
(okay my bad here, I like to ctrl x the stuff outside the actual post to see the word count but forgot to ctrl v it back in oopsie Not really xD I just get into that sort of mindset, like, ahh yes, this is how words are typed! Totally normal! omg, you wouldn't believe the shit my dad did as a kid xD He told me that when he was about 14 or so, he was hiking with one of his brothers, climbed a tree, and tried to take a shit on said brother😭he missed, but like, wtf was the thought process?? xD) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ Leo was right about one thing - two, actually, given the lack of sanity - and that was that Glory always had a reason for everything. Now, sometimes it wasn't justifiable, but it was a reason nonetheless. The rhyme scheme might not make any sense, but she rarely did anything without rhyme or reason. (oh yeah, my friend's dog ate a whole fucking thing of brownies, and when she threw em back up, some were still in square brownie form xD) As Leo sat down, Glory yawned and rested her head on his shoulder, rereading the paper. "Key word almost," Glory said with a snort. In all seriousness though, what the actual fuck happened to abstinence? Jeez. "How dare you, history's not that bad," She huffed, feigning indignance. Maybe it was because she was a bit of a history nerd, but c'mon, who doesn't want to learn about people poisoning each other, stabbing others, old torture methods, the list was endless. It was all quite fascinating. "Well yeah, pretty much," Glory said. Leverage/blackmail/intimidation were some of the main reasons for doing all this. "Buuut, now I've got some context for what I heard some kids chittering the other day, something like Lilly Lilly, box of rocks, hitting on, Mister Cox, asked to see him, after class, can't ignore, all the facts, wants to show him, her fat ass," Glory recited with a snort. She may have gotten some of the lines wrong, but her job wasn't memorizing every little thing the kids say. "So yes, useful."
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Mistakes have been made xD What goes through 14 year old boys brains?!? Okay though, so I've been homeschooled since age 4, and when I first joined CAP (Civil Air Patrol) at least half the members were public school kids. I had never really been around public school kids before then. So I got a healthy dose of EXACTLY why they put 'DO NOT DRINK THIS' on ANTIFREEZE. There's this kid that had been in the squadron for 9 MONTHS and he asked what the PT uniform is! IT IS LITERALLY A TAN T-SHIRT AND BLACK SHORTS. That's it!! It made me want to cry This is the truest thing I've seen all day about where I live. Just make that -10 into a -30 and you got it. Most winters it gets down to -50 and I'm outside spitting so I can watch it freeze before it hits the ground- fucking hilarious. CLICKY)) - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ The people with the lack of sanity are always the better ones.... in Leo's opinion. But in a good way, not a bad way. If you are that pedophile in the kids class, you deserve to DIE a PAINFUL and GRUESOME horrible death. You deserve to get EATEN by MAGGOTS while you're STILL ALIVE. You deserve to have FLIES lay their EGGS in your EYEBALLS... while you're STILL ALIVE. You deserve to have your TONGUE eaten and replaced by a PARASITE so that EVERYTHING you eat feeds the parasite and you EVENTUALLY STARVE. You deserve to be EATING SAND on the BEACH and have it be JUST THE SAND that a PARROT FISH POOPED OUT but it also KILLS YOU because the parrot fish ate a POISONOUS THING before pooping out the SAND. You deserve to have EVERY LIMB slowly fed to a WOODCHIPPER while you WATCH your blood and bones get CRUSHED and spew out ON THE OTHER SIDE. You deserve to have ALL YOUR SKIN pecked off by a WOODPECKER slowly and TORTUROUSLY while you are TIED to a POST and CANNOT do ANYTHING ABOUT IT other than WATCH. I have more, but I'm going to stop now. (That's.... a ... problem. I guess that dog has higher tolerance for chocolate xD) Leo was convinced he may have been glowing when Glory rested her head against his shoulder- NO better feeling in the world. Except when she kissed him, but that was beside the point. This was the happiest he felt in damn centuries. "Yeah..." He winced at that, then let out a chuckle. "Okay, I randomly picked history, and you're right, a lot of the time it isn't bad. However, I got TRAUMATIZED when they decided to do a THREE HOUR session on some random ass man that planted a field and wapoosh, tobacco." He rolled his eyes. He lifted an eyebrow as she said he heard some of the yung-uns chanting something, and had to pinch the bridge of his nose as he heard it to keep from the disappointment killing him. "What have kids gone to these days? That's pitiful. Nothing compared to the works of art that used to happen 15 years ago." He sighed heavily. Edited at November 19, 2024 09:33 AM by Wild West Warmbloods
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(Oh good, another homeschool kid xD I was only at public school in elementary, and every day it was just 'I am surrounded by idiots'. I was even in the higher education classes T-T Goddamn. How stupid do people gotta be? we're doomed😩 that's actually awesome, living in CA I got excited this morning when there was frost on my horse's shit pile xD It hasn't snowed in my town since the '70s or so o.O) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ Glory generally agreed with Leo's lack of sanity sentiment, but with a few conditions. There was a difference between Glory's lack of sanity - part of which her therapist had labeled "mild psychopathy", the lack of emotion - and the fuckwads who ought to be in a maximum security prison. There was a special place in hell for those sorts, meanwhile Glory was likely to open an ice cream shop with a sign that said "Half Off to Attractive People!" and then charge everyone full price. She would be the destroyer of self-esteem. (oh yeah, that dog is a problem xD even though she hated the peroxide, she'll probably do it again -_-) "Okay, fair, but what about the guy who drank a little poison every day to build an immunity to it, and when he tried to off himself to avoid capture, it didn't work and he had to ask one of his own soldiers to kill him?" Glory countered. True story, too. That was Mithridates VI, the King of Pontus. Every day he ingested small, non-lethal doses of poison, a method now known as mithridatism, named after him. He managed to survive a good many assassination attempts over the years. When he was finally defeated by the Romans, he tried to poison himself but failed, and asked a loyal soldier to kill him. So, moral of the story, DON'T be like Mithridates or you WILL have to be killed by comrades. Just die when you're supposed to. "I knowww. Like the poetry I wrote on the walls," Glory said with a snicker, then yawned. "You staying here tonight?" She asked.
