
(here's a novel for ya!<3) Lieutenant Dwyer Glory thought for a moment before answering with, "Actual answer. Much better than usual, but still far from 'great'." She offered no explanation as to why that was, but he should be able to guess just fine. "Some things like what?" She asked. "I guarantee there's nothing you could do or say to me that'd warrant that much of an apology." The Corrupted, perhaps, but certainly not Glory. "Tapadh leat," She said again, "Though if you do panic and whack me, DON'T apologize, that'd be my fault." Accidentally breaking bones? An apology was acceptable, though not required. Saying something mildly offensive - which she'd probably find funny anyway- ? No apologizing. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. "No no no, I'll remind you not to bet anything of value," She said, grinning slyly. "I did. And just how easily the shitty little shack he moved us to got damaged - he stumbled and slammed into to wall and put a hole in it," She said with a snicker. First, the frogs, the look of utter surprise, and then the wall, which'd given Glory an extra second to escape. She did get caught later, and 'justice' was served, which instead of making her obedient, only made her more sneaky. She glanced at him and said, "Well it's not THAT high, I can reach. You just like being helpful, don't you?" Truthfully, she could just barely reach, though that was good enough. She'd still gladly hold up her end of the deal and do all the wriggling in small spaces. "You mean borrowing," She said with a chuckle. Yes, everything was bright, but you got used to it. Plus, Glory was able to dim it to the point that summer was tolerable, though it never went away completely. "I told you, I AM blinded. I just happen to have other senses," She said, "Okay then, c'mon." She took him by the hand and led him through a long series of twists and turns, the path sometimes seeming to double back on itself, then one realized it was a similar stretch of hallway, not the same one. Down a few tight spiral staircases, and she could smell the dampness of the depths they'd already reached. At one point, the hallway seemed to come to a dead end, but Glory merely pushed open a hidden door and continued onward with the confidence of someone who'd traveled this route MANY times, which she had. Eventually, they reached a landing, with a rather large stone door that looked to be as old as time, though the hinges were well maintained, courtesy of Glory, and she opened the door, leaning her full weight against it. Sure, she could've asked Leo to open it, but she liked being able to do things herself. The air down there was old and dusty, and one could almost feel it in their throat, a rather dense sort of fog. Perfect. To Glory, it was a familiar scent, one of solitude and safety. This place, her Hidey Hole, as she affectionately thought of it, seemed to be an extremely old emergency shelter of sorts, and several doors adjoined the main room. They were pretty much barren, abandoned, or forgotten, though that didn't matter to Glory. This was her secret place of darkness and isolation, with no one to bother her. Leo was the only person she'd ever brought down here, in all honesty. "This dark enough?" She asked, grinning. Everything in this sort of darkness had almost a blue haze over it, like looking through mesh, though it didn't take on that bleak flatness the way most people saw darkness. While Leo'd only borrowed her night vision, as far as she was aware, and not her control over darkness, he couldn't see the way it moved and roiled like fog around them. She'd found there were 3 kinds, the fog which was naturally occurring, the threads, which she took from fog and moved to her will, and the solid stuff, which was what happened when she sort of tightened the threads, giving them a physical form. Edited at August 7, 2024 09:38 PM by KPH Equestrian
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(That's way too long and it's way to late for me to match this xD) - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo considered how to reply to that for a couple moments, and what exactly could make it less than great. Immediately, millions of reasons filled his head. Rather unhelpful. One reoccurring thing he had noticed was her disdain for sleep, and he for one knew that less sleep equaled more grumpiness, so that definitely added to it. He made a mental note to force her to sleep, even if it was only for a couple hours. "Some things like a lot of things." He answered unhelpfully, mostly because his brain gave him many things to apologize about but they were either too sappy or far too heavy. Liiiike the mental image of him apologizing over her dead body for not being fast enough. Yep, warranted an apology, and yep, he would NOT be sharing that thought any time soon. "Considering I can't find much to insult it'll be hard apologizing for that." He smiled sweetly, both giving a compliment and again teasing her about her height in a hidden way. Mostly a compliment. "You guarantee wrong." He added with a small snort. "How would that be your fault?" Leo then asked with a confused tilt of his head. "I would literally be the one to whack you- I'm sorry, but my male brain is not grasping this unique trail of blame. Usuuuuusally if you smack someone it'd be considered your fault." He was just a wee bit confuzzled on that one, but hey, he couldn't understand everything. "Aw, thanks. I'm touched you would do that for me." He snorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Inhumanly fast." He muttered under his breath. Considering most drunk people couldn't walk... yikes. "Well that would kind of suck. I've only done that once, so I think I'm doing pretty good. In my defense, it was caused by blood loss and not alcohol." Leo pointed out with a grin. Funny story right there. "I do like being helpful, that is correct, and saying you can reach is a stretch." He let out a chuckle at his AMAZING use of words, then nodded vigorously. "Oh of course. Borrowing." He nodded again. Never would he have meant anything else. "Well my other senses didn't magically grow stronger when I went blind. Lucky me." He scoffed, squinting slightly to see if that would alleviate some of the rays of not-darkness. You couldn't quite call it light. It was like... the absence of darkness, but not in a light way. He didn't know how the hell he would explain it. As they trodded down the short path, he kept his head down as to not remove the hair on his head, relief flooding his very eyeballs as everything grew darker. He could almost feel the heavy blanket of dampness as they continued, eventually entering a landing like area. Leo looked a bit pitifully sad as Glory pushed the heavy door open, as obviously he would have loved to do it himself, but he didn't complain. Actions spoke louder than words, so all his complaint was in his expression matching something of a golden retriever that you had just stolen the toy from. As they emerged into a smallish room, Leo let out a relieved and happy sigh as the ceiling immediately grew taller, allowing him to stand upright. Joy of joys. "Dark enough." He repeated, answering with a content look. He let his enhanced gaze wander over the stone walls and old doors. It was quite the little room... reminded him of his own special place at Libodon, though he had sprazzled his up a little. And yes, sprazzled is 100 percent a word that he made up. It was in his own mental dictionary. He looked around one more time, Made a mental note to show glory his Cryptonite, then took in a deep breath. Ahh, if peace had a smell, it'd be this. No- quietness. Silence. "If silence had a smell... this would be it." He mused. Even his voice sounded dampened by the heavy weight of the air. It was awesome.
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(lol but you did xD) Lieutenant Dwyer Glory didn't particularly like that he didn't guess at her reasons, as it meant he'd likely gotten it spot in. Choosing not to eat or sleep certainly didn't help, though she'd never use 'grumpy' as a way to describe herself. "Liiiiiike?" She prompted again. He either had a really sappy reason, or a really terrible one. Probably a few of both. She'd poke it out of him either way. "mòran taing," She started, before realizing his little jab at her height and huffing, "dùin do chab." 'Thank you', pronounced maw-ran tank, followed by 'shut up' - doon doh khap. "I'm never wrong," She retorted, "Nor short." Still ABOVE AVERAGE, thank you very much. "True, but if my forbidding you to apologize causes you to panic and whack me, then I brought that on myself," She justified, then realized how odd of reasoning that must seem, though it made perfect sense to her. Every action had an equal and opposite reaction. "Unless you're betting sharp pokey things, there's nothing I'd want of yours," She teased. Sharp pokey things had more value to Glory than any form of currency. She chuckled and asked, "Brick wall, right? Not whatever cac interior walls we had." Cac, pronounced the way it sounds for once, basically meant shitty. "If you'd stop calling me short in every way imaginable, I might accept your help," She retorted, suppressing a grin. If need be, she'd accept his help regardless of how short he thought she was. "Yup, the last guy that tried to steal from me didn't exactly live long enough to feel shame," She said. That was true, unfortunately. He got a good thunking over the head- a little TOO good of a thunking, and the last thing he felt was likely a skull fracture. Whoops. But hey, he didn't try again, nor did anyone else. "Ah, went blind, not 'am perpetually blind for at least 5 months a year'," She said. From May until September, being outside was not exactly fun, which was a cruel joke as she'd normally much rather be outside than inside. She was more than pleased to be in her little pocket of darkness again, though the look on Leo's face was reminiscent of a sad puppy as she opened the door instead of letting him do it. Next time, she thought. "Good. Now try not to get lost," She said somewhat cryptically. While the main room wasn't notably huge, it continued onward and downward for quite a ways, like the catacombs under Paris. Very easy to get lost, since everything looked pretty much the same. She smiled at his words and said, "Precisely." That was easily the most accurate way to describe it. It was almost as though an ancient tomb had been cracked open for the first time in several thousand years, based solely on the smell. Dust, mothballs, threadbare what-may-have-been-rugs-at-some-point, damp stone, perfect. Actually, with how little Glory'd actually fully explored, there could very well be a tomb hidden in the depths of the Hidey Hole. Spooky thought. Possibly one of the reasons she'd never been brave enough to go too far. It could be just a big old loop - or several loops - or it could be full of booby-trapped dead ends. Definitely not something she'd want to wander by herself.
