Sage sort of looked up when he heard Mari come in and gave her a grin, though she was on his blind side since he'd picked to sit where his line of vision was on the window, so the room didn't seem too small. He waited until she'd came up next to him to lean into her and hum lightly with a nod. "I do want to look around....my battery is just completely dead today," he noted with slight amusement, setting his drawing down and resting his head on her shoulder with a tired sigh. "Tomorrow morning we can look around," he added lightly, knowing Mari would want to show him thigns. And it would be nice to get a little something as a souvenier.
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Mari smiled lightly to him, his little grin making her face light up again. She sort of wrapped around him when he leaned into her, and gave a happy little chuckle. "It's alright. We can go out together whenever you feel like it," she chuckled. "It's been a busy few days, it makes sense to want to settle a bit," she hummed gently to him. She did want to show him around when he felt a bit better, though. It really was a nice place to be. She sort of moved to flop down against the bed, tugging him down with her happily.
Sage hummed lightly in agreement and nodded in response to her comment. "Tomorrow morning you can showe around, yeah," he mused, sort of cocking his head towards her but not looking at her since he couldn't see her anyway. It was a habit by now, but he still felt a bit odd about it sometimes. Whatever. He let out a squeak of surprise when she tugged him down, but he sort of just chuckled and moved to curl up with her happily. "I love you," he hummed after a moment
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Mari smiled happily to him before moving to wrap and arm around him happily. "You'll love it. And I'm sure the breakfast will be nice - dinner was good," she added happily to him. She grinned at his little squeak, and sort of moved to bury her face into his chest. She sort of smiled at his comment and moved to press a softer kiss to his cheeks. "I love you too..." she murmured to him lightly, a happy little grin across her face as she settled down again.
Sage sort of just hummed lightly in response to her comments, though by then was tired enough he really just wanted to curl up and rest with her for a while. So he just nestled in happily with a soft huff of air, resting his head lightly above hers on the pillow, nose tucked into her hair. It wasn't long after that he'd drifted off....he hadn't quite meant to, but he really was tired. It had been a long couple of days by then, with all the packing and then travelling. And he was comfortable by then....so his body just sort of said nope, I'm sleeping. And he wasn't too upset about it, either, if he was being completely honest.
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Mari smiled lightly to him before giving a small hum when she felt him relax around her. It did make her feel good that he could actually relax with her for a little bit. She hummed gently before kind of moving to get comfortable, which wasn't that difficult at all. She soon enough drifted into a light sleep, she slight swooping motion of the boat sort of lulling her to sleep.
Sage had to admit, he slept quite well on the boat. He woke up later in the morning with a sort of sigh, and moved to stretch before curling back around Mari. He glanced at the clock, out of habit, and then groaned. "If you want breakfast we've gotta get up, babe," he hummed softly to Mari. They only had like an hour left of the dining room....so if they wanted food they'd better get moving.
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Mari goreaned as he started to wake her up, and just sunk into the bed. But, she did want to show him around... they'd arrive at about lunchtime, so they could get their food at the port before setting off again. She sort of stretched and moved to curl up into him, pecking his chest softly before flopping against him again. "Fine," she whispered softly. They'd been asleep since about six that eventing... so they'd had a good bit of rest. It wouldn't take much for them to get going again, she was sure of that.
Sage sort of chuckled in response to her groan, running a hand through her hair absentmindedly, not really making a move to get up quite yet. He hummed lightly when she pecked his chest and then patted her back lightly in response to her comment. He found himself drifting off again a few minutes later, so he forced his eyes open and sighed. "I'm gonna fall asleep again if we don't get moving," he mused softly to his wife.
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Mari smiled lightly to him before moving to wrap herself around him a bit tigher. "Fine," she whispered to him after a moment, and sort of moved to stretch again and rested on her back for a moment, sort of contemplating life before moving to get dressed and comfortable. She then gave her husband a small smile and unlocked the door. "Come on then," she chirped happily before taking his arm and wandering out. They can get some food before having a look around. It was already warmer out... it did make her smile quite a bit.