Mari smiled at his comment and moved over a little bit so that she had his hand and foreharm in her lap. She started to do undo the bandages that were holding the needle in, and looked at him with a small hum. "If you're feeling better, Sage, then we can head back home once the doctor is here... I think we need to get back to your cat," she mused lightly, knowing the little animal would be meowing the house down. She carefully took out the needles as she talked to him and gave a light smile to him. "Right! All sorted." She chirped happily.
Sage hummed in agreement with her comments, letting her move his arm around however made the task easiest for her. He chuckled when she mentioned Amber and nodded again. "She's probably yelling her head off by now," he mused. "Though I'm sure your mother gave her food and water when she picked Silas up," he added. He grinned over at her once she said she was done and took his arm back, stretching a bit to move it and whatnot before grunting and sliding out of bed. "Right, then let's go before I get too tired again," he mused. They'd tell the doctor bye, and then head out....he got tired quick, and they still had to take up chaos and drive him home, and then get him settled in his paddock again. It all suddenly seemed like a terrible amount of work, but it had to happen, so he'd just like to get it all done.
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Mari nodded lightly to him, but soon enough, they were on their way back to the house... she let Sage drive, but helped him out Chaos away before helping him to the couch. "What would you say about a roast for dinner?" She asked happily. "I can get it started now, so that it's all ready whenever you're hungry." She then added with a bit of a smile. She was tired herself, but Sage was healing... if he was better at all now. The cat, as she thought, as screaming the house down, so she made sure she had some food and water before the animal settled down next to Sage.
Sage was glad to get out and do something, even if that something completely exhausted him. It was quite the chore to out chaos away and get back to the house, and by the time he'd reached the couch, he'd flopped down onto it with a relieved breath and closed his eyes for a moment as he caught his breath. He opened his eyes to look over at Mari when she spoke, though, and nodded happily. "That sounds good," he hummed. "I don't know how much I'll be able to eat but then leftovers will suffice for a few days," he mused, more than happy to curl up with Amber when she curled up on his chest. He was out like a light a few minutes later, still curled up around the cat happily. Amber was resting too, purring happily....no doubt she'd missed them since they'd been gone suddenly for a few days.
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Mari smiled gently as she watched her Husband curl up with his pet, and moved to pecked his cheek happily. "Just eat what you can babe," she told him gently as she waddled off to the kitchen with a bit of a struggle. She'd been on her feet more than she would have been normally over the last few days, and it was safe to say the extra weight of this child was a bit much for her. Still, that didn't stop her from getting in with the roast and leaving it to cook for a few hours before finally getting to settle down a little bit.
Sage hummed sleepily in resopnse to her comment, a dumb smile crossing his face when he felt her peck his cheek. He knew she didn't mind that he didn't eat as much when he was sick...but he did feel a bit guilty about laying around while she had to go and do everything, especially while she was pregnant. And quite pregnant at that...there were really less than two months until the baby would pop out, which meant she was rather large by now. He made sure to curl up in a way that left her some room to sit down on the couch once she was done, though. He'd be asleep, but at least she could sit down too.
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Mari eventually got everything sorted for dinner... there were a few hours yet, and she had used those hours to clean the house up, and change all the sheets in the beds so that it was all nice and fresh when Sage went to sleep... no doubt he was still feeling a little bit ill, after all that, and the rest would be wonderful for him too. She made sure to wash his night clothes and set them on his bed, did the same for Silas and then got herself in the shower so that she felt s little bit.... lighter, she supposed. She went over to the couch, with really only half an hour until dinner would be ready. She gently tried to wake Sage up with a hand to his shoulders, telling him to go and get clean and showered before dinner was ready.
Sage opened his eyes blearily once Mari woke him, but yawned and nodded, setting Amber down and going to get up, but the cat clung to his sleeved with an indignant meow, so he sighed and scooped her up, when she curled up in his arms happily. "I think she's trying to steal your place in bed," he joked lightly to Mari before wandering over to the bedroom. He noticed his pajamas laying clean on the bed, and decided to just change into those once he got out of the shower. He plopped Amber down on the bed and grabbed them, sliding into the bathroom. Amber darted in after him before he could close the door, but luckily she just curled up on an extra towel while he washed and got dressed. He scooped her up again once he was done and wandered back to the kitchen, nose twitching as he smelled it.
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Mari smiled lightly as she looked to the boy, a happy look across her face as she handed the bit a plate of food. "Go sit at the table," she told him with a soft kiss on the nose. She grabbed her own plate, then the baby food for Silas before she waddled over to the table, settting her own plate and cutlery down before grabbing the child's high chair and dragging it over. She moved to wander towards Silas's room, though the way up she had a sudden shot of pain in her lower stomach, causing her to to fold over on the way up the stairs. She took a deep breath, and continued on her way, slowly grabbing the child and carefully making her way back down the stairs. It was a bit odd... she hadn't had anything like that happen before, but took it that it was a one time thing. She placed the boy in his chair and handed the child a spoon to figure out how to eat before sitting down across the table from Sage with a soft smile.
Sage smiled over at the girl and hummed happily in agreement, setting Amber down so he could take his plate. Amber meowed in protest, and as soon as he sat down she hopped up to curl up on his lap. He hadn't noticed anything abnormal about Maris trip over to get Silas, since he wasn't really paying attention, and he was tired. But he grinned over at his family once they arrived at the table and started to nibble at the food. It was delicious, but he could still only eat so much before sighing and sitting back in his chair.
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