Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Wed 12:15am  
Stables Online:  64 
Bignus Bognus
11:59:11 (totally not bingus)
yay! -HEE Click-
Fantasy Horses
11:44:05 Fantasy

apparently so
Glacier Bay Cove
11:41:45 Glacier cats
Apparently I just killed the chat
Glacier Bay Cove
11:31:00 Glacier cats
Not looking forward to it, at all
Glacier Bay Cove
11:27:15 Glacier cats
Well, tomorrow afternoon is my MRI, of my brain and spine. Praying that the doctors finds nothing wrong
Willow Grove
11:22:25 Stalker of Chat
Yeaa. Its a shame, shes really convenient when she shows properly
Legacy Leagues
11:18:48 Alyssa (Future Vet)
Lol yea that makes sense. Power to you
Willow Grove
11:11:47 Stalker of Chat
I was going through what she entered for a bit but then I realized id basically just be doing the same thing if I was hand showing instead so I just fired her XD
She wasnt very good at her job, unfortunately
Legacy Leagues
11:09:53 Alyssa (Future Vet)
Yea, no-I gotta have her.
I clean up behind her though.
Willow Grove
11:07:00 Stalker of Chat
Bright side of firing bm: better profit.
Downside of firing bm: im at up midnight entering shows because I forgot earlier in the day T-T
Legacy Leagues
10:56:37 Alyssa (Future Vet)
Now I need more rerolls lol
Willow Grove
10:54:41 Stalker of Chat
Oh thats really pretty
Legacy Leagues
10:49:48 Alyssa (Future Vet)
-HEE Click-

I'm glad I kept rerolling. The deeper color looks nice with the markings.
Revel Ranch
If it is any consolation it is very rare for it to occur without a secondary cause so Wolf is just special!
Wolf Dancer
10:33:02 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Revel lol
Revel Ranch
Lol, sending people to bed with nightmares of randomly twisted colons. Sorry everyone!
Revel that a fear right there oh god.
Goodnight wolf am heading to bed myself
Hopefully I can sleep.
Wolf Dancer
10:16:18 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Huh yea this whole thing was a mystery to everyone xD I remember a couple of days there were like 4 students who came in to learn more lol I was a interesting case to all the doctors lol
Wolf Dancer
10:15:14 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Night guys! I should also be going to bed xD
Revel Ranch
Doctors think my Mom's colon got caught up in scar tissue from a previous abdominal surgery so just thought I would ask. However, the intestines naturally move in a process called peristalsis so I can actually picture them getting twisted in a very rare case.

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Bignus Bognus
11:59:11 (totally not bingus)
yay! -HEE Click-
Fantasy Horses
11:44:05 Fantasy

apparently so
Glacier Bay Cove
11:41:45 Glacier cats
Apparently I just killed the chat
Glacier Bay Cove
11:31:00 Glacier cats
Not looking forward to it, at all
Glacier Bay Cove
11:27:15 Glacier cats
Well, tomorrow afternoon is my MRI, of my brain and spine. Praying that the doctors finds nothing wrong
Willow Grove
11:22:25 Stalker of Chat
Yeaa. Its a shame, shes really convenient when she shows properly
Legacy Leagues
11:18:48 Alyssa (Future Vet)
Lol yea that makes sense. Power to you
Willow Grove
11:11:47 Stalker of Chat
I was going through what she entered for a bit but then I realized id basically just be doing the same thing if I was hand showing instead so I just fired her XD
She wasnt very good at her job, unfortunately
Legacy Leagues
11:09:53 Alyssa (Future Vet)
Yea, no-I gotta have her.
I clean up behind her though.
Willow Grove
11:07:00 Stalker of Chat
Bright side of firing bm: better profit.
Downside of firing bm: im at up midnight entering shows because I forgot earlier in the day T-T
Legacy Leagues
10:56:37 Alyssa (Future Vet)
Now I need more rerolls lol
Willow Grove
10:54:41 Stalker of Chat
Oh thats really pretty
Legacy Leagues
10:49:48 Alyssa (Future Vet)
-HEE Click-

