Mari gave a small breath to him, a small smile across her face as she laid back against the couch, gently running her hands around his back once more. "I'm just glad to be home... even without warm water," she teased him softly before letting out a heavy breath. "I know," she murmured to him. It had been a long two days when she had gotten back... she just didn't want to have to explain much more. "Have them come over for dinner... we can explain it all then, hm?" She asked him gently after a moment.
Sage hummed lightly and then chuckled softly at her other comment. By then, Amber had gotten impatient and was trying to nudge her way into his arms, so he shifted slightly to allow the cat to slide in and curl into his chest before flopping back down against Mari. "I'll go tell them after lunch," he hummed lightly. "Chaos could use some exercise anyway," he admitted. He hadn't been paying the most attention to the horses, or even amber, though she'd stuck right by him the entire time he was home. Maybe she sensed that he wasn't feeling great. Either way, cuddling with the cat had helped a bit. It still did, really. But he did want to tell Edith and the boys that she was alright....they'd been hurting too, he knew that. But for now....he was cozy with Mari, and he really didn't want to leave her again.
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Mari nodded at him comment before giving a small chuckle, sort of moving to make room for the cat. "Thank you," she murmured softly to the boy. "I can't wait to see them,," she murmured softly to the boy before letting out a heavy breath and closing her eyes. "Though, if they think I'm actually like... dead... then I suppose it would make sense for them to be a bit worried... god, my mother might actually have a heart attack." She chuckled after a little while.
Sage hummed lightly in response to her comment, nodding softly as he absentmindedly stroked Amber, who was by then purring contentedly, no doubt happy to be curled back up where it was warm. He certainly was...he really did hate the cold. And he got cold so, so easy. It sucked. He hummed slightly in response to her next comment, chuckling when she mentioned Edith. "I don't think mom ever really accepted the fact that you were dead. We knew there was a very small hope you'd be alright....I think she clung to that," he mused softly. "I do hope it all goes well though," he admitted. "No one gets a heart attack," he chuckled, sort of going back to her joke.
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Mari gave a small smile to him before shaking her head. "Welp, I'm not dead... so let's hope that she doesn't drop dead," she mused gently to the boy. "And the doctor..." she then widened her eyes a little. "Acrually, he still needs to pay me for my time," she mused lightly before sitting up a little so that his head was in her lap, kind of patting his head and running her hand through his hair. "That'll sort it out, too... maybe get a warm shower at least once a week," she mused softly to the boy. "Well, we'll be fine," she chirped happily to him.
Sage snorted lightly and nodded. Though he snorted again, this time less happily. "I think you should get a decent bonus for almost getting killed," he muttered, though he nodded along. The doctor had offered to pay her well, and she'd gotten a couple weeks of work in, so that would help, like she'd said. He let her shift around, more than happy to let her play with his hair. It had grown out quite a bit, and he'd taken to just using a chopstick to hold it in a sort of messy bun, so there wasn't too much to play with at the moment unless she took it out, but it still felt nice. "It'll work out," he agreed, certainly hoping it was true. But they'd worked through enough....they'd work through this too, he supposed.
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The girl sat there in silence for a moment or two... she felt so quiet. "I think that might be the case," she chuckled softly before letting out a heavy breath. "Especially when he sees the state of you," she murmured gently, kind of running her hand up his side, wincing slightly when she could feel nearly every one of his ribs without any pressure. She didn't like seeing him like this at all... and it did worry her a fair amount. "I know, I know," she murmured gently to him. "It sort of has to work out," she chuckled after a few moments.
Sage sort of just hummed inr response to her first comment, wondering what the doctor's reaction would be. "I'm fine," he halfheartedly protested in response to her next comment, though they both knew that really just wasn't completely the case. Though, she didn't know just how many bruises and cuts he'd recieved, and long they were taking to heal....and he was ok with that. He could hold on a little while longer, and let her heal before he could let himself rely on her a little bit. She was here, and alright, and he wanted to focus on her getting better. He was just sort of thankful that so far, she hadn't noticed him skipping meals so the kids had enough. And her now too, he supposed. He'd sort of split his portions among them without really thinking about it. But he didn't mind ...he wanted them to be healthy and happy. Then he could worry about himself. He sighed in response to her next comment, nodding in agreement. He wouldn't let this end badly....they needed it to all work out, so he'd make it all work out.
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The girl furrowed her brows at him after a moment and kind of gave him a look after a moment. "You're not fine, though," she murmured softly. "You've lost weight, and you're sick, and you're all bruised..." she murmured softly to him, not sounding accusatory in any way... purely worried. She knew he didn't want her to worry, but she was his wife, and well, it was her job to worry. It was her job to make sure he was alright. She was healing, and healthy enough, but she didn't know just how bad it was for him. "Can I see?" She asked softly as she gently tugged on his shirt. If he didn't want her to, then that was fine... but she could help him out a little bit, and it wouldn't hurt.
Sage sort of just sighed and shrugged in response to her comment, grumbling "I don't have time to not be fine," but grunting in agreement to her next comment and shifting to sit up so she could move his shirt how she wanted. He didn't want to worry her....but she'd figure it all out eventually, and if she had any idea of how to heal him up quicker he hadn't thought of already, he supposed it wouldn't hurt. She did want to help, he knew that. And he had to admit it was nice to be taken care of, a little bit.
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