Sage hummed lightly and nodded. "It'll be nice I think," he said. "We could have mom and everyone over too if you'd like," he added as an afterthought. It may be nice to have everyone together for Christmas. He'd sort of just leaned into her hands after a while, and had quite honestly almost fallen asleep before she moved to get the towel. He nodded with a yawn and moved to get up and wrap himself up in the towel, which was still definitely very warm. He dried off quickly, and then followed Mari over to the bed, curling up under all the blankets happily with a huff of air.
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Mari helped him dry off before wandering off to curl under all the blankets... and it was pretty warm. Nice, is what is was. When Sage came in, she shifted over so that he could curl up with her... and he was sorta cold after being in a hot bath. She could tell something was different with him, but she wasn't sure what. And she didn't think he was sure what, either. He just got a bit down sometimes, and she knew that well enough, and still, it was okay. She was fine with that. "A big meal would be nice too," she murmured after moment, referring back to their conversation.
Sage scooted over to curl up with Mari as soon as he slid into the bed and under the covers, burying himself up in her, really just seeking her body heat. And some comfort, he supposed. He had to admit, he was a bit nervous as to what dreams would come his way once he fell asleep...it was just that sort of day where he expected nightmares once he fell asleep. Maris voice broke him out of his thoughts though, and he hummed in agreement with her comment. "Lots of desserts," he hummed sleepily, sort of resting his head on her chest where he could hear her heart beating. "Would be nice," he sort of slurred out, already half asleep and quickly moving in that direction. He did attempt to stop it for a bit, still just very nervous about what his dreams would be like, but he could only fight the sleep for so long.
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Mari smiled when he curled up to her, and wrapped her arms around his back comfortingly. "Lots of deserts would be nice," she agreed gently to the boy. She pecked his head softly before sinking under the duvet, more than grateful for the warmth it provided. She knew Sage was having a rough day... she didn't really trust a nightmare not to come about. He'd managed not to have any recently... she hoped it'd stay that way for a little while longer. Still, she pulled the duvet tightly around them so that they were sort of being tucked in... and in a way, that did sorta provide some comfort to them.
Sage sort of just nestled in and drifted off rather quickly after Mari wrapped her arms around him. He slept rather well for a while, though there were some... questionable dreams that sort of started to swirl around his mind. He tried to block them out, and it worked well enough for a while longer. Though, he couldn't block out the ones after that, and he woke with a slight groan soon enough around one in the morning. He realized his throat was dry, and he was admittedly a bit sweaty...so he slipped out of the blankets with a shiver to grab some water and calm his racing heart down a little bit.
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Mari slept for most of the night, and although her fingers were cold, along with her feet, it was all a manageable, for the most part. She just tucked herself into Sage... well, that was until she felt him shift to leave. She sort of groaned at him before sighing and curling back up.. she hoped he was okay, but if he needed help then he was sure to ask for it. She knew that much about him, at least. So, she just curled up and drifted off to sleep once more.
Sage sort of just loitered around in the kitchen for a bit, sipping the water tiredly. At least, that was until the tree branches outside looked like a person out of the corner of his eyes and he practically fled upstairs and back into Maris arms, not really having succeeded in doing anything but freaking himself out more than before. He curled up against her, wide awake by then, sort of shifting so his blind side was up against her, so he felt like she was guarding that side. He moved so his back was pressed against her and drew the blankets around him again, still shivering despite the fact that he was under like five different blankets.
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Mari hummed gently when she felt Sage diving onto the bed, kind of groaning softly as she looked ogled around under the covers. She wrapped around him instinctively, but not before cocking her head at him curiously. "What's up babe," she asked tiredly, sort of hugging his body closer even though she wasn't entirely sure what she was trying to protect him from. Maybe he'd had a nightmare, but she'd felt him get up, and when he had a nightmare he hormally opted to stay away. She held him tighter when she felt him shivering, a soft sigh escaping her.
Sage just nestled into the girl gratefully when she tightened her hold on him. He let out a sort of huff of annoyed air in response to her comment, cheeks heating up quite a bit. "Just startled myself," he hummed. "The tree branches looked like dad for a minute out of the corner of my eye," he huffed. "It's stupid," he grumbled, really quite embarrassed about the whole thing. "And I still just can't get warm," he added. "And now I've worked myself up so I can't sleep," he added with a grumble. Maybe he shouldn't be complaining so much....he was keeping Mari up ...but he just couldn't help it.
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Mari groaned softly before giving a bit of a comforting hum to him. "He's dead, Sage... you really don't have to worry," she promised him gently. "I checked, there was definitely no pulse," she then added as she started to stroke his hair calmly. After a moment, though, she got up and grabbed and old duvet of theirs... it had a few holes in it, but on top of everything it would add a bit of warmth. She gently threw it over then, then put a bed throw ontop. She flopped down next to him with a huff of air and tried a tired smile. "There... how's that?" She asked gently to the boy. "And I'm not sure what to do about the sleeping, but can you please try?" She asked after a few moments, obviously still very tired.