Sage loosed his arms slightly when she moved to turn around, snuggling in again once she'd settled herself, humming a light good morning to her. It was sort of slurred out, since he was still half asleep, but that was fine. It happened every morning. He let out a whine of complaint when she moved to sit up though, pulling the blanket back up over him since it was much warmer than the cold air around them. He sort of nestled his head up against her leg, since she was sitting up now, really too sleepy still to think too much about what she was doing and all that.
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The girl furrowed her brows at him a little, and sort of gave him a small nudge. "You're burning up," she murmured quietly... she knew he was still sleepy, but she was worried. She'd make him stay in bed... the kids weren't difficult, she could sort them out even if she was still healing. Anthony as always would help, and he'd said he'd drop in that day anyway. She let out a breath, sort of runnning her hand through his hair as he curled up to her leg, then rested her hand there for a few moments, still looking down at him with furrowed brows... though, it wasn't like he could see.
Sage sort of hummed slightly in response to the girls comment, shrugging slightly. "It's not too bad," he sort of yawned. He'd had a fever for a while ...and he could still function. The cough was what worried him more, and even that wasn't very high on his list of the things that he should be worrying about. Number one was get food stocked and water turned back on, that sort of thing. Make the house the way it should be for his family. He didn't have much energy....so he'd start working on that later. He sort of drifted off into a light sleep again once she started playing with his hair. He hadn't meant to, but he was just so tired.
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The girl shook her head at him after a moment or two, and sort of gave him a frown. It was quite bad, though... as far as she was aware, however, nothing else was wrong with him, so who really cared. She sighed, still gently running her hands through his hair, kind of putting random little plaits here and there. She shook her head again after a moment, though, and gave a heavy sigh. "Just don't hurt yourself doing anything. Just wait here two minutes," she murmured softly to the boy, then climbed out of bed to make up a herbal tea before bringing it back to him, along with a slice of toast, "drink," she murmured to him, then handed him the toast to go with it... he was tired, yes, but he could also wake up like now.
Sage sort of hummed in response to her comment, letting her play with his hair happily, then letting out a groan of complaint when she moved. He obeyed though, and curled back up with a sigh. He opened his eyes when she came back, dragging himself up with a yawn to sip at the drink, whatever it was. He hummed a thanks to the girl, too...it did taste good, and it helped his lungs too, though she wouldn't know about that. Probably. Edited at October 14, 2023 06:02 PM by NightClan
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The girl gave a small smile when he sat up, but still looked rather worried for him... she just didn't want him to be sick as they got further into winter. "You sure you feel okay? If you're tired then you should stay in bed so it doesn't get any worse..." she murmured softly to him after a bit, her brows furrowed and clearly pretty worried for him... not that she had to be, though. She sort of sank under the covers and gave him a small sigh. "Don't push yourself, okay?" She asked softly.
Sage slipped at the warm drink before nodding in response to her comment. "There's things we have to do," he mused. "I feel alright enough to do them," he said with a slight shrug. He wasn't lying....he did feel awful most of the time, but he'd rather feel awful and still get stuff done than lie in bed while feeling awful, and watch and do nothing as they tried to get their feet back under them. It didn't seem right. Especially since Mari had been shot... And a cold was mild compared to that. He wasn't sure he just had a cold, of course, but it was the same concept. But, he also didn't want to worry Mari. "If I feel like I need to relax or take a nap I will," he promised softly after a moment, finishing the drink and sliding back down in the blankets with her. "I can start selling art....thats not much physical work as other things," he added. "That should help." It was certainly better than the tavern. "I can set up part of the back porch to make some kind of studio or something," he chirped, admittedly rather excited about turning the art into a money maker, if it worked out.
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The girl shook her head at him after a moment or two, then grave a small sigh, and wrapped her arm gently around his side. "Sage just look after yourself. We can't get to the doctor quickly if we had to, and..." she trailed off after a moment, then gave a small sigh. She knew what colds could do, and Sage already wasn't in good shape. Though, she perked up a bit after a moment when he seemed a bit chirpy. "Fine. Just make sure you actually rest, and that doesn't mean outside in the cold," she huffed softly. "Of course you can. If you need help then go for it," she murmured happily.
Sage reached over to peck her nose and nodded gently. '"it's just a cough, and I'm tired and such," he told her with a shrug. "It's really not too bad...I think the tavern smoke just irritated some things. I'll be alright now that I'm in fresh air again," he mused. He'd had his issues with the tavern smoke before....but this way he could tell her he was coughing but the more he coughed up, the better he felt. Unlike last time, when he just got worse and worse. He wasn't necessarily getting better....but for now, he had to worry about the family. Not himself. But he was also aware that if he overworked himself, he couldn't care for them, so he was careful enough not to overstep himself either. He nodded happily in response to her next comment happily, though. "I'll start it later. But for now I wanna cuddle," he chuckled lightly.
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Mari nodded softly... she just wanted him to be okay. She wasn't going to tell him how bad it was, because surely he knew, but she would tell him to look after himself. And she would trust that he would actually do that, too. "Alright," she murmured gently to him. She then gave and all chuckle after a moment, his comment bringing her a small smile. "You always get to cuddle, so shush," she mused, though nursed his wanting by gently stroking his back in a gentle manner.