Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Mon 10:37pm  
Stables Online:  101 
Grimm Acres
10:29:48 Grimmi
placed two embryos in the store to this girl -HEE Click- EWW-W stud is WWW-W
Willow Grove
10:07:03 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-

Looking for pricing help! Wild EWW RID mare!
-HEE Click-
Star Bright
10:01:53 MacN'Cheesey
-HEE Click- Help test these freshies out!
Lilac Fields
09:28:31 Lillie
-HEE Click-
EEE-EWW Shiny WB and TB Broods starting at 10k!

-HEE Click-
SEE-PEP Unbred mares for sale starting at 750!
09:24:01 honsedog
auction ends in 2.5 hours :3 -HEE Click-
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-

Shop including Sherpa Maps and Rowel Spurs -HEE Click-
-HEE Click-

secondary auction all KNN
-HEE Click-

EEE/EEP combo horses up for auction.
ghost light stables
08:57:03 moldy bread / ghost
I've got an auction going there are some nice color horses in there and a bunch of other cheap hoses. I JUT NEED THEM GONE
Lost Gems
Looking for a upgrade.

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Grimm Acres
10:29:48 Grimmi
placed two embryos in the store to this girl -HEE Click- EWW-W stud is WWW-W
Willow Grove
10:07:03 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-

Looking for pricing help! Wild EWW RID mare!
-HEE Click-
Star Bright
10:01:53 MacN'Cheesey
-HEE Click- Help test these freshies out!
Lilac Fields
09:28:31 Lillie
-HEE Click-
EEE-EWW Shiny WB and TB Broods starting at 10k!

-HEE Click-
SEE-PEP Unbred mares for sale starting at 750!
09:24:01 honsedog
auction ends in 2.5 hours :3 -HEE Click-
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-

Shop including Sherpa Maps and Rowel Spurs -HEE Click-
-HEE Click-

secondary auction all KNN
-HEE Click-

EEE/EEP combo horses up for auction.
ghost light stables
08:57:03 moldy bread / ghost
I've got an auction going there are some nice color horses in there and a bunch of other cheap hoses. I JUT NEED THEM GONE
Lost Gems
Looking for a upgrade.

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 10:19 AM

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Lucas/15/bear/M: Grace, Rigsby, Rascal.
Lucas looked down as Rascal started pulling on his pants leg. He put the leash back on him, and started walking him in the direction he wanted to go with a small shrug.
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 10:42 AM

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{ Rigby Griffith }

male / 17 / human / bisexual / mentions: Lucas & Grace
Rigby smiles at them both as he did his best to come across friendly, "Hey, were you heading to get breakfast too?" he asks both Lucas and Grace. His phone buzzed within his hand, and he checks the message rather quickly. "Oh! My brother said he'll be here soon, maybe you'll get to see him later" he sounded rather relieved, mostly due to the fact his brother was his only friend here (at least so far).
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 11:00 AM

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Rascal stopped when he heard the word breakfast. He turned and walked back over to them looking for some food. Lucas reluctantly followed.
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 11:19 AM

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{ Rigby Griffith }

male / 17 / human / bisexual / mentions: Lucass/Rascal & Grace

Rigby looks from Grace to the racoon who skitters towards him. "Hey little guy, who are you?" he cooes softly at the animal, kneeling down and offering his hand so that he may pet him. "I don't have any treats on me, but if I get an apple then I'll save it for you" he chuckles, for he knew animals very well.

{ Patrick Griffith }

male/ 17 / gryphon / bisexual / mentions: Skyler & Alyssa

Unlike his brother, Patrick arrived by his parole officer dropping him off at the academy. No words were exchanged between the two, but the older man gave Patrick a stern look as if to say 'Don't fuck this up'. Patrick said nothing, but he grabbed his singular suitcase and backpack without so much as help from his parole officer. He then heads into the building before him, and makes his way down the hallway.
Eventually he would cross paths with two girls who were busy chatting to one another. He overhead their conversation, and realized he had no idea where the dorms were as well. He frowned, socializing wasn't his best trait but he knew he would need to ask sooner or later. "Hey, sorry if I'm intruding, do you know where the boys dorm is?" he asked deadpanned.
((finally adding in Patty!))

