This is the official HERA Dunegons + Dragons RP thread. Please do not post unless you have signed up and your sign-up sheet has been accepted by either I (Wild West Warmbloods) or Galloping Stables. Please do not post unless you are a member of HERA. Thank you!
Refresher of Rules:
1. Please follow all HEE roleplaying rules; now would be a good time to read them!
2. Images MUST be properly credited.
3. If you do not post a sheet within 3 days of your reservation I will open up that slot.
4. Halfblood dragons are a thing, but they must not be power playing. They should have an equal number of strengths and weaknesses.
5. Out of character drama is not accepted; if you have an issue, don't clutter the discussion.
6. Max 3 characters per person.
7. In your sign up sheets please have at least a 5 sentence paragraph in your appearance and personality, or 10+ bullet points. We want to know about your character, so no 2 sentence things.
8. Read everything that has to do with your character- it is there for a reason!
9. Have fun!
(Please remember the rules are subject to change, which I will do if I deem neccesary)
For thousands of years mankind thrived without knowing what existed in the shadows. Stories, rumors, and myths spread around that monsters the size of mountains existed, but no believed it was true.
Until one day....
The dragons had been hiding in underground caves ever since the war ended. Humans once rode the great beasts, but then they retaliated. The war between humans and dragons was brutal, bloody, and terrifying. Many died. The dragon elders decided, as to not drive their race to extinction, to hide from the vicious humans. So for hundreds of years, they did.
Until one day...
One young dragon got so bored of living without the sunlight, it went to the surface. Scales dull and eyes hurt by the bright sun, it soon adjusted and started exploring. Only to find out, however, there were no humans anywhere to be seen. After telling the rest of the tribe, every dragon emerged. Scouts were sent out to go see, and sure enough, the human race had dwindled. Almost hitting mass exitinction after the dragons left, only a couple hundred managed to recover, and was living in scattered small villages throughout only one continent. However, this was expected, because much to the dragons surprised- whilst they had been hiding underground, the earth had moved once again. An ice age had happened, along with great seismic activity, and all this drove the land together. One giant continent, with mountains at the ridgelines of where the continents smashed together.
Now, only one hundred years after the incident, the human race had grown again. Both dragons and humans were starting to fear there would be another battle. Where do you come in?
Note: The most important thing to take away from this section is that, while dragons may display multiple abilities from the various species they have in their bloodline, they will only be strong in one dominant classs abilities (the species from which most of their lineage comes). Only pureblooded dragons will have the full power of their given species, and they will carry no abilities from any of the other types.
Dragons are mythical beasts that vary greatly in appearance. While the smallest, when on all fours, may only reach about 5 feet, the largest may hit a towering 20-25 feet at the shoulder. While many may fit the varied reptilian descriptions, there is no end to what features they carry. All dragons are capable of crossbreeding, and they have been for thousands of years; however, there are five ancient, founding species, and they are classified as follows:
Firisus are fire and storm dragons. Pure dragons of this species are metallic in coloration and are generally grayscale or warm colors. Firisus are capable of manipulating weather and fire, impermeable to flame or electricity, and will breathe fire or shoot out sparks. They generally have more volatile, unpredictable personalities, and there are very few dragons that can rival a Firisuss fierceness in battle or protectiveness over what they see as theirs. They make excellent warriors, sentinels, and generals. (10 MAXIMUM)
Walitons are ice, water, and air dragons. Pureblood Walitons are always a shade of blue, some coming close to white or black. They have dominion over the water element in all its forms and are impervious to cold. Some dont even need to breathe and can survive in low oxygen spaces, though this is mainly the dragons that make their homes in deep water or high atmosphere. They are calmer than most others, more go-with-the-flow, but they are not to be underestimated. Their reserved and aloof nature can hide an amicable dragon or a vicious one. Despite being hard to read themselves, they are very intuitive and cunning, making them prime candidates for leadership, diplomat, or merchant positions. (10 MAXIMUM)
Devilions are those classified as shifters and poison or venomous dragons. They seem to change color, appear camouflaged, or have the sheen of oil on water. Some may change size or shape, mimicking other species of dragon, though they cannot take on extra abilities. Devilions can change the effects of their poisons or venoms. They are immune to being poisoned themselves. These dragons generally prefer solitude and are not the most social creatures, but they excel at deception and can easily adopt personality traits that are not natural to them. These dragons are often chosen for guards, assassins, and information scouts. (5 MAXIMUM)
Shroliners are dragons who have a grasp of the celestial: light and dark, dream and psyche. Black, white, and purples are their main colors, though golden or silver tones are also normal. These dragons manipulate shadows, thoughts, emotions, and dreams. Pure Shroliners are extremely rare and, for a time, were thought to be extinct. Their personalities are complex and dangerous, and, if someone has wronged them, are extremely vindictive. They are charismatic and adept at speaking. These dragons have snagged many a leadership position and are often the main heroes and villains in history books. (3 MAXIMUM)
The Trikens are forest and earth dragons, and those of the deep places beneath the world. They are earthy tones, but they may also carry markings of any color. Those who live aboveground or right beneath it can manipulate flora and fauna, while those who live in the darkest, hardest places have impeccable seismic senses and command the strongest stone. They all have some level of command over the earthy things, willing the dirt and minerals themselves to bend to their will. Trikens, especially those who live among solid stone, are unrivaled in toughness and brute force. Even a weak Triken can walk through the thickest wall as though it were a sandcastle. These dragons are frank, blunt, honest, and mature; they have slow tempers and can analyze both the big picture and the littlest detail. Trikens are the crafters, traders, architects, and builders of the world. (5 MAXIMUM)
Now, pureblooded dragons of any species are few and far between, as the vast majority of dragons have mated outside any given class for generations. While the typical dragon will have a high percentage of one species in its bloodline, there are usually strains of each within them. The species that make up the majority of their line is the one whose abilities they will be most in tune with, though they may display abilities from any class within their lineage.
Dragons hatch small, only a foot or two tall. However, they grow quickly, and their growth will begin to slow once they hit 160-200 years of age. A fully mature dragon will no longer grow after 250.
Horse Eden : HERA Dungeons + Dragons Sign-Ups
Horse Eden : HERA Dungeons + Dragons Discussion
Have fun! Be creative! We love drama and romance! Throw it all in! Thank you everyone for joining and have a great time!