
The herd stalks within the green fields and forests of Ireland known for its natural beauty, Bright Field Herd has there own territory, and within the borders lays a forest, a large field, and a small river known as "Stonybrook Edge" They are neighbored by the Sunset Trotters and South Creek, The only known predators of the horses are Bulls, Jellyfish, Brown bears, Wolves, And Golden eagles. Foals are to be supervised at all times due to incidents in the past.
The herd is currently west of the main point of their territory, They are grazing near a small pond known as "Finch Pond" named after its popularity amongst finches, The herd recently recovered from the loss of a foal due to a surprise attack and the tension is high. The season is summer and fall is on the rise as there are chilly winds every- now and then.
You can start posting! Edited at March 12, 2023 12:30 AM by Savannah Stables

The sun seemed to blaze down endlessly on the field, The herd was quiet as the sorrow from the foal that had passed was still flowing throughout, Yet Calypso knew she had to stay strong for the herd till there was a lead stallion that she could trust to look after them while she rested. Calypso Raised her head, squinting her eyes as the sun seemed to angerly blind her in light. The weather seemed perfect for grazing today.
Calypso leaned down and struggled to nip the grass due to her long-curly hair that blocked her view she just dealt with it hoping she wouldn't grab on to sharp-embedded grass. She lifted her head and let the smells bathe her, Fresh sap, Flowers, The herd.
She remembered her father's words, "You are weak without me- Not in a million years would you ever be able to successfully lead a herd!" Just thinking about it made her blood boil, She dug hard into the grass scraping dirt up, Calypso would prove him wrong, No matter the cost.
Calypso decided to rest as she lowered herself down to the ground, In those moments her anger had been struck by her gorgeous surroundings causing it to fade into a neutral feeling. She started to pick at the flowers slowly tying their stems together to inform of a flower crown, who knows how she knew how to make one? She basked in the sun as she twisted the flowers together. It was nice being in a herd who listened and respected her ideas and opinions, I mean she was their leader, after all.
She felt a warm feeling despite the breeze that whirled around, For once in a lifetime, The stress of being a leader had been lifted off of her shoulders, for now... But all that mattered to her was herself and her herd- And proving her father wrong. She finished twisting the stems together and laid the neatly made flower crown on the ground. It was too small to fit any of her herd so she destroyed it with her hoove, Crushing it easily.
Edited at February 5, 2023 10:01 PM by Savannah Stables
He looked down over the herd below. Quietly grazing as was their way. He breathed the air carefully checking for scents upon the wind. His ears stood tall and forward as he listened for sounds of predators or another stallion who also looked on this herd. Was he the only one? Did they have a stallion to lead and protect them?
He couldn't approach with any surety until he knew. He was young and not quite at the prime of his life. A Stallion with more experience and power could make quick work of him and he didn't want to feel the hurt of damaging hooves this day.
Any who looked toward him would have to look closely to make out his jet black figure as he had chosen to stand amongst a cluster of rocks atop the hill overlooking the meadow. He would fade into the shadow they cast if he stood still enough, but he knew movement would give his presence away.
His hide was jet black, and blended easily into the shadows, he had this advantage over some other of his kind who's bright colors would call attention to them instead. There was no marks upon his body, no white splashes to break up the darkness. So he had been given the name Raven, for he was swift like a bird and black as his name sake. Tired now of all this waiting, he stepped out from his cover and made his way down the hillside, his tail held high he bugled his greeting and waited wondering who would answer.

Luna | Herd Mare | 6 | Oldenburg x Mustang Cross | M: Herd, Raven, Open The young mare would be peacefully grazing by herself but is staying kinda close to the herd, already knowing not to go far incase something happens. Luna would swish her tail at the pesky flies a bit while sun's ray gently beats against her bay tobiano coat, taking a step forward while her muscles twitch slightly while continuing to graze. The mare finally raised her head, standing in a relaxed posture while her ears swirled back and forth to listen out for anything as her eyes curiously taken in the herd's surroundings before gently tossing her head up to move her mane out of her face a bit. Luna would quickly turn her attention to a sound of another equine, a stallion, her ears that were once perked now pointed back but not pind against her skull. The mare decided to rear up a bit, she knew that the stallion has bulged his greeting but is being quite wary and cautious of his presence. She isn't really sure if he's truly friendly or not but the mare didn't want to chance it as she quickly goes back to the herd in an extended trot to cover much ground as possible while keeping her ears back, mentally preparing herself incase she needs to fight this stallion to defend her own self. Once she has got back into the herd, Luna brought herself to a halt but her ears remained pointed back with her tail now kinda raised. Nostrils flared while warily watching Raven, wondering what the stallion's intentions are as her muscles began to tense. Luna would now start to look around for the lead mare, wondering if she is aware of what is going on. She has complete faith in Calypso's abilities but Luna gently shakes her head a bit, basically getting rid of any doubt that tries to settle into her mind but curiousity sets in, how is the lead mare gonna handle the stallion? Edited at March 13, 2023 12:28 AM by Aspen Fire ES