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo stared at the wall for a moment before deciding it was probably both not eating and not sleeping, as she never did either of those things. Almost never, anyway, as far as he could tell. He made another mental note, then glanced at her as she prodded again for a full answer. "Liiiike I'm not apologizing right now so you don't have to worry about it." he smiled sweetly, his way of saying there was no way he'd be telling her, for a couple reasons. Mostly because he didn't want to, and also mostly because most of the reasons absolutely sucked. At her next Gaelic words, considering he had heard them before and her tone of voice, he guessed the first thing was a heartfelt thank you for the compliment and the second thing was a heartfelt shut your mouth. "Glory, you may not be short to the rest of the population, but to me? Tsk tsk." He grinned. "I'm almost a foot taller than you, you realize that, correct? That's, like, stepstool height." He teased, his golden eyes twinkling with amusement. "No no, that's far too much twisted blame running through corridors of mazes. Keep it simple. I hit you, my fault. Not: I hit you, but it's not my fault, because you told me not to apologize, which caused me to panic, and in my panic, I whacked you, ending up with the blame landing on- let me calculate for a moment- ah yes, ME." He snorted, shaking his head. "I could bet sharp pokey things- I have enoygh of those for a lifetime- but what about my unending devotion and loyalty?" Leo flashed his usual charming smile which just grew into a grin. He then nodded with the air of a king, sniffing. "I would never smash through anything less, Schatz." He scoffed in a strong British accent. "Especially when on the brink of dying from blood loss." He added. "Hey, there are SO many more ways to call you short that I haven't even explored yet!" Leo protested. "I'm being nice! And to reiterate, you're not SHORT, you're short to ME. Then again, everyone is." He chuckled, looking pleased. "I would never even dream of stealing from you. Wrong word choice, that's all. Borrowing is 100% the correct term." He smiled innocently. Obviously, he was still drinking in every detail of the dark crevices, so he was trying to multi-task. Walking, talking, and looking. Difficulty proven. "Pff, I am NOT leaving your side, no way at all. I may like a good adventure, but I can only live for so long without upsetting Simara or making Romanov hate me more." Leo glanced at the doors with a snort. Nope. Nada. Nein. He wadn't goin' anywhere near that. He preferred being alive, thank you very much. Thankfully, his Cryptonite only had about a dozen rooms, and all he had explored, so he would never get lost THERE.
