(Oh no worries lol. I was thinking it would be interesting to have Sage struggling a bit with his dreams again, and along side that have him pull away from Mari a little? We may be able to have something come out of that lol) Mari hummed quiely at little huff of air, and eventually brought her arms up his shirt again and hugged onto him... she was definitely awake, but from the way he was holding onto her she figured he wanted her there for at least a little while longer. And she was fine with that, really... at least until the kids started to wake up.
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(That could work lol. Maybe he could be out doing something and an old customer gets at him and he feels bad about it, doesn't tell anyone what happened, and sort of just goes downhill from there?) Sage felt a sort of smile drift onto his face when Mari decided she could stand to lay there for a little while longer....if she'd really wanted to get up, she'd have left by now. So he was sort of thankful she'd decided to stay with him. Of course, he was mostly asleep, but he could still appreciate his wife. He knew they'd have to get up soon enough, when the kids woke, but for now they could be lazy. Which was nice, since Christmas had been wonderful but very long and he was definitely tired.
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(That'd work!) Mari admittedly did end up drifting off to sleep after a little while... she was so comfortable. So warm, so happy... she couldn't complain to be honest, not about anything. She rested her head on Sages chest again, and pulled the covers over her head after a bit. It was nice, she was comfy, and she couldn't be happier... they'd had a busy few days, and she was finally able to relax. They both were. The kids were normally up by then... she supposed they'd been busy at her mothers too, and with the guests yesterday.
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(Okie dokie! We can skip ahead a week or so if you'd want) Sage was more than happy to sort of slip off again with Mari. He sort of drifted in and out of sleep for a bit, and soon enough noticed that the girl had slipped off to sleep again. He felt a sleepy smile drift on his face as he closed his eyes again, more than happy to be lazy until the kids woke. Silas came wandering in soon enough, but really only came to push himself into the cuddles and settled down again, which brought a slight chuckle to his mouth as Amber then got jealous and shoved her way in as well. It was all rather amusing, but he was also rather glad he didn't have to get up yet.
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Mari smiled lightly when she felt Silas cuddle into her, but went to give him a little smile, moving back so he could spot in between her and Sage, and kind of wrapped an arm around the little boy with a small sigh. They'd have to get up a some point... but it was nice to just chill out for a while now. (Yeah! Feel free to do it whenever)
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(Okie dokie!) Sage hummed lightly when he felt Mari shift to make room for the boy, and as a result, the cat as well. He sort of just wrapped his arms around them all with a huff of air before settling down again happily. It was nice to just cuddle. Soon enough though, Liz had woken, and they all had to pile out of bed...well, except Amber. She curled up on his pillow and went back to sleep. And he couldn't say he wasn't slightly jealous. Soon enough though, their day had moved on, and they'd visited the castle for the day, coming back around dinner time. The next week or so we're relatively slow. Dinners were finishing Christmas leftovers for a while, and they were all content to just be at home with eachother for a while. After a certain point though, they had to get more food, so he was sort of just wandering around the market, glad it was starting to warm up again by then.
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Mari seemed to busy herself over the next week, hating how slow it was feeling... she did what she could with the left over Christmas dinner, making duck wraps and things, but she was still sort of bored. She never minded staying at home with the kids, but they were getting older now and didn't really need her as much. Liz was even learning how to walk now, so she babbled random words and played with her toys. She just got excited when her husband came home, because then she could fuss over him.
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Sage was sort of just wandering around stalls, making his usual rounds at the market, like every other time they went. He'd normally bring Silas with him, but Mari had kept him at home to clean his bedroom this time around. Which was fine....he could get things done quicker this way and get back home. He threw some fruit in a bag, and bumped into someone when he turned around. When he vaguely recognized the woman, he sort of mumbled an apology and scuttled off, hoping to loose her in the crowd. It seemed to work, until a firm hand dragged him around a corner and into the alley way. He'd managed not to spill the bag, but dropped it when his balance was thrown off by whoever was hanging on him. He spun around angrily, and admittedly also a bit scared by then, and was pretty much just pulled into a kiss. He pulled away firmly, but by then he could feel maybe four sets of hands on him, so he really couldn't escape the bundle. He went down after a moment, the women sort of piling on top of him. He fought of course, but that didn't do too much good. The next bit of time passed in a blur, and they disappeared as quickly as they'd come, leaving him in the alley. AFter a few moments of shocked silence, he sort of moved to put himself back together, moving to hurry and finish the shopping. There were a few things on the list he hadn't gotten, but he didn't care much and they weren't super important or anything. He wasn't quite sure what to say to Mari though....he probably looked like a mess, but this wasn't exactly something he could just tell her over dinner either. Maybe he should just keep quiet about it, not worry anyone. He crept into the house after a moments hesitation, and slid into the kitchen quietly starting to put groceries away. Edited at November 21, 2023 01:37 PM by NightClan
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Mari sort of helped Silas tidy up for a little while before going to get dinner ready. She sort of tapped her foot of the floor as she waited for some sauce to boil before she haas Sages figure wandering up the door. She felt a smile cross her face and after a moment or two. She did love being home with the kids, but she also just loved seeing her husband come through the door... he always seemed happy to be home, too. She flashed a bit of a grin at him when he wondered through the door, though when she didn't get one in return she sort of pouted at him and went to start cooking again. "Did you get everything?" She asked with a small hum.
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Sage glanced over at Mari when he heard her speak up, admittedly almost panicking before realizing she'd literally just asked a question and he shrugged, going back to putting things away. "All but a few things they didn't have," he hummed. "Nothing too important though." He figured that was a decent enough excuse as to why he didn't have some of the things. "how were the kids," he mused lightly, in an attempt to get conversation off of the marketplace.
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