Edited at September 7, 2022 11:21 AM by Wild West Winds
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 11:31 AM

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Alyssa/15/bear/M: Patrick
She pointed down the other hallway, and said "Down that hall, and your dorm number should be above one of the doors." with an added smile.
Lucas/15/Mlion/M:Rigsby, Rascal
"Rascal." Lucas told him. Rascal walked closer to let the kid pet him. Lucas watched, not really trusting the new person, since having major trust issues.
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 11:43 AM

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{ Rigby Griffith }

male / 17 / human / bisexual / mentions: Lucass/Rascal & Grace

Rigby pets the animal gently before standing back up and straightening his posture. "Alright then, I'm heading to the cafeteria. Feel free to join me you two!" he says before waving goodbye to Lucas, Grace, and even Rascal.

{ Patrick Griffith }

male/ 17 / gryphon / bisexual / mentions: Skyler & Alyssa
Patrick nods towards the girl, "Uh.. thanks," a short pause, "sorry, I didn't get your name?" he awkwardly chuckles. After clearing his throat he speaks up, "I'm Patrick, you wouldn't happen to know my brother--uh, his name is Rigby". He looks between the two girls in hopes of a response.
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 11:52 AM

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Alyssa/15/bear/M: Patrick
"No, but you could check outside or the dorms." she offered, and added "And It's Alyssa Prestage.". She held her hand out to shake his. She was trying to be nice, and make some friends.
Lucas/15/Mlion/M:Rigsby, Rascal
Rascal looked at him as if asking if they could. Lucas nodded and followed Rigsby to the caffeteria. As much as he didn't want to, he was bored and him and the raccoon did needed something to eat.
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 7, 2022 09:32 PM

Star Struck ISH
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Skyler | Human | 17 | Mentions: Patrick & Alyssa
She smiles, hoping that she could make some friends. "My name is Skyler Lovato. You can call me Skye. Nice to meet you Patrick." She looks at you two in front of her and starts getting lost in thoughts about what might happen if people found out she wasn't a shifter. She snaps back quickly and looks around the hall.
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 8, 2022 02:45 PM

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{ Rigby Griffith }

male / 17 / human / bisexual / mentions: Lucss/Rascal
Rigby could tell that Lucas wasn't one for conversation so he did his best to refrain from making small talk even though it was in his nature to fill the silence with rambling. Once they reached the cafeteria Rigby immediately joined the line and went about getting his food. He made sure to grab some fruit for Rascal--as promised--and sat down at an empty table, motioning for Lucas to join him with a big smile on his face. Rigby began to eat his waffles, poking the food with his plastic fork and contemplating whether or not he should message his brother.

{ Patrick Griffith }

male/ 17 / gryphon / bisexual / mentions: Skyler & Alyssa

Patrick wonders to himself if they were shifters, but the air smelt heavy of animal blood making it hard to tell. He smiles back at Skye, his face lightening to a more friendlier expression, "Yeah, nice to meet you too, I'm Patrick Griffith. If you ever see another version of me, that'd be my brother Rigby-- we're twins," he conveyed with a slight amused tone. If these two didn't know Rigby yet then it would be for the best. Patrick was just glad that his older brother hadn't made any enemies just yet.

Edited at September 8, 2022 02:46 PM by Wild West Winds
Shifter Academy/ Shifter roleplay /open September 8, 2022 03:12 PM

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"That's cool, and I'll keep it in mind. Well I'm gone back to my dorm." she said with a small stiffled yawn. She then headed down the hall to her dorm. She hadn't had any sleep since 5:00 am yesterday. She opened the dorm and basically collapsed on her bed. She was soon asleep on her bed.
Lucas pulled out a pack of jerky and sat down next to Rigsby with Rascal.

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