{~}shorty said " the cows are very fursky " before a cow rushed to him and smokes moves and shorty falls off right in front of the cow as he trys to move but ends up getting stepped on by the cow and shorty groans {~}
{~} Blaze nickers to a near by calf. Parker looks to the calf and doesn't see its mother. {~} "Hey! Do you guys know where calf 223's mother is?" {~} She calls out over the sound of the cows moo's {~}
{~} Shorty got up and limps to his horse before getting on and groans before saying " I am okay but thanks for asking " Shorty looks around and said " hmm probably in the herd " as he trys to see in the herd {~}
"Okay," {~} Parker turned Blaze and rounded up a few younger heifers. She whistled at them and approached them on Blaze. They turned and ran back to the herd, saying 'baww-aww-aww'. Parker chuckled a little {~}