
echo looked at revenge with a slight glare that was unseen through her fluff

Misted Pearl - Pearl was slightly surprised by how - friendly? - they were being. Eager to make a few friends and find some other Walitons, Pearl wasted no time introducing herself to the others. "Hi Az. I'm Misted Pearl or just Pearl for short. And who are you?"she asked the older Shroliner dragon who had just landed beside them. Pearl could tell this dragon was powerful and did not want to get on her bad side. "Are there any other dragons around here?" Pearl said, curious.

(Finally, someone shows real respect to Revenge XD) +++ Revenge Revenge's crimson eyes glittered as she observed this new dragon, the tip of her spiny tail flicking. Some days she could sleep for weeks on end and some she couldn't even sit still for a second. Still, she could control all that... came with being past the dying age. The more scientific dragons were actually shocked at how Revenge was still alive. One of them disappeared a day later and his corpse was found skewered on the skeleton of another big Shroliner. At the question from the small Waliton, Revenge let out a low growl. "How come nobody has heard of me. Hasn't any corpses shown up anywhere near you?" She mumbled under her breath. "Revenge of Titan's Fury, only the oldest, biggest, and most terrifying dragon to ever exist." Revenge answered in her gruff voice, a slight hiss to it as flames flickered out of her mouth, smoke still curling out of her nostrils. "There is a Devilion by the ocean over there, and a Triken that almost made it as big as me in the forest. Other than that, no." She answered the female's question, mainly because she could.
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echo was still glaring at Revenge she was standing next to az her fluff was covering her face till she shook her head revealing her od eyes one deep blue the other purple

Pearl nodded, hearing her mutter. She remembered seeing a carcass a few days ago but she had thought it was some giant predator. Now she knew it was Revenge, she would be a lot more careful where she went. And what she said to Revenge. "And you are...?" Pearl turned to the dragon standing next to Az. She noticed the dragon's different coloured eyes. "How come you, the scariest and strongest dragon ever, is hanging out with a few younglings like us?" Pearl paused, starting to regret her words. "I mean...Sorry Revenge, I was just...I wasn't trying to be rude." A memory flashed through her mind, one of her siblings teasing her, calling her a 'people please.'

Revenge The old dragon eyed Pearl carefully, trailing her claws in the dirt thoughtfully. Hey, her whole form was too look and act scary, but no one ever saw her inside. She would never harm a scale on one of these young dragons, nor anyone who didn't deserve it. Any dragon she had killed was doing terrible things, and any human she had killed was... usually because they were soliders and they were hurting people. Usually. At the young female's words Revenge almost had the grace to look surprised, but her face stayed mostly stony. "Hanging out with may not be the right terms. Even when you are almost 2,000 years old you still get bored." She answered drily. "What better thing did I have to do. And don't apologize, however scary and strong I am- I am just a dragon, like you ankle biters, which means I need a little bit of a social life... and I'm not going to murder you for speaking. On that note, I am here because the Devilion is occupied and you try having a conversation with that Triken. He is grumpier than I am, and that's saying a lot." Revenge huffed, her regal horns curving high up into the sky.
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(Revenge iss sooo regal) echo looked at pearl he eyes still held a glare for no reason "echos of the past but call me echo" she said in her emotionless voice her eyes showed no emotion either besides her glare

Alina Coral [] F [] Waliton/?? [] M: None _____________ _____________ _____________ As Coral approached the forest, she heard the sounds of dragons talking. She had been very bored recently, and wanted to do something, but was afraid of leaving her home. Maybe just this once, she thought, and sped up her flying. She got to the forest and landed in a patch of bushes. Ick, bushes! Coral tried to wipe the leaves off of her, but it was no use. She'd just have to live with it. ~~~ Coral saw three or four dragons talking in a clearing. Suspiciously and silently, Coral approached. She looked over the dragons. At leas two were Walitons, and one Triken. She couldn't see the others well enough to guess their species. Coral stepped farther out of the underbrush and stopped only when she was about 10 feet from the first dragon, an imposing old female, who appeared to be a Shroliner. (this is Revenge, by the way)

Azys - Az smiled and felt around was his consciousness, feeling along for a small patch of light, once he found it he pulled it towards him with a mental tug. Az compressed it into a ball and then started remodeling it into a deer, he finished the deer and flicked a claw at it. The deer pranced around, its body made of pure light. Az smiled and played with the tuft on his tail. Edited at February 6, 2024 01:08 PM by Ponies heaven
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Revenge [] F [] Shroliner [] M: Coral With a flick of her sharp tail, the massive dragon turned her head to see ANOTHER Waliton, standing behind her. "I guess we have a crowd now." She grumbled, her giant tattered wings tucking in close to her jagged scales. Three Shroliners, including her, two Walitons, and a grumpy Firisus thrown in. Quite a crowd. Now, if the Devilion and the Triken came, they'd have a stadium. Revenge grumbled something under her breath and backed up slightly so she wasn't being crowded, laying down again with a small huff, flames flickering out of her mouth once more. +++ Grizz [] M [] Triken [] M: Everyone at the group The big Triken glared after Diablo as the smaller Devilion shot away. He then lumbered towards the sound of many voices, mostly because one of them was the deep grumble of Revenge. Grizz and Revenge had somewhat of a ... aquaintance? They were not friends in any matter, but they talked with each other every once in a while, and didn't try to kill each other. His tree-like limbs managed not to step on any important ungrowth and he managed to weave through all the trees before coming to the group- a spectacular gathering indeed. Three Shroliners, two Walitons, an unhappy Firisus, a Devilion, and now a Triken. As Diablo stood beside him Grizz gave the smaller male a glare and shoved him away from his shoulder. +++ Diablo [] M [] Devilion [] M: Everyone The lithe male watched the water for a while longer before seeing nothing, bounding back to where he came from- but Grizz was gone. He shook his head and went towards the sound of a lumbering, totally not atheletic dragon, almost running into the hind end of the giant Triken. Weaving around, Diablo looked at the circle. "Holy mackeral, that's a lot of different species. We are not even missing one species. Wow." He exclaimed, standing beside Grizz... until he got roughly shoved away. "Ouch sheesh, fine." he went to stand by himself, scanning the crowd.
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