
At her comment, he felt his blush deepen considerably and he let out a sort of muffed squeak. "Mari," he yelped with a bit of a chuckle. "You're not helping!" Though, he was more than happy to kiss her when she moved in, and let out a sort of whine when she started to move down to his neck. She was on his blind side.. that was just how it worked out with where his more sensitive spots were....but he sort of liked it, he thought. They hadn't done this since the incident where he'd lost half his vision...but he had to admit the fact that he was so vulnerable, or felt so vulnerable, was sort of nice. After a moment or so though, he sort of shrugged the thought away, so he could focus on just...her. He had to feel what she was doing so he could move with her, much more so than before, he supposed.
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Mari gave him a light smile after a moment or two and went to wrap her arms around him tightly again, though still ventured around his skin. "I'm helping you warm up!" She retorted, though her voice was slightly muffled since she was talking into his neck. His little whine got a get a little off guard, but just grinned and went back to what she was doing, and gently moved a hand to run up his chest and sort of danced around his throat, her nails sort of running around his adams apple as she went to peck his lips again with a happy grin.
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Sage snorted slightly in response to her comment, though it was rather amusing, he thought. "You are rediculous," he huffed, though his tone was definitely laced with amusement and probably quite a bit of fondness too. He felt a soft hum rise from his throat when her finger drifted upwards, kissing her back happily when her lips found his again. He had to cock his head slightly to see her, though he admittedly made sure to do it in a way that didn't...block her from anything, if that explanation even made any sense. He didn't really know. His brain had scattered by then, so even getting a response out was hard enough. He just wasn't focused on anything but... well...her. her warmth and touch and the slight weight she held balanced on him and wrapped around him.
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Mari sort of gave him a happy little smile after a moment or two, and just kind of shook her head. "You are too!" She chirped before pecking his nose again, and sort of moved to close her eyes gently nibble on the skin below his jaw. She felt him shift a little, and kind of opened an eye to meet his with a muffled chuckle before going back to work happily. Eventually, though, she sort of moved to sit up and shifted her dress over her head before settling down against him, enjoying the way his little reactions in his muscles moved against her.
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Sage couldn't deny her comment, not really, but he gave her a grin and shrug. "Well you like me so I can't say it's a bad thing," he joked happily. He hummed lightly when she moved back to his neck, catching her eye and then eventually closing his too, since he couldn't really see what she was doing anyway. He opened them when she shifted to get the dress off of course, eyes rubbing over her before wrapping his arms around her again, certainly enjoying the feel of her skin against his.
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Mari sort of have him a little laugh after a moment before pouting. At him. "It's not. I love you, you know it as well," she chirped to him with a chuckle. She felt her hairs stand on end when he looked over her, and couldn't help her happy little giggle as she flopped down on him again.she pressed a few light around his face and gave him a happy grin. "You're so handsome," she chirped to him happily before moving to press a few lighter kisses to his lips.
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Sage hummed happily and nodded. "True," he hummed lightly, giving her a wide grin when he noticed her expression and then chuckled in response to her other comments with a happy hum. "Thanks to you," he mused. "I doubt I'd look this fabulous without you making me actually like comb my hair," he joked lightly, wrapping his arms back around her tightly. Though, not too tight of course. There was still plenty that needed to happen, and they had to be able to move to do that.
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The girl gave a small chuckle to him and pecked his lips happily again. "Hmm... you were always handsome," she mused before rubbing a light hand through his hair. "More so now that you need to brush it a little," she mused happily to him. When she felt his arms around her, she sort of grinned and pecked his lips again, then moved to move his hands onto her hips, though soon enough went to unbuckle his pants, her face more than giddy as she did so.
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Sage chuckled lightly at her comment. "You should have seen me before," he mused. "Might have given you a heart attack," he joked lightly. She'd seen him pretty bad off, in all honesty....and she'd treated his wounds and all that plenty of times. And she was, of course, she was one of the few people who had seen him freak out. And she still found him handsome....it was a nice thought. A very nice one. And good to know...it settled his nerves about her someday turning away from him when she realized he wasn't all she'd imagined. He still was afraid of that....and it had been years. But he trusted her. He did. Which was why he was so comfortable around her. He sort of chuckled when she moved his hands to her hips and moved for his pants greedily, so he let her struggle for a moment before shifting so she could slide them off.
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The girl kind of shifted to slip her hands around his sides after a little bit of a struggle and perched on his hips with a small chuckle. "I've seen you for a little while now. I've been here since you arrived, and you've given my plenty of heart attacks over these last few years," she mused to him before sitting forwards to press another light kiss to his lips. "And for some reason we're both still alive," she mused to him lightly. "We are lucky," she chuckled before shaking her head, and went to press a slightly longer kiss to his lips before pecking his jaw again.
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