
Mari grinned over at him after a moment, kind of slipping into the bath while she waited. She glanced over him quickly, sort of feeling her heart ache when she noticed all the bruises on him. She smiled softly when he came in, and sort of moved to wrap her arms around his sides and leaned back against the bath. It was warm... the whole room was, and it smelled good in here. She let out a soft breath and tucked her nose into his shoulders softly. She felt awful for him... he'd been through so much, and she couldn't help but feel like she couldn't do quite enough for him.
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Sage slipped into the bath quickly, more than happy to get into the warm water. It was a nice change to be home and warm, he supposed. He let out a sort of quiet murmur in greeting when the girl tucked in, wrapping his arms around her snugly as he lounged back, leaning against the wall with a slight sigh of contentment. He'd noticed her glance at all the bruises, but he was just glad that she wasn't going to let that whole ordeal upset their time together.
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Mari let out a soft sigh after a moment, just letting the warm water soothe her bones and the comfort of Sages arms relax her. She still wished there was more she could do for him... to make him feel better. But they'd done what they could now, and all she had to do from this point onwards was keep him safe and happy. Mari smiled at his murmur and went to press a soft kiss to his collar. "I love you," she whispered softly. She said it so much now.. but she hoped it hadn't lost meaning to him. "So much," she added gently.
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Sage felt a smile drift onto his face at her peck and hugged her tighter for a moment, moving to rest his nose on the top of her head and peck her head gently. "I know," he hummed softly. "I love you too." It was something that was common by now ...saying they loved each other. You'd think he'd have gotten used to it by now, but for whatever reason, each time she said it, his heart did a little dance in his chest. He was just still so glad to hear it, he supposed.
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Mari smiled softly to him after a moment or two. "Good," she teased him softly. "You're meant to," she breathed before sort of moving to dip her hands into the water before running them up his torso. She was happy to be with him... she hated it when he seemed so upset. When she couldn't talk to him... she just didn't like feeling so blocked off from him, she supposed. She really missed him she supposed. Missed his voice and his touch and the way he smiled at her. It was nice to feel like she had him back a little.
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Sage chuckled slightly at her comment and gave her a grin. "Only a little bit," he joked slightly, sort of sinking into the water a bit warm when the girl sent some thin droplets of the warm water down his chest. He let out a contented sort of breath after a moment, just moving to let his head rest against the wall of the tub and close his eyes, just letting as much tension as possible drain from his body. Of course, it would probably make him sore tomorrow....well, more sore than he already was ...but it was nice to relax, and he knew Mari would probably do anything she could think of to spoil him anyway, so there wasn't much worry. He could lay around tomorrow if he wanted to.
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Mari smiled at his comment, happy to relax into him. His content breaths made her whole body heat up after a while, and seemed more than happy to relax into him. Her fingers sort of traced the bruises on his torso, desperately trying not to feel so bad for him... but when she looked up at him, so calm and relaxed. She felt a smile grow onto her face, and all she really wanted to do was hold onto him for as long as she could manage.
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Sage was more than happy to just sit there in silence for a while, holding Mari close to him. He could tell she was trying to keep things positive, for both their sakes, but he also knew this whole thing wasn't easy for her either. "they'll go away, Mari," he sort of hummed softly after a moment. "They're only bruises." And really, they hadn't gone away yet simply because he wasn't keeping himself healthy. He hadn't eaten anything much up until their dinner earlier that day, so it wasn't much of a surprise that he hadn't healed up much. Hopefully, they'd go away soon, and he wouldn't have to look at them anymore. But he was just happy that it had all turned out ok.
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Everything was so quiet for a little while, so when she finally heard Sages voice she couldn't really help but jump. She gave him a little smile, though, and went to wrap her arms around him a little bit tighter. "I know," she chuckled softly. "I just want them to be gone now," she mused to him. She stopped trailing her hand around his chest, though, and gave a small sigh. "Does it hurt at all?" She asked him after a quiet moment. She hoped not... but now that he was finally talking to her, she could stop worrying a little bit more.
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Sage hummed lightly in response to her comment, squeezing her gently for a moment. "I know. They'll be gone soon," he hummed lightly. He shrugged in response to her other comment and shook his head. "Not much. I'm more just sore," he admitted. "But even that's not too bad." It was really more annoying than anything, he supposed. It just made certain things harder...like going up and down stairs, or walking longer distances. Things like that. He'd managed, and he figured it would all be gone soon enough.
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