
Diablo +++ Diablo shook his head at the question, his head dipped slightly. "No.. there was only two other eggs in the Hatchery, and when I actually did get let out for good I knew no one so I kind of just... wandered. I know Grizz because I wander in the woods a lot and he is like the scary stone protector of the forest. I know Revenge because she was called in as backup when I got too unruly. Apart from that, not really anyone." He stated, looking at the shadow dragon. Must reflect the mood... Az looked kinda down. "That's not my ONLY talent." Diablo snickered at the thought. "Some Devilions are shapeshifters, me included. I can shift into whatever I've seen, or can imagine. I'm only limited by my imagination, which honestly is scary." He grinned, studying the moon deer that was still bouncing around on the side and then getting smaller. Smoke swirled from his scales and then he emerged as the claw sized moon deer, looking exactly alike it.
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Pearl ~ "Well, in that case, want to be friends?" She turned to Az and Diablo, a little nervous. If they said no...that would be humiliating. "And friends stick together, just like family should." Pearl wondered if she could ever consider them her new family. After all, despite enjoying her time as a hatchling with her siblings, when the time came to leave the cave it seemed they hadn't wanted anything to do with her anymore. Pearl looked down at Diablo, now as small as the moon deer. Her looked just like it and now she couldn't tell which one was Diablo. "Now you two are making me jealous with your moon animals and shapeshifting." She sniffed slightly. "It'll end up raining soon enough."

+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diablo +++ The little moon-deer-Diablo's eyes sparkled mischeviously as he suddenly popped up, growing bigger until he resembled the same size and shape and colors as Revenge. He set his face in a grumpy look, smoke started coming out of his nostrils, and he started tapping his 6 foot long claws on the ground. "Come to think of it, not that anyone cares, but I would be much obliged to become your friend. Even though I don't want to." He hissed in the same gruff voice as Revenge, his crimson-Revenge eyes narrowed. "Don't be jealous. If Revenge caught me like-" He was cut off as he literally got landed on BY miss-altogether-way-too-scary-herself. He let out a sqeauk that sounded nothing like the snarl the REAL Revenge let out, immediately molding right back down into his normal size out of pure surprise. That always happened when he got startled. He let out a cough as his airway was partially restricted, making a face as Revenge glared at him. She was actually mad now. +Whoops+ he thought, wincing at every loud word barked in his face and taking the berating because he had nothing else better to do... or really because he couldn't move. He was being pinned to the ground by TONS of weight. As Revenge flew off he didn't move much at first, breathing as he stared into the sky. "Oh. My. Gosh. SHE LIKES ME!" He finally half-roared/half-yelped, jumping up, his tail lashing. "She totally would've murdered anyone else! WHOOPEEE.... HEAR THAT REVENGE. YOU WOULD NEVR KILL ME. YOU ARE FOND OF MEEEEEEEEEEEEE." Diablo laughed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Revenge Of Titan's Fury +++ Revenge had been snoozing in her cave when her Shroliner senses picked up her name being thrown around. Sooo she lifted her head, narrowed her eyes, and flew over to the mountaintop near the three young dragons. She heard the ENTIRE conversation, but when Diablo shapeshifted into HERSELF she wasn't going to stand there any longer. +I hope I squish him+ She thought as she swooped down and landed on Diablo's back, her claws curling around his neck. He immediately shrank, so Revenge kept standing... he was way too small to sit on now. She would ACTUALLY squish him and that MIGHT not be good. "Really? You do know as a Shroliner I can read your mind and hear what you are saying." She snarled, glaring at Diablo with smoke wreathing through her horns. "You shouldn't dare ridcule me, boy, if you want to see your precious friends again." Revenge snorted, her spines scraping together angrily as she narrowed her crimson eyes. "You picked the wrong dragon to make fun of. You do know my father would have ripped you to shreds by now.. limb by limb.. and my mother would have eaten you? Thankfully they were horrible cannibalistic parents and I am nothing like them in any way shape or form. This is a WARNING, I am rather MERCIFUL if you think into it... not that you have much of a brain to... and if you do this AGAIN I might have to find some SCORPIAN TAIL VENOM to go with my BONES in my CAVE. BAD DAY TO YOU, Most annoying dragon in the entire universe." She gowled menacingly, puffing out a breath of fire in Diablo's face before flying away. "Kids these days..." She grumbled.
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Pearl ~ "Oh please! You secretly wanted to be friend this while time." Diablo turned into Revenge and Pearl went silent not quite sure if it really was her until the actual Revenge flew down and landed on him before taking off again. "How come she threatens to destroy me when she's angry at you!?" Pearl snorted as Diablo began jumping up and down in triumph. "Yep, she just loves you, doesn't she? You even have a nickname - 'Most annoying dragon in the entire universe.' " Still laughing at the male Devilion, she walked over to him. "But are you okay?" she managed to say between giggles. "If hadn't been able to shapeshift I'm pretty sure you'd be as flat as a leaf right now."

Revenge +++ The old female rolled her eyes with exasperation as shouting started coming from below. "I HATE YOU, DEVILION." She roared down from the clouds before going back to her cave. Honestly that was a flat out lie. Not that she would EVER admit to it, but she was quite fond of the little guy. It was the first time she had met someone who was smart enough and had the ability to actually make he work for something, which she respected. However, he was still 100 percent the most annoying dragon in the entire universe. She wouldn't hurt him too badly though. Probably. +++++++++++++ Diablo +++ Diablo snickered as the roar came down from the clouds. "But you HAD to have seen that? She was ANGRY and she STILL spared me from even getting a scratch! That's impressive in itself, if you ask me- to weild those 6 foot long daggers, almost squish someone, half strangle them, and still not scratch them? She must've been TRYING." He cackled, sitting down with a triumphant look. "That's a good nickname coming from her. You should hear some of the things she bellows at dragons she ACTUALLY hates." He chuckled, the tip of his tail twitching. "I probably would be as flat as a leaf, you're right. She probably weighs 30 tons. Buuuut I'm fine, much to everyone surprise." Diablo spread his wings and took a bow, letting out a small laugh.
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Azys - Az dipped his head, "no.. that was a lie, you are fond of him" he said, he could tell from her emotions and thoughts mixed together, Az sat up and looked at the shadow dragon, slashing his claws through the black smoke. Az layer down and put his head on his talons, "mighty me, I am tired" he said, yawning
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echo just watched as things whent down not even flinching as revenge roared she just watched her odd eyes flicking to each dragon she then started to make her own moon animal making it a bit bigger then azys she started to make the body it was a wolf when she got done making it she layed down playing with it for a second before she let it poof

The Nights Only Fear~M~Devilion Night Roared As He was alone as always he looked towards The SKy As He Grumbled he flipped on his back and strecthed his wings.Night Saw A Few deers across the Cold Lake He Growled he wanted too attack them but he was too tired.

echo flicked a ear she heard another dragon but didnt bother to check it out she let her head flop onto her legs

Pearl ~ Pearl yawned. Az rested his head down, he would probably fall asleep soon. Turning to Diablo, who bowed as Revenge had spared him, she said "Do you think it'll be night soon?" Pearl turned her head towards a noise from the forest. A dragon. Slightly unsettled, she sat down next to Az. She hoped that she was hearing things. Though that wasn't better than being attacked by a dragon.