Sage chuckled lightly at her comments but buried himself up into her happily when she opened her arms. Hed nearly finished the plates of desserts by then, so he figured he'd had enough for now, so he just...buried himself into Mari. He chuckled lightly at her comment and then nodded at the one about him and Lizzie. "It was quite good," he mused. "I let Lizzie have most of it though," he admitted with a shrug. (That's fine with me. Maybe start as theyre heading home? They should stop by her mom's house too on the way back I think)
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(Yeah, happy to do that! Feel free to do the skip whenever) Mari smiled happily and moved the plate from the way, and wrapped her arms tightly around him with a contented huff of air. "I'm sure... it would have been fancy chocolate, I bet. You would have been crazy if you didn't at least like it," she chuckled happily. She hummed and pecked his temple happily. "I'm sure she would have been very grateful for that," she told him softly, a small, rather sweet smile across her face.
Sage hummed happily when she wrapped her arms around him again and curled up happily. "That's true," he hummed "especially considering I'll eat pretty much anything," he added with a slight laugh. He smiled and hummed at her last comment and nodded. "She was happy. That was all I needed," he hummed lightly. He was more than happy to lay there for a while ....but as the days grew into weeks, he admittedly became quite restless. It was a little over two weeks later when they were finally packing up to go back home. He was still sore and limping around, but it was more enjoyable to try and move than lay in bed even more. Besides, he assumed the family was worried about them, and he missed Amber and the horses too...quite a bit.
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Mari smiled softly to the boy before shrugging. "I'm sure you made her happy regardless," she hummed gently. Sage would have worked so, so hard for his little sister... she knew that. If she was anything like Sage, at least. The fact that he'd done so much for his sister gave her hope that Sage would be the same for their children once they'd gotten better. He already had been like that for Silas. Hopefully for Liz, too, when he'd gotten the chance. The two weeks passed in good time, and she was fairly happy to relax next to him. They we're packing quickly, though, more than excited to get back to their home.
Sage had been limping around for around half an hour or so, packing his things up and making sure he had all the meds and ointments and bandages and whatever else the doctor threw at him....which was honestly quite a bit, since he was giving him more sleeping pills and whatnot that he took most nights.He moved to help pack the kids' things up, but didn't get too far before he had to flop down on the bed and take a breather, already exhausted. He felt bad that Msri would have to do most of the work packing...but he just wasn't up for too much yet.
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Mari packed up quickly, and soon enough asked Silas to help out a little, which he did happily. Soon enough, they were ready to go... but she thought they'd better stop by her mothers. She'd been really stressed out last time she'd seen her, so she did want to apologise to her. She helped Sage down once he'd woken up a little bit, and they were soon in their way to the little house... they had amber looking after by her mother, and the woman had been so, so worried about Sage and her grand baby, so she'd want to make sure they were alright.
Sage had, without meaning to, passed out on the chair he'd sat down on. Eventually though, he stirred and woke, since people were milling about the room. By then they were mostly all packed up, which he felt more than a little bit guilty about. But by then Mari had drifted over and was sort of tugging gently on his good hand, so he forced himself to his feet and wandered after her, out to the carriage with a yawn. He grabbed a bag on the way out, though by the time theyd gotten to the carriage, he was regretting having grabbed it with the hand he did. It was out of the sling, and felt better...but it was obviously still healing, and he probably shouldn't have grabbed it, but he wanted to help carry things out to the wagon, and Mari had a hold of his free hand to a, move him along, and b, make sure he didn't run into something and fall on his face. He got settled in with his family soon enough though, and they were off to...wherever they were going. Home or Edith's. He didn't really care where they were going wither, he was just happy to be outside again and curled up with mari and the kids.
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Mari sat in the carriage with little Liz on her lap, Sage at her side and Silas sitting just across from them as he played with his toys... the child did look a lot better. His marks had faded, though some of them would scar... hopefully they'd be less noticeable when he got older. She could only hope. He wasn't in pain though, which was great. Sages scars were healing slower since he had more going on, but he was looking a little less battered... which was good. "I'm thinking we stop by my mother... she's going to want to see you. And the kids. I think she deserves to know what's going on," she hummed happily to him.
Sage moved to glance over at Mari, though when he remembered he couldn't see anything on that side, he gave up on trying to see her. He just nodded with a hum. "That would be alright....I'm sure they've been worried. About all of us." Then he chuckled slightly. "besides....I do want to pick Amber up," he admitted. He missed the cat....she was almost like another baby. It was a bit different of course, but he did love her immensely. He was eager to see the horses too, but that would have to wait a bit.
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Mari chuckled at his movement and pecked his cheek softly. "Yeah, but I'm sure Ginger would have enjoyed having a friend for a while. And I know that Xander would have been more than happy," she mused happily to the boy. They got to the cottage, and she had Silas climb out before helping Sage, then grabbing Liz with one hand. She took Sages hand with her free one, and carefully walked into the house, and when she saw her mother she gave a small smile. "Hey," she murmured softly, to which the older woman gave a sympathetic smile and padded over to take Liz from her so that could settle down. She looked at Sages face with a cocked head. "Oh, darling, what on earth happened to you?" She asked with a worried tone to her voice.