I'm glad I kept rerolling. The deeper color looks nice with the markings.
Revel Ranch
If it is any consolation it is very rare for it to occur without a secondary cause so Wolf is just special!
Wolf Dancer
10:33:02 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Revel lol
Revel Ranch
Lol, sending people to bed with nightmares of randomly twisted colons. Sorry everyone!
Revel that a fear right there oh god.
Goodnight wolf am heading to bed myself
Hopefully I can sleep.
Wolf Dancer
10:16:18 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Huh yea this whole thing was a mystery to everyone xD I remember a couple of days there were like 4 students who came in to learn more lol I was a interesting case to all the doctors lol
Wolf Dancer
10:15:14 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Night guys! I should also be going to bed xD
Revel Ranch
Doctors think my Mom's colon got caught up in scar tissue from a previous abdominal surgery so just thought I would ask. However, the intestines naturally move in a process called peristalsis so I can actually picture them getting twisted in a very rare case.

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 06:57 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2140
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echo looked at pearl when she spoke to her her face looking very blank then she rolled her eyes at daiblo she rose her hackles in a playful way showing silver fangs "you dont scare me one bit" she lunged at him but at last second doged around him "i agree with pearl your not even a little bit scary" she said doing a small hop at him before sitting next to az
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 07:03 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Diablo smiled. "Aw, you flatter me." He said sarcastically, hising as she went by. "I can be scary. I just don't have a good reason. ALSO, if I steal Revenge's look again I can be REALLY scary so there!" he chirped, hoping somewhat that the giant dragon was NOT listening in on their conversation. She always seemed to know everything. "Now Echo if you keep saying stuff about me I may have to... hm... maybe... ah yes, i think i know a nice song that involves two beings, a male and a female, and maybe a tree?" he grinned
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 07:11 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2140
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echo glared at him "i dare you that will be your throught on the line"
she layed down putting her head on her paws "also revenge does not scare me my father was scaryer then her" (i cant fuckin spell)
she winced thinking about her father but shook it off
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 07:29 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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(Guys revenge is supposed to be the scrariest dragon ever to live -le sob-)
Diablo slowly smiled. "You dare me? Well I cannot refuse a DARE. Echooooo and Azzzzzz sitting in a treeeeeee." he started his loud singing, stopping at Echo's (assumed) death glare and snickering. "Revenge is scary when she wants to be." he concluded, yawning.
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 07:29 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Az looked up sleepily, "what's going on?" He asked, glancing around, he heard Echo taking about her father, Az flicked his ears, "I have a tiny memorie of my mothers perfect smile, a little red stained, but perfect" he said dreamily, he had always wanted to meet his parents again, but he knew it would only ever a be a fantasy
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 07:51 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2140
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she glared at daiblo "and i can be to" she growled at him angerly turning away then looking at az "im glad my fathers dead i dont remember my mother well though" she said still mad
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 08:05 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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"Yikes, I won't want that face watching my blood drip out. Yow." Diablo lifted a claw in surrender, laying down. "Didn't mean to offend your brain cells, Echo. Keep being you." He resisted a chuckle, stony-faced as he yawned again and collapsed halfway on the ground. He never got to meet his father, and his mother kind of sucked, sooo...
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 08:09 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2140
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she ploped down with a huff then rolled onto her side glareing at a tree a raccoon jumped out of the hole in it at her she growled at it and it turned and ran the other way
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 08:14 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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(don't you mean *rapcoon* XDDD)
The black dragon pretty much just stared at Echo for a moment. +Darn, I shouldn't have pushed that far. Why do I ALWAYS HAVE TO PUSH TOO FAR+ he thought with a wince. "Hey Echo I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm..." He said slowly, standing up. Diablo needed to hunt anyway. He walked off into the bushes, silently cursing (well, his version of cursing anyway) to himself. "Roasted rattlesnakes Diablo, why do you have to be so fludging mean?" He mumbled, lowering his head a little and flicked his ears so he could at least listen for prey. A rabbit caught his attention as it dashed out in front of him, but his tail was faster. One swipe and the scorpian like stinger had injected venom into the rabbit. It quickly disapated (cannot spell) though, so it was not harmful to whoever ate it.
HERA Dungeons + Dragons Roleplay Thread February 15, 2024 08:30 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2140
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(aw darn )
echo moved her ear at diablo saying sorry she just nooded then went to sleep she ate last week she wasnt hungry

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