
Diablo +++ Diablo rolled his eyes at the two, settling back down with a huff. "In any case, I am BORED. Even if we don't take a walk with a grumpy green dragon, we should do something." he yawned, revealing dagger like fangs.
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Azys - Az breathed out deeply, and played with the tuft on the end of his tail, he flicked and shuffled his wings, flicking dew drops off of them. "Maybe we can try talking to humans.." he suggested quietly
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Diablo +++ Diablo spikes rattled as his head shot up, the feathers on his wings fluffing up. "WHAT? You want us to go to those crazy idiot humans and try to TALK to them? They'll try and kill us!" He exclaimed.
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Azys - Az looked at Diablo, "so if they attack, we will attack, lunch will be served" he said calmly, Az looked up at the sky to see two birds playing in the sky, "if you don't want to come with me, I am fine with that" he said, curling his tail around his legs
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Diablo +++ The crimson dragon's color swirled with more black as he sighed. "If Echo and Pearl go, I'll come." Diablo said quietly, his ears flicked back at the thought of communicating with humans.
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echo looked at diablo and az "ill come-" she said before she could change her mind

Storm launched into the air. He dove down towards a group of dragons skidding to a stop in front of the crimson one. "look out below" he called
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Diablo +++ "I'll come." He finally decided with a snort, his expression switching to surprise as a male dragon came barreling out of the sky at him. Diablo backed up quickly, his spines shooting up.
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echo jumped running sideways into az she snorted after wobling back onto her feet "mind changed " she said after the dragon landed

Azys - Az leaned forward and snorted dangerously at the new male, "who are you?" He said, meanwhile probing his feelings and mind
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