched the boy skip back over to sit down with the rest of his family. "He's a good kid," he mused happily before turning to grab everyone's plates and drinks and slide over to drop them all off in front of them, his old waiting skills coming into use for once. He made sure Mari was settled before sitting down himself, as per the usual. The spaghetti did look delicious though, and he soon dug in happily, just like everyone else.
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Mari hummed softly to Sage in agreement before going to sit down next to him. It did look good... and really pasta was the only thing she could stomach for the time being. Pasta and pork, which was odd because she didn't even like pork. They are happily, and toward the end of their meal Xander was begging them to open the gift. It was more for Mari, since it was her birthday, but kind of for the house and the nee arrival who would be along in the next few months. Mari gave in after a little bit and gave a smile. It was a small rocking horse... much like the one she'd had when she was little. It was tiny, a little toy, but a bit like a decoration. It was very sweet. "Thank you," she chirped happily. Anthony rolled his eyes, though. "It took me ages to get it right. You'd best like it," he teased. "The both of you!"
Sage was more than happy to eat and chat throughout the meal, though when Xander kept begging them to open the small gift, sage chuckled lightly and went to grab the little box and bring it over to hand to Mari. He hummed in agreement to her thanks and nodded, examining the little toy happily. He chuckled at Anthony's comment and grinned over at the older boy. "I suppose we can stand to put it somewhere," he mused in a rather joking manner. They'd of course put it up, even if it was horrendously carved, they'd still put it somewhere, and the rest of the family knew that. So he could play about a bit. He threw away the wrapping paper and whatnot and then they all settled back down again soon enough.
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Anthony gave a childishly playful Clare towards Sage at his comment before chuckling softly. "Good. Hopefully this new baby would like it too," he noted as he stood up and went to sit in the living room with a heavy groan. Mari's mother then nodded excitedly. "Oh, yes! How are you feeling hun? Better than last time? You must be so excited." The older woman gave a happy gri. As she looked between her daughter and Sage. Mari just nodded lightly. "We are," she confirmed with a bit of a chuckle. "And yes. Better than last time for sure," she added as she looked to Sage happily.
Sage hummed in amusement at Anthony and nodded. "I'm sure it will," he mused lightly. He glanced over at Maris mother and grinned in response to her comment, sort of relaxing in his chair and wrapping an arm around the back of Maris chair absentmindedly. He nodded in agreement to Maris comment, too, and shrugged. "there's been plenty of preventative things going on to make it a bit easier than last time," he added on. "At least in terms and headaches and whatnot." They were both definitely excited though ...and he wasn't sure how he could wait another five months or so to meet his newest child.
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Mari smiled softly when she saw Sages arm around the back of her chair and kind of went to wrap her arm around his side. She nodded in agreement to the boys comment. "Yeah, a lot better," she chirped softly to her, kind of nodding in agreement to the boy. "I've been able to function... a bit.... when I get out of bed," she hummed lightly to him. It was nice to be able to talk to her mother, though... she hadn't spoke to the woman about the pregnancy really yet. She then cocked her head, which gained a funny look from Mari. "Are you still going to the doctors regularly? Use him the best you can," she warned, which just warranted an amused roll of the eyes from Mari. "Once a week, yep," she hummed softly.
Sage glanced over at Mari happily when he felt her wrap her arm around him and sort of shifted to lean into her a little bit. Not much, since they had company, but enough for just a sort of familiar dort of thing. He nodded in agreement and then chuckled slightly at her mother's presistance at seeing the doctor. "Once a week," he agreed. "And once she gets within a week or so of her due date, we're probably gonna stay at the castle, in her old room. So we're right there when the little one decides it wants to pop out," he added on with a slight shrug. "Being so close helped last time," he noted with slight amusement.
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