
Diablo +++ The male laughed a little. "Hey, at least my idiot energy is fun." Diablo chuckled, watching the other male fly off. Must not have wanted to stay. Fine with Diablo. He glanced at Az's lizard before praying Pearl came back out of the unknown in her brain. +++ (Cough cough* SWIRLY GET BACK ON HERE)
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Storm swooped down over the forest. He caught a deer up in his talons and flew to a secluded cave.
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echo gave daiblo one last glare before ploping down and looking at her wings one was burnt up from her father the other was normalish she made shure to bonk daiblo on his muzzle for no reason

Storm sighed curled up and feel asleep. After his nap he decided to give those dragons a little snow. He soared above where they couldn't see him and thought *let it snow* with that he minipulated the weather so that it started snowing.
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(let it snow let it snoooow me and my atistic self over here) echo jumped as she saw a little white cold wet snowflake land on her muzzle "yay snow" she said sarcasticly layiing her head down

storm smiled *and now for the grand finale a nice blizzard* he thought leting the snow fall harder and the wind pick up
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Azys - Az growled, flicking snow flakes out of his silky mane, he looked up in the sky, he didn't see the dragon, but he could feel it. Az wrapped his mind around the dragons mind, pressing against it, he also started manipulating the dragons feelings to deep sickly fear.
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storm felt afraid suddenly. He started to wonder why then he knew. "Get out of my head"he roared swooping down and brushing az with his talons.
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Azys - Az looked up, he had succeeded in bringing the dragon close, Az reached up and grabbed him, Az was bigger then him, and a lot more stronger, Az allowed the fear to get worse and worse, up until the stranger could barely make sense of his surroundings. Az pinned the smaller dragon, "the snow, get rid of it" he growled dangerously
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Pearl ~ Pearl watched as Storm flew away after just saying hi. What a strange dragon. She glanced at Diablo. "At least Echo was very welcoming," she joked. Snow suddenly flew into her face and she spluttered. "What the-" A growl rose in her throat as she noticed it was Storm's doing. "That dirty, little snail munching rat!" Pearl didn't mind the snow too much but attacking Az? Pearl flapped her wings and rose into the air, level with Storm. She blasted him with freezing water and pelted him with sharp pieces of hail. She sniffed and landed again. "Hmm, I'm hungry. What about you guys?" She gazed around at Az, Echo and Diablo. (LOL, been a bit busy but I'm back)