
Scar snorted and shook his head a little. "I'm finishing my hunt, thank you very much." He stated, walking towards the bushes again. "I'm thinking a rabbit or two? Bo, you can get something bigger if needed- and I promise I'll come back." He joked, disappearing into the underbrush. Scar jaunted to another rabbit clearing and crouched, this time much more successful as he caught and killed 4 fat rabbits. He grabbed them all in his jaws by the legs, trotting back to the pack and dropping them.
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Bo laughed as he watched Scar disappear, he walked back to the pack and sat down. When scar came back, he darted forward, snatching a rabbit before it hit the ground, "mine!" He voice was muffled from the rabbit fur, as he streaked up and around the slow moving pack
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Flutter Flutter watched Boband Scar return back with fresh prey. Stomach growling, she got up and took one, taking it to a quiet corner where she began eating. ~ Deliah Deliah walked up to Scar. Tail tip twitching, she spoke. "Do you think I should take a patrol? To check the borders of our territory? The pack is still small and it's better to be safe." Deliah also wanted to go hunting herself. Recently she had felt too restless and needed to stretch her legs.

Scar smiled a little, his crimson eyes glittering as he turned to Delilah. "Sure- you can do that. Good idea." He awknoledged with a nod, taking nothing and going to sit down by the same pine tree and lick his minor injuries. They didn't hurt too bad, but he didn't want them infected either.
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No watched the pack from his little corner, sharing his rabbit with his pet, Trian. Bo flicked his ears and gave Scar a wolfish smile, "It seems you liked to be attacked" he laughed
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Deliah " Are you ok?" Deliah's eyes shone with concern. "Maybe I can find a herb?" She wondered silently what had happened to him. "I can take some other wolves."

Scar let out a laugh, snorting a little. "Well, I look at it as fun training. Plus it is all the better if you know the wolf." He answered Bo, then turned his attention to Delilah. "Oh - I'm fine. You don't have to get any herbs, it'll be okay- it is just a minor wound." Scar replied, shaking his thick pelt slightly.
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Deliah nodded. She turned to the other pack members. "Does anyone else want to come on the patrol?" She had a sneaking suspicion that it was probably a rogue on their territory. Either way, rogue or a wolf from a different pack, she wanted some action. Not that she would tell Scar. Lately things has been quiet, meaning Deliah had less to do.

Mazikeen Maze stalked away happily, mostly because now the chase was on. She loved to finish off her prey slow- make them afraid before the final attack. "I am the absolute best bounty hunter ever." Maze snorted, trotting through the territory. +++ Shotzee Shotzee sniffed the ground, smelling a familiar scent he just couldn't place a title on. He knew he was entering another wolves territory, but didn't care. Shotz strutted through the forest before actually running into Mazikeen with a terrified yelp, jumping backwards. "AHHHH! I didn't even see you there!" He exclaimed +++ Mazikeen Maze was stalking through the forest when a small male just came ramming into her side. She didn't budge an inch when he practically screamed in terror and jumped back. "Beat it, kid, you're ruining my mood." She snapped, her teeth slicing across his shoulder before she moved on. +++ Shotzee Shotz almost fainted as the wolf snapped at him, getting a clump of fur out of his shoulder. "I almost got eaten!" He squeaked, scrambling forward and farther into the pack's territory.
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Bo ears perked up, he heard has things in the forest before, but this was different, there was something Bigger then normal out there, so that means it definitely wasn't prey, Bo looked at scar and Delilah, "I Ship you two!" He shouted before whipping away from the forest, ready for a hunt, the ground moved like the speed of light itself, under his feet, Trian flew above him, weaving between the branches, he chirped and Bo settled down into a slower trot, now crouching to the ground, whatever was there, it was close, Bo jumped, aiming straight for the sound. Bo landed and looked down at what he jumped on, below him there was a wolf with a chunk of hair missing from its shoulder, "what the heck?" Bo asked, he shook his head and sneezed, "ugh, who are you?"
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