
Scarred Thorn Scar watched the small male hightail it out of there. "See, we could have possibly added a member to our pack but ya had to scare him away." He huffed, turning to look at Blade. "It's fine." Scar snorted, looking back at Bo with a small sigh. +++ Shotzee Immedietely after getting out of sight Shotz slowed to a trot and circled back around to listen to the conversation. When confronted he could be a wimp, but he was brave at times. Shotzee crouched under a bush downwind of the pack, his ears perked and listening.
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Bo growled at Iris, then barked at scar, "your no fun scar" he said, before turning and walking back to his cave, he gave Iris one last glare before disappearing in his mossy cave, laying down, his owl, Trian snapped his beak and settled down on a wooden stick poking out of the ground
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Iris "what do we do now scar?" Iris asked. Blade Blade huffed "He should have listened. He's such a jerk sometimes" Blade looked at iris then back at Scar waiting for his response.
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Scarred Thorn Scar snorted with slight amusement as Bo ran on back to his cave. "I actually feel kinda bad for that little guy. He must've been young." He turned his head, cocking it a little as he heard the faintest rustle. "Ok, Bo is gone. Come out now." Scar snorted, turning to face the rustle in the bush. He glanced at the two bigger wolves at the questions, then answered. "Well first things first we wonder why that didn't scare pup here away... and the thing is he didn't physically hurt this guy." Scar replied, then turned his gaze back to the small wolf. +++ Shotzee Shotz winced as he knew Scar knew where he was. He slunk out from underneath the bush, his ears swiveling wildly. "WHat do you want." He inquired quietly, his voice wary as he stopped a ways away.
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Blade "well maybe he just got scared. If I was his size Bo would scare me too. But I'm not soo... But still maybe." Blade mused Iris "bo was soooo crule to him. That would scare me. And Bo dose scare me. Not because I'm smaller but because he has no heart." Iris said shaking out her fur.
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Scarred Thorn Scar tilted his head a little. "Why are you here in the territory? It is obvious at least one of the wolves here doesn't have a high liking for you." He questioned, then turned to the other two. "I know Bo was wrong, and it was cruel what he did, but it is in the past. No one can change the past; only the future. I'll try and talk with him." Scar stated, flicking his tail. +++ Shotzee Shotz looked warily from one wolf to another before answering. "I'm here because I want to join a pack. I'm having second thoughts at this time, but I still think it would be a good idea. There are a lot of dangers- as you all well know- and I believe it would benefit me the most if I was in a group." He stated his claim, his muscles still tense and ready to bolt.
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Blade Blade nodded to scar. he listened to what the wolf said. "well I'd be fine with that safety in numbers right?" He nodded again and looked at Iris. The small female semmed to be considering it. Blade knew that she was more considerate. She would think things out. Blade also knew that her opinions were worth listening to. Iris Iris nodded slightly at what scar said. The she listened to what the small male said. When Blade spoke she added that to her thought process. "Yes I think you're right." She turned to scar "We should let him stay. At least give him a chance. He's right and if he decides to leave well that's fine too."
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Scarred Thorn Scar nodded slowly. He pondered it for a moment and then listening to his packmates answers. "Yes, you can join the pack. I will figure out a short-termed apprenticeship tomorrow, but for today you can just rest up. I'll talk to Bo." He finally answered, after giving it consideration. +++ Shotzee Shotz listened, perking his ears a little. "As long as this *Bo* you are talking about does not attack me again, I like this plan." He commented, his tail wagging slightly
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Blade Blade watched as the knew wolf was added to the pack. "I could apprentice him." Blade said thoughtfully. Iris Iris walked away to think.She liked that the pack was growing. But at the same time she was nervous that it would cause problems. "Like with Bo" She thought aloud.
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Scarred Thorn +++ "As I said, we'll figure all that out tomorrow. What's your name, boy?" He asked the young male, glancing at Iris as she walked away. Scar knew, this would be hard... especially with Bo and possibly with others... but they would figure it out. Scar started walking back to the pack, hoping the young male would figure out to follow him. +++ Shotzee "Shotzee, sir, but you can call me Shotz." He answered with a wag of his tail, following the giant black wolf at a trot, his slim body less tense now.
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