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(Honestly though, public school kids are insane in a bad way xD Pfft, really!? I couldn't live without snow. We get so much that we have to shovel our way out of our house. By the way, that day when we had to do that- school was not cancelled. Just pointing that out. We can have 8 feet of snow, it can be blizzarding out, and the roads can be sheer black ice, and I swear, the only cars on the roads are school busses - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo was honestly tired but he knew he'd most likely not get to sleep anytime soon. His particular case of delightful insomnia just kept him from sleeping, and it made life difficult. He had pulled hundreds of all nighters without even trying to. "I've read about him, and that's damn interesting. Imagine. Though, I would NOT want to do that. Imagine just being like: Uh hey, I need you to kill me.. mhm, you heard me right. Don't do it with poison, it won't work. Yeah. Thanks man." He snorted, shaking his head. Sounded horrid. He would much rather die on the first assassination attempt. Then again, he would also do that JUST to make the assassinators irritated, so it could go both ways. "Exactly." He nodded, then nodded again. "I couldn't leave Lucy if I wanted to." He grinned, giving her a teasing look as he reached around her to pet the dog. Maybe the closer he was to Glory, the easier it'd be the sleep. Then again, it was be harder to wake up without waking her up, but pfft, minor things. He could technically just drug her. Actually, that'd be a good idea. Then she wouldn't wake up for a while. (I apologize for the shortness, I have a ton of stuff to d0) Edited at November 19, 2024 12:30 PM by Wild West Warmbloods
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(They really are xD I mean last February we got 9 inches of snow at my dad's house, but that's about it xD Oh, in third grade it hailed at school so we used the VERY HARD ice for a VERY PAINFUL snowball fight xD) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "No, that wouldn't be so bad. I'd do it just to convince people I was immortal," Glory countered. Then people would create a new religion to avoid being smote by Glory, and then she'd have an entire fucking army of devout followers. Now THAT would be useful, she could just tell them that someone dared do something she didn't like and bam, instant death for that poor idiot. Just crushed under several hundred people like a swarm of insects. Hell, she could probably teach them all sword-fighting and shit and have a highly skilled army of several thousand. Or teach some of them about the art of poisons and have some assassins at her disposal. The best part is that if they were devoted enough, they'd do literally anything with no questions asked, learn anything, probably even fight amongst each other if Glory told them to. "Wow, gee thanks," Glory said, her words dripping with sarcasm. "I knew it was never about me, you only loved the dog I just got all along," She added, excessively dramatically. Even if it WAS about the dog, Glory didn't really care so long as Leo was there with her. (nah no worries, so do I but I'm procrastinating >.<)
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(9 inches.... 3RD GRADE WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HAD HAIL!?! .... god. You poor thing. This summer one Wednesday morning it was 45 degrees and hailing, and that afternoon it was 90 and sunny. That's our summer. Our winter is blizzards and no warmer than 10 degrees. We have no spring. Our fall is rain rain and more rain, but freezing, and it changes to snow halfway through the night then goes back to rain. However, right after summer and right before fall fall, there like 2 weeks of good weather xD) - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "That... actually has so many opportunies." His eyes lit up as he thought about all the chaos people could cause. Tell them you're immortal, prove it by drinkig poison. "Then again, it could backfire. If one skeptical person decides to kill you using a method other than poison, it would kinda suck." He snorted. Not saying that they'd succeed, but the mere fact that you had to defend yourself would make everyone else skeptical, then you've ruined it and have no more followers. It'd be sad. "You're welcome." He grinned at her dramatic words, retracting his arm from Lucy to put it around her. "Don't feel too put down, you were an amazing additional add on." He teased, his golden eyes sparkling as he pressed a kiss to her lips. "Almost makes me wonder who's better, the dog or you."