Calypso| LM | M: Luna, Raven,
She laid her head in the grass for a few moments, Letting the cool air whip around and embracing her surroundings. She raised her head turning her attention to the herd. Something's Happening. Calypso's glare seemed to turn cold as she now was aware of what was going on, Were they really going to get into a tussle? If she had caught attention earlier maybe she'd known who to threaten, But from the looks of it..Well in her point of view, Raven was very clear about their current state, And Luna seemed agitated and unsure of being able to trust.
Calypso raised from the ground, The grass she was laying on seemed to be flattened along with traces of flowers and petals. She was watching them very carefully, Yet she couldn't help feeling a bit ashamed that she didn't catch onto this earlier, To make sure that they were aware she was present and watching she pressed her hooves hard into the ground as if stomping. She only did this to make noise so the two would notice she was there, Hopefully, the sight of their Lead Mare would prevent a fight.
Calypso silently wished that she had recruited a Lead stallion, She did admit quietly to herself that Leading a herd by herself was tough, Watching for predators, breaking up small arguments or even fights, It was pretty hard to keep up with. What bothered her the most was her self conscious, She was a bit unsure if her herd respected her enough to listen to her even through the harsh conditions, But She had faith.
She made her message clear by flattening her ears against her neck threateningly, Calypso was becoming agitated as she kept overthinking the situation. The mare seemed ready to defend herself if the stallion decided to attack, Which she respected as self-defense was something you'd need to know if you were living in a herd with Stallions. Calypso was still unaware if Raven's greeting was aggressive or friendly, looking just trying to make conversation, But the current situation would stand unclear to her as she watched.

Apocalypse(Eclipse)|Appaloosa|Herd Mare|6|M: Herd; Raven, Luna, Calypso, | The young mare looked up from grazing, her long mane falling down the side of her neck. Her forelock covered her eyes, she shook her head, getting it out of the way. - She trotted down the hill she was grazing on, to the river. Eclipse takes a long drink from the cold, fast rushing water. She puts her head up, water dripping from her muzzle. - She cantered over to the herd and looked around. She spotted Calypso and Raven, but didn't approach them. She pinned her ears at a foal that nipped at her, making it obvious that she didn't want to play right then. Edited at March 14, 2023 10:13 PM by KA Horse Co.
Raven|Black|Unnatatched Stallion| Calypso, Luna, Eclipse His wide, dark eyes took in all that happened, he watched the mare who shied away, saw the others grazing, the foals playing, and another coming back from the direction of the river. But his attention then focused on the mare that was approaching him. He nickered a greeting, trying his best to sound friendly and unthreatening. He wasn't here to cause trouble, he just wanted to make friends, perhaps find a herd, that he could call HIS. - The mare's reaction to him however surprised him. Her ears lay flat a clear sign that she was displeased and she stomped her hoof. He stopped where he was, his muscles tight as the tension filled the space between them. He arched his neck, reaching out his muzzle to test the waters. His ears flicked forward and to the side, listening to the other mares. His attention drifted toward the others momentarily. - He was committed now, he had to see how she would react. "...Hello?" He seemed to say. The breeze was cool and the sun bright, by all accounts it was a beautiful day, but it did nothing to calm his nerves. Would she accept him enough to respond? or would she drive him away with teeth and hooves? It was clear the other mares expected her to do something here. What happened next was up to her.

Eclipse grazed on the other side of the herd. She still felt like she wasn't wanted. But she pushed the thought out of her head. - She looked around at the herd, then trotted off. Once she was a few yards away, she broke into a gallop and sprinted into the forest. She slowed to a canter and cantered down a long, narrow trail. - She saw people on horseback up ahead and went into the trees a little. She sprinted ahead, passing them easily. - The domesticated horses squealed and pranced, trying to run after Eclipse. The young mare swerved back onto the trail infront of the riders and continued to sprint down the trail.