
Nadia just stared at him. She didn't have permission to interact with him. SHe wasn't going to risk it. She listened to him talk, she was correct. He was full of himself. She didn't move nor shift back, just watched him. Which was a stupid move on his part. Don't ever let an assassin watch you or observe your movements. She continues to stare at him as he talks, until she smells it. Metal this time. She moved quickly jumping up, bounding across the river and past the boy who has since stopped chattering. She sniffs again. -It has to be... ut why?- She thinks, moving toward the smell. She comes upon a gaurd. He's wearing armor with a sword in hand and a bow on his back. She shifts back, ponytail swinging a bit as she moves. She climbs a tree near the gaurd and looks back toward the way she came. She waits. Waits for the boy to get to close to the guard. She didn't care much, only that she wanted the shifter to die by her hand. She jumps on the guard, clinging to his back and slitting his throat, where there had been no armor. She stands up and looks at the boy who had, again, followed her. She had a mask on and contacts so she knew this boy couldn't tell her identity. Not that he'd know her. She stands there staring at the boy. Thats when she feels the "lock" command run through her chip. Her body goes ridgid and her eyes dart around, before returning to the boy infront ofher. She stares at him with a tired gaze. Locked in place. Edited at December 13, 2023 10:04 AM by Oakwood Barn

Diablo's eyes flitted to the ground before he sighed and sheathed the dagger. "Okay, bye then." He snorted a little as the wolf darted off. "I swear if I could mind read: HE IS THE STUPIDEST MOST IDIOTIC FOOL I HAVE EVER LAID EYES ON WHAT A STUCK UP PRICK ARGH" Diablo mumbled under his breath, starting across the river again. This time, he saw her drop from above- +Knew it+ he thought, and she just slit the guard's throat. Diablo was about to just turn away to go think about what to do when the +he knew it, girls+ body went ridgid. Had he done soemthing? No. He observed the area around him. Oookay that was weird. After glancing at her for a moment more he moved off into the forest, not wanting to do anything, really. Walking back to the camp of shifters, Diablo stood at the edge of the clearing like he always did and leaned against a tree to think.
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Once the shifter walks away she feels the "unlock" command run through her chip this time. She lets out a gasp of air before following the other boy. -Maybe he could lead her to the one she's supposed to ake down.- She thinks. He wasn't exactly hard to follow. She was swift to hide behnd a tree one she hears him stop. -What's he thinking about?- She thinks, moving a bit closer to listen in on what he was saying, or going to anyway.

Diablo stood for a moment before moving away through the brush. He didn't walk too long before glancing around and entering a cave. Soon there was a low growl, before a couple loud barks. "Rex I missed you so much... how have you been faring on your own, bud? Not that you need help." Diablo came back out of the cave with a wolf/german shepherd on his heels, his eyes sad but happy at the same time. "I'm sorry I had to leave you, I just needed to make sure those other shifters wouldn't hurt you." He mumbled, kneeling and petting the dog who whined happily and licked Diablo's face. "I dunno what to do, boy. Am I supposed to help the other shifters? Warn them? I definitely know that following that one wolf ain't helping- and man the way she stares it's like she is trying to melt my body with laser gaze. It's creepy." Diablo was purposefully saying these things because he knew Nadia was following him- he knew ever since he left the other clearing. Suddenly Rex let out a snarl and glared towards the place that Nadia was hiding. "Unhelpful, Rex- you are really slow." Diablo hissed under his breath, his amber eyes darting to the foliage and his hand going to the ever-present dagger. "If you are here to hurt me, shoo. I'm busy." He snorted, standing and moving half in front of Rex to wait. Not like the girl would interact, she seemed to like to say nothing, stare, then run.
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Nadia didn't say anything. Like she had say'd or thought multiple times. She wasn't allowed to engage. Although... this shifter seemd interesting. She walked out from where she was hiding and looked at him. She cocked her head in question hoping he got the message she would answer a few questions. She couldn't talk or approach him any further though. He looked down at his wolf/dog and snarled. The dog seemed to get she was a wolf to and backed down, going back to playing with the boy. His name was Diablo. -Why have I been calling him the boy then?- She thinks, inwardly chuckling.