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(Just so ya know, I'm dropping off my laptop for repairs tomorrow evening, and it could be anywhere from a day to 2 weeks until I get it back. Hopefully on the shorter side, but with how shitty everything else has been going, it'll probably be the longer option >>;) Lieutenant Dwyer Glory held his gaze as she said, "Liiiiike now you've got my curiosity piqued and now I REALLY want to know." Her natural fox-like nature made her a very curious creature, sometimes when she shouldn't be. "Just because you think I'm short doesn't mean I am," She huffed, "Besides, I'm like... 6ft in heels." Ahh yes, the most impractical footwear for Glory's lifestyle. "See, that's where you're wrong," She stated, "since you specifically said 'but it's not my fault', that makes it my fault since I made you panic." How did that not make sense? it seemed perfectly logical to her. She thought for a moment- was that an offer? She'd love nothing more. "I accept, though that'd've been my bet," She said, grinning. "Of course, my liege, forgive me for guessing anything otherwise, eireachdail," She said humbly, using a word basically meaning 'handsome', pronounced eh-ruh-kal. "Then let's keep it that way, please," She said, "I wouldn't say nice, maybe just 'not horrible', sìn." Sìn pronounced 'sheen' and means 'stretch'. If he was going to call her short in every way, she'd call him a giraffe in every other way. "Well that's good," She said, "for your sake." Not like she'd crush his skull for literally anything, but still, she had regrettably done it before, and she was NOT proud of it. She wasn't sure what Leo saw in her that made him think she was a good person, as she really didn't see it. "What if... I went down the halls?" She asked, grinning slyly as she took half a step toward one of the doors. This one, she knew they wouldn't get lost in, as it was a short hallway leading to a few doors, one of which seemed to be some form of recreation room, though most everything had been removed or was ruined from age. There was an out-of-tune grand piano and a few other dusty things, but not much worth noting. The layout of the whole place was odd, as though it was first just a small place of refuge in an emergency, but had been added onto significantly to house more people for an extended period. There was likely enough space for all of Libobon's residents and then some, though it needed some serious renovations to be suitable for living in. There wasn't much rhyme or reason as to how it'd been added on to, as though someone just dug and dug until they were happy with it, then built rooms out of it. Glory'd found a few unfinished places at some point, as though the project was abandoned, leaving just caves where more rooms and hallways would've been. Edited at August 9, 2024 12:21 AM by KPH Equestrian
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(That reminds me- just so you know, I'll be leaving Saturday for a camp, won't be back until Wednesday, then will be leaving again that Sunday lol. I won't be able to respond the first week, but the second I'll have a little more free time. It's my one vacation week out of the whole year, so I may just lay around lazily for a bit xD)) - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo let out a tiny groan. He was not going to answer the main real reasons, or the main scenarios that were playing in his head, which meant he could either keep refusing or say one of the smaller, less important things. "Fine. Say we're having one of our more competitive little brawls and I accidentally hurt you more than I meant to. That would warrant an apology." He huffed quietly. That'd better be enough. It was true, which was the important part- Leo didn't lie. He detested lying. "..........." He stared at her for about 10 seconds, trying to even comprehend how the hell she would EVER wear heels and live. "... ummmmmm... for oneeee, they'd have to be 6 inch heels, so you'd look like an idiot already, and for two, I'm pretty sure within five minutes of not being able to walk, the heels would be snapped in half and you would be shoving them into the wall." He commented slowly, stifling a snicker at that mental image. "And to wrap up that whole terrifying scene, you STILL would be 6-7 inches shorter than me." He finally broke into a wide grin, at this point just trying not to laugh so hard he broke his ribs again. "Then I'd have even MORE to tease you about because you grew 6 inches and were STILL 6 MORE INCHES shorter than me!" He hooted in absolute glee, doing his best to hold back fits of laughter. She single handedly insulted herself and gave him more to insult! "Imagine you kicking a Corrupted with heels on- new murder weapon!" His voice honestly went higher In pitch as he wheezed for breath. "Nice job, Glory. Thanks for giving me the most hilarious mental images EVER to laugh at whenever I feel down." He finally chuckled, shaking his head. How kind of her. "I'm not going to argue with your logic there. Still doesn't seem worth it, to me." He snorted, still slightly amused from the last little chunk of words. "Pff, now I'm a little disappointed in you, but let me inform