Mari sighed and shook her head a tiny bit when he handed her the plate back. "You can't eat more?" She asked hesitantly. There wasn't much on the plate to start with, and he hadn't really touched most of it. She let out a heavy breath, though, and took the plate and put it on the side. "Is there anything you'd like for dinner? Something you'd enjoy?" She murmured softly. They couldn't really be wasting food like this... but she also wanted to make sure her husband was okay. She moved to rest her head lightly on his shoulder again, though. She couldn't help but think something was really wrong... he had his good days and bad days, but they weren't normally more than two days... and he still ate and slept. "Sage, are you sure you're okay?" She asked him softly. "You've been acting really funny," she added gently.
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Sage sort of shook his head in response to her question, mumbling some kind of apology as he flopped down onto the bed. He shrugged slightly in response to her question and sighed in thought before shaking his head. "Not really," he admitted. "Make something the kids like." He did feel bad wasting food, too. "I can always finish that," he pointed out, meaning the leftover breakfast. He sort of glanced over at her when she asked if he was alright, then settled back down, sort of just staring at the ceiling. "I guess I'm just tired," he sighed, running a hand over his face. "I dunno," he added tiredly. Then, "it's confusing." It wasn't a lie at all...it was confusing, and harder than anything else he'd had troubles with.
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Mark sort of shook her head at him and gave a small sigh. "You can't have pancakes for dinner," she chuckled as she watched him flop down on the bed. She kind of moved to hover over him with a little worried look. "You're probably tired because you've been awake since like four this morning," she mused softly. "You just need to take care of yourself," she murmured gently. She moved to peck his nose softly. "What's confusing," she murmured softly to him. "Maybe we can help you if you know what's going on... I hate it when you get like this," she added softly.
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Sage sort of just shrugged with a yawn in response to her comment about dinner. He didn't care too much what they ate...he wouldn't have much of it even if he wanted to as of right then. He gave her a tired smile when she mentioned him being up for so long, a rather sheepish look forming on his face. "I got about half an hour of sleep the last two nights," he admitted with a sigh. He hummed lightly when she moved to peck his nose and shook his head slightly with a slight sigh. "It's nothing much," he said quietly. "I'm not really sure what or why myself," he mused. It wasn't completely a lie....it was confusing, and he just didn't know a way to tell her, and he was so, so scared as to how she'd respond....he just didn't know much. And he wanted to know how it would all turn out...but he just didn't. He did sort of wish he could tell her...but he couldn't, could he? It really was tearing him apart, driving him crazy. He just hoped it wasn't too obvious he was struggling to hide something. (I was thinking maybe she winds up bringing him to the doctors and she finds out that way? Rather than sage figuring out a way to tell her?)
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(That's fine!) The girl wrinkled her nose at him before shaking her head. "Well, let's hope you perk up soon, hm?" She mused to him. "I'll make you something small to eat tonight... and hey, why don't you go ride? I'm sure that'll cheer you up a little?" She mused to him. If he didn't know what was wrong, then all they could really do was try and find something that would cheer him up. After a little bit she rolled over him and pressed a light kiss to his lips. "And we need to help you sleep somehow. Maybe getting some exercise would have you sleepier, huh?" She asked in a little bit of an amused tone.
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Sage hummed slightly in response to her comment, shrugging. "It would make certain things easier," he admitted, rubbing his eyes again. He nodded when she said she'd make something small for dinner and gave her a small smile. "I'll do my best to eat it," he promised. He nodded thoughtfully when she mentioned the horses...it would be nice, he supposed. Especially now that it was getting to be warm out. "I suppose it couldn't hurt," he mused, patting her back lightly before grinning up at her. "Ill head out in a bit, k?"
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Mari let out a soft breath before nodding gently. She just wanted him to try and feel a bit better... at the moment he wasn't seeming to try all to hard at all. If it continued like this for any longer, then she probably have to drag his backside to the doctors... she didn't want him to hurt himself the way he used to. Not any more. He had enough scars to be giving himself more. She smiled when he agreed, though. "Okay," she hummed softly when she saw his big grin, seeming to light up a little at the sight.
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Sage was glad that the girl seemed to feel a bit better about it all once he'd agreed to go out riding for a bit. "You mind if I take Silas along," he asked after a moment. The boy loved to ride....and it something fun the two of them enjoyed. Plus....well, having the boy around helped ground him a bit. It was nice. He had a certain way of always lifting his spirits a bit, even when he was like this. He wasn't so sure he'd be all that grounded once he got out and thinking by himself otherwise, admittedly. He didn't trust his brain. But riding did sound like a good idea. At the very least, it was relaxing. Mari agreed readily, of course, and after a bit longer he moved to go round Silas up and head off to the barn, plopping the boy in chaos and then hopping on himself. He was definitely still sore...and he scowled slightly when he felt the sharp pang around his hips, but soon enough he was a bit happier as they rode through the fields, Silas filling the air with excited chattering.
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Mari grinned and gave a light nod before pecking his nose and climbing out of bed to pick up the tray she'd bought over. "Of course you can!" She chirped to him happily. She wandered off down stairs after that, just getting everything tidy... she started making Liz an new outfit while the boys were out, just so they had a little project to themselves... something to do, she supposed, at least for a little while.
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Sage had enjoyed his time out with chaos and Silas. They came back later, as the sun was starting to go down. By the time they got back to the house, it was almost dark. He hadn't meant to spend so much time out there, but he'd brought lunch, and some snacks for Silas, and they'd enjoyed it. Well, he'd enjoyed it as much as he could. But still....it was nice. He came in and sort of just set his bag down and plopped onto the couch with a weary sigh, Silas crawling onto his chest. Within a few minutes, the boy was asleep, and it didn't take much longer for sage to fall asleep either. He really was just exhausted by then.
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