Diablo let out a low breath, rubbing a hand through his hair and pondering what to do. Last time he tried to talk the look on her face suggested he was a maniac, so he didn't know if that was the right path to take. However, Diablo was the king of wrong paths. As the girl growled at the wolf, Rex glared back but backed down, his ears flattening a little to show he wasnt happy about it. After that Rex turned to Diablo and nudged the boy's hand, whining a little as if begging for attention. Diablo looked at the wolf with a slight chuckle. "Not that you'll answer me, but who are you? Why are you killing shifters?" He finally decided to try an attempt, tilting his head slightly. Edited at December 13, 2023 11:55 AM by Wild West Warmbloods
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She couldn't talk to him... She wasn't allowed to. But she needed to take the risk, right...? "People call me the Night Shifter. Please help me..." She mutters, her voice neutral. She knew it had been a mistake as she felt the "punish" command run through her chip this time. Her eyes widened as she grabbed her stomach just as a sharp pain fell there. She gasped and stumbled backward. A crippiling shot up her leg, she was about to crumple when she heard the "lock" command run through her chip this time. Her knees locked, hands falling to her sides, limp. She was still in pain though. She squeezed her eyes shut, unsure of what to do and what was happening around her. "Do not ingage with other targets unless we say." She hears through her comm. She tries to grit out a "Yes sir." but she can't talk through all the pain. Then the "unlock" command runs through and she falls. Grabbing ahold of her stomach again. She didn't know what to do, all she thought she could do was wait it out... - (The drama) Edited at December 13, 2023 12:12 PM by Oakwood Barn

(Oi LOL. Poor Diablo is confused) - Diablo cocked his head to the side, his amber eyes glowing with an unhuman golden-copper color. As the girl spoke his eyebrows furrowed, and then she seemed to be in pain? Was she going to crumple or not? Why did she freeze? Why did she unfreeze and crumple? +I've seen this before, where have I seen it? OH, Delilah!+ Diablo thought with alarm. He had once known a shifter called Delilah, and she was the sweetest shifter like ever. However, he found out later in their *relationship* that Delilah was just trying to get close so she could kill him when he was unsuspecting- because however relaxed Diablo seemed, he was always on guard. Came from being in the Army. In any case, when he found out he confronted her and she confessed with tears, saying that the government said she could stay alive if she killed other shifters. A second later she was literally electrocuted to death. Diablo looked for the source, finding a chip burrowed in her neck. He tried to dig it out to figure out what it was, but it almost killed him as soon as he touched it. After the memory passed through his mind, he tried very quickly to decide what to do. IF the *Night Shifter's* case was anything like Delilah's- which is wasn't beause this girl was obviously more hardcore and willing to kill without having to get close- then if Diablo tried to help they would both end up getting hurt. If she tried to talk to him, she would get hurt. They could control her with that chip, and he didn't know a way to get it out. "Ooooooookaaaaaayyyyy ummmmmmmmm..." Diablo muttered under his breath, racking his brain for a way to fix it. He tried to make a quick decision because it was obvious the gil was in pain. As he flinched as if moving forward then hesitated, Rex trotted forward and gently licked the girl's face before crouching low as a sign of respect, but still worry. "Rex don't touch her-" Diablo started forward, not really knowing what to do. - (What is he supposed to do, get the chip out? If so, how lol)
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(Nope it stops eventually. They don't want her dead considering she's one of the best assassins they have.) - Nadia's shaking. She lets out a gasp when she feels the command "finish" runs through her chip. She shoves to her feet, staggering and grabbing her stomach again. She was having trouble breathing... -Hopefully they didn't break my ribs again...- She thinks, looking up at the other shifter with horrid pain in her eyes. "Please help me." She mouths, she just stands there. Feeling all the pain in her body. She's pin-pointing it and seeing what might be hurt and or broken. She uses her unharmed arm, to gently scratch Rex's head. She gulped, shedidn't know how Diablo could help her. She didn't even know where her chip was...

(Poor Diablo has absolutely no idea how to help) - Diablo gritted his jaw. He was angry now. He absolutely HATED that the government would do this- well, it didnt surprise him though. He just wished he knew how to fix it! or stop it! Or SOMETHING! "I'm so sorry... I don't know how to help-" A slight hiss crept into his grief riddled face. He hated to see anyone in pain, EVEN IF they were a *cereal* killer. Rex whined unhappily and started sniffing her stomach with another whine, then a growl.
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