you. That was a joke- I can't bet that, because I don't have it to give. Both are already in your possession, so it'd be hard to bet them." He answered evenly. (With all your pronunciations and Gaelic words, I swear, I'm going to have all the insults and all the compliments in the Scottish Gaelic dictionary memorized xD) "Hmph, fine. I'll keep being not horrible, Miss I Can't Take A Friendly Reverse Compliment." He sniffed, and immediately started wondering what poor sap had stole something from her and what torture method she had used. Or any at all? Maybe just a quick death? Surely not painless. Or maybe a burst of pain before nothing? Hmmm. So many options. He was too busy pondering that, so he didn't notice her walk towards the doors. Until she spoke, anyway. "Well then just you'd die and I'll be safe and sound." A second after he said it he realized he had no flipping clue about how to get out of here. "Good thing I can Teleport!" He added, to patch that hole, then waved to her. "See you never!" Leo added cheerfully. A second after that, his face broke into a wide grin, because even he knew he couldn't resist the tug of adventure- especially when she probably knew the way. At least a little bit. "I can tell you know whats through this one- however, what would be down here? In this dark damp place? Most people don't like this." He inquired, walking towards the door and pushing it open. Since it was just wooden and barely even attached anymore, it swang with an old timey creak. The first thing he saw, through the crack in the doorway in one of the rooms, was a- "piano? Why the heck would a piano be down here?" He asked with a snort, immediately walking in and looking around. Dusty, to say the least. He opened the cover of the keys and gently pressed one. Aha! It still functioned! However, not correctly. The sound that came out was something akin to a dying mouse. With a sly smile, he played a short tune, or what it would've been- what came out could've been three horror movies sound tracks mixed together and jumbled up then smashed into a piano when they were originally played on a trumpet. "That sounds great." As he said it, he winced, stepping back from the piano. "Any other instruments? Say, an old guitar?" He joked with a grin.
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(ayy, that works, since I probably won't be able to get on in that time xD) Lieutenant Dwyer Glory thought for a moment at his answer before saying, "We-ell, here's the thing- I still don't think you'd need to apologize - or at least say specifically 'I'm sorry', 'my bad' is good enough." And, frankly, there was almost never a single moment in which she wasn't hurting in some way, what was a little more? She was well beyond used to it. She frowned at his lack of math and said, "I'm 5'8, not 5'6, so they'd be 4 inches. Annnnd, contrary to popular belief, I can walk just fine in heels, though you're right, I don't particularly enjoy it." She scowled at him, mostly just trying not to laugh, it was NOT funny! Well, maybe a little. He did give her a great idea, stiletto heels with stiletto knives... tactical and practical. More sharp pokey things to add to her collection. "Oh good, I'm glad you find me laughable," She sniffed, suppressing a grin. "Oh come on, it makes so much sense," She said, then paused. "Wait... really?" She asked. That made... very little sense. Glory didn't believe she deserved his loyalty and devotion, though she did rather like the thought of it. (You're welcome! xD) "Oh, is that a new name for me?" She asked, grinning. It was more like Miss I'm Not Short, You're Just Way Too Tall, but that worked too. Or Miss I'll Break Your Kneecaps if You Keep That Up. The 'poor sap' whom had tried to steal from her learned how it felt to get curb-stomped, and Glory learned the exact right spot to aim for if you want to crush someone's skull. "Oh come on, I won't die, there's water down here," She said, though left out the part about how you had to lick the moisture off the walls a bit further down in the tunnels. Still, you could survive down there for a few weeks. "Not anymore they don't, but 200 or so years ago I guess they did," She answered. She followed him into the room and shrugged, saying, "Entertainment, I guess. It's older than Simara, though." It was easily several decades old, if not more. She chuckled at his attempt to play the old thing and said, "Yup, sounds lovely." It very much did not. "You can poke around, but I don't think so," She said, then looked the piano over carefully. She hadn't much of an idea how to tune it, so it'd sadly stay in its less-than-ideal state.
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(This is my sad attempt to draw Leo- I couldn't find a less vibrant orange for the hair xD )
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Shit guys, i forgto about this. sorry my life is hectic right now.
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calling the computer guys tomorrow, hopefully they've got good news, borrowing my lil sis's laptop rn xD might be up to 3 weeks until I get mine tho, since they're gonna have to order parts T-T
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