Mari smiled softly as she slept, her hands slipping up his shirt as she had done in the month prior to gaining a belly. Of course, there was still a bit of swelling there, but it'd go down in the next few days. She was a lot smaller already now, though. She curled into him after a little bit, the morning light slowly seeping through the windows. She was still in wake up early mode, she supposed. But she'd had to wake up once or twice through the night to make sure Liz had some food in her. She was still sleeping now, though, as was Sage. She couldn't help but turn to watch her husband for a moment... he'd aged over the last few years, a little, but he still just looked so much more relaxed when he was sleeping. Their baby was the same, actually. Her features were so relaxed while she was asleep. She flopped over so that she was facing him, her hand resting gently on his cheek as she looked on in awe. She should be used to him... yet, every time she saw him she was in complete and utter awe. Well, she was also filled with all kinds of hormones as of then, so everything was just amplified. The only reason she wasn't doting on the baby right then was because she didn't want to wake her, especially when she'd just gotten to sleep.
Sage had pretty much stayed asleep, besides once when the baby had woken him along with Mari when she had been hungry. But as of right then, he was still sound asleep, happily curled up with his wonderful wife, their new little one resting next to them. Eventually, though, he stirred slightly as he started to wake. He felt her hand on his face though, and he gave her a sort of sleepy smile before closing his eyes again, since he was still very much tired and honestly mostly still asleep. But he was very much content to curl up with his wife, nestle up against her again, and then settled down again with a soft huff of air. He kept her hand on his cheek though ...he always did like his creature comforts like that.
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Mari smiled when he saw his eyes flutter open, then closed again. She moved to gently rest her forehead against his. Her hands were still lightly on his cheek, her thumb trialing back and fourth gently. She stayed quiet for a little while, though... mainly because she was just so completely and utterly tired, but also because it was a nice feel. It was early in the morning, too, so she didn't want to wake him up too much. Little Liz was still sound asleep, too, so she could afford to relax just a little bit longer. Despite how tired she was, she couldn't make herself drift off again... so she was content just watching her husband, tracing his defined features with her little finger. She knew him with her eyes closed at this point, but in all truth she didn't care too much... it was just a nice gesture, she supposed.
Sage hummed happily when the curl pressed herself up against him a bit more, and sort of let himself drift off into that half asleep half awake stage for a while, just really quite content to lay there, curled up with his wonderful wife in their nice warm and cozy bed. Their bed at home was nicer, and a bit bigger, but this one was pretty cozy too. And it was still pretty early in the morning...he could feel the sins rays just beginning to shine in on his face, though Mari was keeping it dark enough by his eyes, so it didn't bother him much. In fact, it was quite nice to feel it. It was nice to feel Maris fingers running along his face too...it just made everything seem more relaxed and peaceful.
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Mari couldn't help her silly little smile when she heard his happy little hum, and soon enough moved to wrap her free arm around his side, the one tracing his face coming to rest on his cheek again. It was early, so she was trying not to wake him up too much... but was struggling to just settle down again. She just seemed so... happy, so infatuated with everything. She'd spent most of her time with Sage, so it was a little bit out it character to be so fussy over him. But she supposed she would rather direct this at Sage than the baby who was sound asleep... she didn't want to wake her up before she was ready to.
Sage didn't mind the girl moving around a little bit, her hand moving here and there over his face and back where she liked to slide her hands under his shirt...it was all sort of just part of sleeping near Mari at this point. She moved around quite a bit even when she wasn't pregnant or sore or...whatever the reason was she was moving now. It was rather common. So he'd sort of just grown to like it...it didn't wake him very often, even though he slept pretty light for the most part. Soon enough though, he decided he should at least say good morning to the girl, since she was obviously wide awake and alert at this point. He sort of mumbled a rather intellegible good morning to her, stretching slightly before settling back down again with another soft huff of air.
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Mari kind of perked up a bit more alert when the boy murmured a good morning, her fidgeting coming ti a halt for a moment before she moved to peck his nose. She murmured a good morning lightly to him before furrowing her brows. She was about to ask if she'd woken him, but it was pretty obvious that it was her fault. She felt bad for a moment before going back to fussing over him. "Sorry," she murmured softly to him with a sort of sheepish smile, drawing her hand back to herself so that she wasn't pretty much clinging into him. She wasn't sure how he was so patient with her, but she was insanely happy he was. She just enjoyed being around him, she supposed... and she needed something to do, and at the moment he was the closest thing to fidget with.
Sage felt a sleepy grin cross his face when he heard her voice, though he chuckled slightly when she apologized. "Oh please, you know I don't care much," he mused. "You're always moving in your sleep...I've grown used to being a giant teddy bear," he teased her lightly, still mostly half asleep, but alert enough to hold somewhat of a conversation. It was a quiet one, since little liz was still asleep....but even so it was a conversation. She'd gone back to fidgeting by then, and he was more than happy to just lay there and let her....he actually sort of liked it. Meant she trusted him, and was comfortable enough to play around with him. Plus, her hands were warm, and even just the light touch was sort of like a massage. And his back was sore from the worry and work of the past few days. That wasn't likely to change either ..but he welcomed it all. The work was well worth it.
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Mari gave a sheepish look, but her brows soon furrowed. "I... do?" She asked, looking a little bit mortified. "What do I do, kick you off the bed?" She asked with an amused chuckle. She'd been with Sage for years now, and not once had he mentioned that she moved about in her sleep. She groaned to him before curling up to him again. "You are a giant teddy bear though, I know that," she added with a small chuckle. She knew she could be fidgety when she was tired or bored, but otherwise she was sure she left him well enough alone. Well, at least he didn't care much. She did enjoy having Sage at her side, though. "You're only getting the burnt of this so that I don't wake the baby," she chuckled softly.
Sage hummed and nodded, though he was more than happy to curl up with her more when she moved in. "You definitely wiggle around a lot...and you move your fingers too. Though I can't imagine what you're thinking or dreaming," he chuckled lightly. Then he snorted in amusement. "Only once," he noted. "But that was your baby bumb pushing me off when you rolled over," he chuckled. "I just got in on the other side and you didn't even notice," he hummed in amsuement. Then he gave her a silly grin and pecked her lips happily. "Well, then, I will gladly take your fidgeting," he chuckled, really just joking around. "I kind of am your giant teddy bear," he noted.
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