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(yeah, I pity the fool xD oh god, i tried to jump over a log but didn't account for the snow being like mud and I tripped and faceplanted in the snow T-T that sounds awful not gonna lie xD I love CA because I can go to the beach, drive the Can-Am in the desert, go skiing, hike a mountain, and be back home in time for tea xD) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Exaaaactly," Glory said smugly. The possibilities were endless. "Eh, one skeptic in a sea of ten thousand believers- you just tell everyone "Fred has committed sacrilege! He must be punished!" Then Fred gets quartered and drawn while you sit pretty and watch," Glory countered. She already had much of this figured out. You just have to have everyone turn on poor Fred and nobody questions your authority. Glory snuggled closer into his side as he put his arm around her. "Aww," She said, returning his kiss giddily. "Definitely the dog; you'd just be called a zoophile if you kissed her," Glory teased a little darkly. But hey, she wasn't exactly wrong. Lucy, as if she had been listening, got up and put her dark muzzle right between them and licked Leo's face, her tail wagging hard enough to make her whole body sway.
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(I have done that when the snow is deeper than a formerly thoight xD Only the summer is awful, because I love the cold xD. However, that does seem fun Also, I was messing around with Character AI, just cause I wanted to, and I used one of our threats on one of the AI characters and they just screamed: I REGRET EVERYTHING xD it was SO FUNNY. I believe the conversation went like this: Me: I will put spiders in your sheets. AI: If you do that I'll stick my foot so far up your ass you'll have trouble walking the next day. Me: If you do that I will reach down my own mouth and grab your foot and cut off your toes one by one then ship them back to you in an amazon gift box AI: I REGRET EVERYTHING)) - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "Why would Fred do that?! He's your own personal shitweasel braincell professional idiot." That's what Leo gathered, anyway. He grinned at the mental image that brought up, chuckling. It totally seemed like it would work, though. Duh. So easy. Just kill poor Fred, use your followers to do it, and you continue being an immortal murderer. Perfect, am I right? Leo rolled his eyes at her words, about to complain when, of course, Lucy had to come and make the situation worse. "Gah- dog, you do realize how unhelpful that was, right?" He complained as he wiped the dog slobber off of his cheek, casting an amused glare at the dog before scratching behind her ear. Way too cute to stay mad at for more than 3 seconds. Tops. "I have to say, you're a much better kisser." He said to Glory, making a face.
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(I like it lukewarm xD Or hot and dry, I just can't handle humidity. We're gonna be moving in the next few years, and the new ranch got to 119 in July T-T I can do 90s, not 120. But that's what I get for being neighbors with Death Valley xD that's fucking hilarious xD poor AI, over there shaking in its boots xD) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Because Fred's a fuckin shitweasel! Of course he'd go and turn on me," Glory huffed, mainly at the fictitious Fred. Damn that dastardly bastard. Fred would definitely pull some stupid shit and try to out Glory as a mortal, so Fred just had to die. Pity. If Fred had limbs it'd be easier to quarter and draw him, but since he didn't, it was just a rope around his noggin and the end of his tail. It'd probably only succeed in making Fred longer and thus more powerful, but that didn't matter. As Leo spoke, Lucy just seemed more proud of herself. She tilted her head as he pet her, then lay down on Leo's other side with her head on his thigh. Perfect spot to be so Leo had no reason not to keep petting her. Smart doggo. "Ignoring the fact that that's a dog, thanks. So're you," Glory said, rolling her eyes but smiling nonetheless.
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(The only thing I like about the summer is the KILLER tans I get xD. I know it's super bad for my skin but I don't give a fuck- I'm out in the blazing sun every day all day, and since I'm naturally very pale, it's hilarious. I only wear t-shirts, so I get the craziest farmer's tan EVER. When I pull up the sleeve of my t-shirt, it looks like I changed race xD) - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "Okay okay, point taken." Leo chuckled. Fred sounded like the worm things in the movie Alien to him, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Human brains are naturally quite morbid, and the things you could think up if you tried are honestly indredible. When Lucy laid down, Leo resigned to one of his hands being permanently occupied petting her. There was no reaosn not to.. she was in range and looking adorable. Then again, he had yet to meet... okay nevermind. MOST dogs were adorable. He loved most dogs, and most dogs loved him. However... Pistachio... did not. That little devil of a chihuahua left a scar on his hand JUST BECAUSE it was EVIL. Satan's spawn. That dog deserved to die a painful and gruesome death. He was not going to think about this anymore. "Accept the compliment." He huffed. "And thank you." He added with a grin.
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