
Diablo +++ Slowly, ever so slowly he turned his head to perform a PERFECT side eye on Storm, then just BURST out laughing, yellow blossoming in the icy blue. After he could actually breathe again... "Oh my gosh! Superior? Are you KIDDING me? That is the best joke you've told this whole time! Respect, man, because wow! The only superior thing you have to us is the absolutely incredible lack of brain cells!" Diablo wheezed, finally catching his breath. "I would NEVER talk like you AREN'T HERE because that would be SO RUDE and OHMYGOSH I AM TERRIFIED of your SUPERIOR brain cells and I TOTALLY WISH I WAS NEVER BORN AHHH I AM SO SCARED." He exclaimed dramatically, over emphasizing almost every word.
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Storm flew down landing in front of diablo he knew he was bigger and he wasn't afraid to use that to his advantage. He snarled "you little rascal want some more cold cause I can arrange that"
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Diablo +++ The devilion lifted his snake like head, his fangs glinting as he opened his mouth slightly. "Cold as you can make it, buster cube. I dare you. Not like you can do anything but fight, Mr. All Brawn No Brain. You couldn't think up a good remark to this if you tried." Diablo taunted, his eyes glittering. He knew he was going pretty far, and he knew he was poking the bear, but he wasn't going to back down from this. His scales quickly blackened until he almost disappeared in the abyss, his glowing red eyes sticking out.
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echo snorted " Superior is not the wrd you should use idiot yes asshole yep icecube brain sounds right" echo said her glare fixed on storm

- Az sat on his heels, combing his claws through his beard. He was much bigger then all the dragonots around him, as he was adult, other then revenge and the big green dragon lurking in his forest. Az growled and edged forward, his powerful shoulders and thighs getting ready to lunge
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(ooh i love it!) echo walked around the dragons till she was facing storm "you may be bigger and stronger then me but you wont drop out of the sky and try to blow us away and if you whant to fight theres four dragons against one cube brained dragon" echo snarled in his face before backing up a step

Storm snarled his eyes flashing. He knew that the other's were just pushing his buttons now. The truth however was he was exahusted. The storm and what not had taken up too much of his energy. Echo had a point he wouldn't win this fight this time. "I'll be back" he snarled lifting up into the air and flying off much slower than normal.
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(AWWWW PH THAT IS AMAZING! You're an incredible artist! Revenge even looks grumpy XD- it's perfect) +++ Diablo +++ Diablo had to try- hard- not to snicker at the comments coming from the dragons around him, mostly Echo. He lifted his head at Storm's words, his face curling into a rather fangy smile. "Tata, see you later buddy." He winked before pausing a second and letting out a loud groan, flopping on the ground. "I feel like I was just shoved in a freezer and run over by Revenge." He mumbled, breathing another plume of fire on his cold body.
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echo snorted at diablo "that does not sound like a good mix" she said troting around him before sitting down and looking at her shoulder

(Thanks wild <3) - Az watched the dragon fly away, retreating to a colder place, Az sat down and tilted his head to watch everybody around him
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