
General Anubis +++ Leo tried to resist, but he couldn't stop the happy grin that spread across his face just hearing her voice sounding okay. Knowing that she would be okay was worth the pain in his cheek because his wound didn't like when he smiled. "Well that sounds rather entertaining, but also a little dramatic. Which isn't fair, since I'm the dramatic one, and you can't steal it from me." He huffed jokingly, which was a bad idea as it was followed by a stab of pain in his chest and a wince, his hand gingerly touching his bare, bruised, wounded chest. "You're welcome for not dying. For the record, I'm quite glad you're alive as well. Now, since I'm supposed to be the dramatic one... I feel like I got chained to some railroad tracks, runover by a cement truck and a freight train, sucked into the propellor of a C-5, got cut up, spat out, then went through a woodchipper, and finally got eaten by worms. If that isn't enough, then, just to hurt the ounce of pride I had left, I feel like I got pooped out by the worms, and that it was in a desert so I didn't even get to dignify the earth by making a plant." He explained, and however weird, it was a rather accurate description. "Put shorter... I feel like crap."
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory stifled a laugh, saying, "Sounds like one hell of a ride, though I'm not sure that's too far off from what actually happened." Her smile faded, realizing the horrible truth; they'd all almost died, and by some stroke of luck were still alive. It was wierd to think about how many people have dies in battles with the Corrupted, and yet here they were. "But that means we at least get to feel like crap together and not feel... crappy about what caused it." Glory joked, her smile coming back as she pushed all the other thoughts out, focusing on the here and now.
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General Anubis +++ "Oh gosh, don't make me laugh." Leo groaned jokingly, resting his head in his hands for a moment to regain non-dizziness. It was a LITTLE farther than what actually happened than she was saying it was... but he could do something else with it, too. "So, you're saying it was more like... whack whack bam spike horror pain agony whack almost death?" He asked with a comical expression. That's what my life as a General has been reduced to. Whack spike horror agony al,ost death. He thought, wincing at the almost death part. He was grateful to be alive, and WAY more grateful Glory was alive. "Yay! We can feel like crap together! That cheers me up soooo much." he grumbled begurdgingly, but honestly, it sounded much better than feeling like crap alone.
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Lieutenant Dwyer "Hmm, I was thinking more whack whack club bonk snap chomp chomp scratch pain grrr bite bite smack whack bonk bam suffering grrr some more club bonk what yooowwll snap misery almost death, but yeah." Glory said, grinning as wide as she dared with her injuries, then continued. "Well, that's good, I think. Better to suffer with someone else just be able to complain, said nobody ever until now." Glory felt like she'd not slept in a month, but would rather stay awake than go back to sleep.
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General Anubis +++ Leo tried to muffle a snort, but it came out as a very painful strangled laugh. He grimaced before swallowing down a wave of pain, sitting back against the wall and trying to re-focus. "yeah. That sounds about right." He commented with a smile, as if he was trying to supress a full out grin. He stared at the ceiling for a couple moments before deciding he needed to move someday. He slowly sat up and pushed his legs over the edge, which hurt... probably the worst he'd felt today. All the blood rushed to his legs, and the one that had been stabbed shot pain all the way up seemingly into his eyeballs, making his vision go blurry. "O-ow..." he hissed lowly, cradling his head in his good hand before he had recovered enough to actually put weight on his feet. Of course, not the best idea, as he was now a 6'7 220 pound tower that was dangerously close to just toppling over. He clutched the bed frame, stars dancing in his vision. "The.. good news is... at least I'll get to see the entire galaxy before I make it a step..." He mumbled, leaning heavily against the wall, but looking triumphant he was standing,
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory's eyes widened slightly as she watched Leo get out of bed. "What are you doing? You ought to rest!" Glory yelped, followed by a few curses under her breath. She decided now was as good a time as ever to get up as well, slowly swinging her legs over the side of the bed and sliding off of it. She sighed, slowly standing up all the way, willing her legs to cooperate. Glory grumbled a bit, swaying on her feet a little, hoping the vertigo would go away. God this room is annoyingly bright, Glory thought, wishing she could go outside and fly among the stars. Maybe having a broken wing would be harder than she thought. Glory nodded once, making up her mind. "Alright, where are we going?"
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General Anubis +++ "Glory, you've been awake for all of ten minutes! Why are you getting up?" Leo huffed the best he could, considering he felt like he was slowly imploding. He leaned against the wall for a little longer, putting most of the weight on his intact leg. "I can't sit here forever- but then again, my body says it might be a good idea to just.. like... walk around the room and sit back down." He swore he was going to be sick, as the entire world seemed to be spinning. Wait- the entire world WAS spinning. They all were. Why the hell did dizziness make him philosophical!? He took a staggering step and almost careened into the wall- Great. Pushing himself back up, he pretty much just collapsed on the bed again, staring angrily at the ceiling. "I am not going to sit here. No matter how hard it is to move." He grumbled under his breath, slowly sitting up. After he stood for a second time, he again leaned against the wall. It was weird not even being able to stand straight- his muscular form should be able to at LEAST keep him upright! He had worked all those hours so he could topple over whenever he stood up. Already slightly out of breath, his lungs aching, he was slowly getting annoyed. This was not right. His chest should not be HEAVING- ALL HE DID WAS STAND UP. Apparently breaking your ribs didn't help with respiratory stuff.
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory looked at the floor and grumbled to herself before responding, "ye-es, but if you think I'm just going to sit and watch you hurt yourself more just because you don't want to sit still, you've got another thing coming." Glory sighed, putting a hand on her bed to steady herself before continuing. "Could you at least sit here and talk to me for a bit, then we'll go do something. I don't want to be here either, you know. But I'd also not be here any longer than I have to because I did something stupid." She shot him an accusatory look before sitting back down on the edge of her bed, facing Leo.
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(Scientists say everything is made up of Neutrons, Protons, and Electrons, but they forgot Morons. Aka: Leo XD) - General Anubis +++ Leo cast a look at her, swaying slightly like a stack of Jenga bricks that 2 year Olds placed together. He slowly glanced at her again as she spoke, and honestly, his body kind of made the decision for him. If he didn't sit down soon, he was going to fall to the floor. He stepped back and sat down heavily on the side of the bed, looking rather gloomy as he stared at the floor for a moment, his unfocused gaze hinting that he was recovering. His head was spinning like a Tilt-A-Whirl, so that wasn't very helpful. After a couple seconds he sucked in a breath and lifted his head slightly, shifting slightly so he could look at her without breaking his neck. "It may have been stupid, but it protected the school." He retorted, then blew out a small breath. "I'll sit here for a little bit longer, mostly so that you don't move until you're ready, cough cough STUBBORN cough." He snorted quietly. "And I hate sitting still, for any amount of time, for any reason." He grumbled lowly, though he was becoming a little more subdued as pain obviously was taking over. Leo wasn't able to fully keep it out of his expression anymore, so the pain showed in his eyes as he adjusted slightly.
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory smiled at him, finally he'd listened. "Thank you. As soon as I can stand, I promise we'll go find something to do. Something that doesn't involve any more injuries though. Just a few more minutes, I think. Time to plan at least- where would you like to go?" She asked, leaning back against the wall, watching Leo as he tried to hide his pain. Glory was going to get bored of this pretty quickly, too, if she didn't find something to keep her mind busy. Usually, she'd be winding threads of darkness around her fingers absentmindedly, but she couldn't muster even the slightest bit of shadow. Naturally, Glory hated this; thinking that it felt like asking for help from someone who didn't speak the same language.
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