Sage was quite honestly more than happy to kick his shoes off and wander along the beach, hand in hand with Mari. It really was a beautiful scene...and the water was the perfect temperature too....not too cold but not too hot either. Even the sand felt nice on his bare feet. "I think we picked out the right sort of trip," he hummed with a chuckle as they wandered along the water line. Though, when he saw the big conch shell a few inches under the waves, he couldn't help but amble over to it and immediately try to blow in it and see if it made a noise. Maybe it was a bit childish, but they could afford to be a little bit stupid here and there, he supposed. Plus he just really wanted to know if it would squeak or not. It made a tiny bit of noise, but it sounded more like passing gas than a horn or squeak, which made his breath stop short once he started laughing.
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Mari smiled lightly to him before sort of moving to follow him along once she'd kicked her shoes off. It was pretty out, and she had to admit she was a bit distracted with the scenary... enough that when Sage bent down she'd nearly tripped over him. She chuckled at the little shell, and even more at the little noise. She'd seen them being sold in the market... and they seemed to sound more like a horn than whatever that was.
Sage sort of just shook his head in response to the noise and then moved back to Maris side, locking his arm around her again. "Well we can bring it home anyway," he mused. "It's a bit defective but it goes along with my brain," he half joked. He really did mean it as a joke, but of course there was a bit of truth to it. He Is thought were defective....he didn't usually care much....in fact, painting wise the monsters had funded most of the trip so far. So he didn't mind too much. Especially since he wanted to enjoy his vacation.
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Mari sniggered lightly to him before sort of shaking her head. "Baby, you're not that defective," she mused, nodded along anyway... they didn't do a particularly long lap of the beach, but it was certainly nice. Plus, she was sure the kids would love the farting shell. She knew for a fact that Sage wasn't perfect, but she loved him regardless. He was still the best person he could possibly be after everything he'd been though, and that was more than alright with her.
He sort of just gave her a goofy grin in response to her comment, shrugging slightly. "Hey, it helps me make weird paintings and they sell well enough to to get us out here so I'm not complaining too much," he noted lightly. He was honestly just really happy to be here, and with his wife. He really did still love her the same way he had on their actual honeymoon . "We can go have lunch on the patio if you want," he mused. "We could always go swimming after," he hummed. Then his eyes took on a more mischievous light. "You should see the swimsuits they have for you," he teased her, lightly nudging her shoulder. He didn't care if she wore those or not...but he had to admit she would look pretty good in the purple one he'd noticed. But either way, they'd have fun. It didn't matter.
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Mari hummed as though in thought before kind of shaking her head. "I know babe," she chuckled lightly to him before shaking her head lightly. "And I'm very grateful that you can at least make some sort of light out of your situation," she hummed softly to him and moved to peck his lips happily. "And I'm more than greateful to be here, with you... especially with you," she hummed softly to him before moving to peck his lips again and gave a little chuckle. "Yeah, lunch sounds good," she chuckled lightly to him. She then gave him a more questioning look, slightly amused but also a little bit terrified of what they'd put out for her. "Hmm... thag sounds absolutely terrifying," she chuckled to him lightly.
Sage chuckled lightly, humming happily in response to her kisses. "Well I, for one, am more than happy to be spoiling you rotten," he chirped, as they turned to sort of wander back in the direction of the house. Then he gave her a grin. "Well, if I couldn't think of something positive, the doctor would practically shove good things down my throat until I could come up with something," he noted lightly. "I figured out that just coming up with something would make both our lives much easier," he mused fondly. And it did help...the doctor was a smart man. Just as smart as he was stubborn. It was amusing, really. Though, he chuckled in response to her comment and nodded. "It looked a little bit scary," he mused. "All of them, not just yours," he snorted lightly, though be then they'd reached the house. There was music going now, and someone had left a nice basket out on the porch for lunch, with a note syaing something along the lines of welcome and enjoy the lunch and stay. Honestly, he didn't try too hard to read it, Mari could always tell him what it said. But he was, however, interested in the food...he was pretty hungry by then, so he dug into the basket to see what was there.
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Mari looked over at him with a little grin before chuckling. "I do like being spoilt I suppose..." she trailed off, flashing him an obviously overjoyed smile. She was happy to be here, but she did wish she could spoil him a little too. She would one day. Take him on a trip or something... when she saved up enough from all her odd jobs... and, the kids would both be at school soon so she'd have to go get some work or she'd be bored out of her mind. "One day, I'm going to spoil you absolutely rotten too," she grinned happily to him. She sat down at the table, and gave a little chuckle once she'd read the note. "You've got scary outfits? I can't wait to see," she giggled lightly to him.
Sage chuckled slightly in response to her comment about being spoiled and then hummed lightly. "You already spoil me," he chuckled, stopping his digging around the basket to plant a quick kiss to her cheek and then resuming his actions again. "Though, a back rub here and there could spoil me a bit more I suppose," he added with a slight tone of amusement to his voice. He knew she didn't mind that...in fact, he knew she enjoyed making him feel nice...but it still seemed odd to ask her to do something liek that for him. Maybe it was just past fears lingering, but whatever. She'd never refused him, and he doubted she would now. He sort of wrinkled his nose inr esposne to her comment, throwing her an amused look as he picked out a sort of sandwich for himself and handing her another one. "Only if you put yours on too," he noted with a chuckle. "Maybe when we go swimming later," he added a bit more mischeviously.
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Mari raised a brow at him before chuckling. "Sage, I give you more backrubs than any man could ever want," she mused lightly to him. She did it quite a bit... and she really didn't mind. It made him happy, and that's all she could ask for. "You're so good to me... I suppose if you ask nicely later I'll give you one," she mused lightly to him. She took the sandwich from him and ate happily before getting a couple of other things from the basket. She raised a brow at him before chuckling and giving him a small pout. "Hm... I thought you loved me just the way I am?" She teased him lightly before shaking her head. She'd try them on... but these 'scary' outfits might be a bit much for her. But, she supposed that they had half the island to themselves... so there wasn't much to be worried about. Plus, it was just Sage, so why not at least try them on? She gave him a grin. "I think the water looks lovely, hm?" She agreed lightly.