
| Keres wonder||talking with (more so glaring lol)||Juliet| keres felt someone bump into her she turned her odd eyes up seeing a sector leader her eyes still held a glare as she spoke "keres wonder" her blue and purple hair fell over her eyes after she spoke

'Sector 2 leader' Juliet Romanov -x- Juliet's smile dropped as she stared at, "Keres Wonder." "Well that was quite rude." She said, staring down at the girl with her sea blue eyes. "Hm. Apologies for bumping into you. I suppose." She apologized, like a good leader would. Although, she had a feeling this student would be trouble. Considering if that's how she treated higher ups.

Lieutenant Gloria Glory Dwyer --- Glory opened the large door to the meeting room as quickly and quietly as she could, having decided that since she hadn't seen General Wallis all day she might want to sit in on the meeting for him. The feeling in the air was a bit strange to her, but not unfamiliar- Simara looked displeased at how everyone was late, and everyone in general just not happy. "Hello, I'm here to fill in for General Wallis. I'm his Leutenant, Glory Dwyer." She said, as she didn't recognise all of the people in the room.
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'General Rogue Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien looked over at the door as someone entered, someone who wasn't General Wallis. He wasn't going to say anything, obviously. But Simara looked about ready to, until the woman spoke. Adrien nodded at her. "General Rogue." He told her, letting Anubis introduce himself. Simara was ranting about how sending another to a meeting for you was sloppy. Adrien refrained from sighing and focused back on Leiutenant Glory. "Pleasure to make your aquantince." He said, going back to being silent as Simara ranted. Edited at May 21, 2024 07:24 PM by Oakwood Barn

| Keres wonder|| she looked back down slightly confused as the sector leader walked off she shook her head her faded hair whipping around her face and covering her blue and purple eyes as she walked on running a hand along the stone walls she liked this place it felt more like home to her then home did

Glory Dwyer --- "Well met, General." Glory responded with a curt nod. And to Simara she said- "My apologies, General Simara, but I've not seen Flash all day. I came for that reason, not because he sent me. Where would you like me to sit?" Glory felt like this was going to be a long meeting, and wasn't looking forward to it. Oh, how she wanted to interrupt the lights and surround them in pitch-blackness. If course, she'd never hear the end of it, so she refrained while waiting for Simara to finish her ranting.
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General Anubis +++ Leo arched an eyebrow as the big doors opened, and a female walked in- obviously not General Wallis. His golden gaze flitted to Romonav and Simara before landing on this Glory Dwyer. "General Anubis. Nice to meet you." He stated, nodding curtly to her before looking back to Simara, slightly annoyed. "Take a chill pill, it's fine. Let's get this meeting moving." He commented with a slight smirk, a little amused now, then gestured to General Wallis' throne. "Just take his seat." He instructed,
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien nodded at her again and snapped, seeming to pull a shadow from the air and create a chair for her. He gestured to it. "Please, sit. Only Generals are allowed on thrones, so it would be disrespectful to take General Wallis', Ma'am." He said, as politely as possible, sitting up straight in his seat again and sitting back slightly. Watching her movements. Simara had stopped talking by now and the room had fallen into silence before Adrien took a breath. "Everyone ready to begin this meeting?" He asked, waiting for replies or confirmation. Edited at May 21, 2024 07:58 PM by Oakwood Barn

Glory Dwyer Glory takes the seat provided for her, taking a deep breath and mentally preparing for a long day. "Ready, General Rogue." she said. Hopefully General Wallis would show up soon so she could get back to practicing her abilities by herself- not like anyone liked being engulfed by the darkness she weilded. Glory gazed around the room, feeling very out of place. Here we go, she thought.
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Sector Leader 5 Rowan Alka +++ A tall, willowly figure strode through the halls like she owned the place. This was Rowan, the leader of Sector 5. She looked around before spotting just the person she was looking for- actually, that was a lie. She was extremely bored, hated all these new year idiots, and didn't want to be here. Someone caught her eye, the Sector Leader 2. "Hey. How are you surviving with all these people?" She asked, her tone rather even. She hadn't talked to this woman much- but hey, why not start somewhere.
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