Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Chilly and Clear with Dropping Temps
Fri 06:54am  
Stables Online:  53 
Royal Mews
05:22:12 Claudia
WWW straws available,
stallion will turn 17 after RO
-HEE Click-
Whispering Wood Barn
04:27:56 ~Whispy~
Need these WW/W Combos gone!
-HEE Click-
04:18:14 Knightie's SA
-HEE Click-
03:35:29 Knightie's SA
New items added to the shop
03:30:37 Min
-HEE Click-

I forgot to do embryos!! If anyone has a boy left to match one of these 3 WWW girls, shout me. LB preferred, but open to options. Also would possibly be open to selling embryo slots. No embryos will be used until 1st April, some probably stored longer.
MakeEm Fancy
02:42:42 Ally 💜
Level 1/2/3 geldings available
-HEE Click-
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-
02:20:40 Loony
Items in store
-HEE Click-
Stallions for stud

-HEE Click-
Mares for brood
-HEE Click-
Many horses for sale
PM me for early dibs on horses before I put them all in an auction

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Royal Mews
05:22:12 Claudia
WWW straws available,
stallion will turn 17 after RO
-HEE Click-
Whispering Wood Barn
04:27:56 ~Whispy~
Need these WW/W Combos gone!
-HEE Click-
04:18:14 Knightie's SA
-HEE Click-
03:35:29 Knightie's SA
New items added to the shop
03:30:37 Min
-HEE Click-

I forgot to do embryos!! If anyone has a boy left to match one of these 3 WWW girls, shout me. LB preferred, but open to options. Also would possibly be open to selling embryo slots. No embryos will be used until 1st April, some probably stored longer.
MakeEm Fancy
02:42:42 Ally 💜
Level 1/2/3 geldings available
-HEE Click-
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-
02:20:40 Loony
Items in store
-HEE Click-
Stallions for stud

-HEE Click-
Mares for brood
-HEE Click-
Many horses for sale
PM me for early dibs on horses before I put them all in an auction

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 16, 2023 01:13 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Bo yawned, and flicked his ears back, he could hear voices, but he didn't intervene, he has had enough of the 'supportive' pack he lived in. Bo layed on his side, laying still. Bo looked over his shoulder and saw Scar and the newer wolf. He growled, and looked at his bird, "let's go" he said, exiting the cave, he turned and bolted into the layers of thick trees, Bo just needed to kill something
Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 16, 2023 03:22 PM

Swirly's stable
Posts: 396
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Flutter needed to burn off her energy. She had been laying still for too long. She got up, giving her legs a good stretch before heading out into the trees to find something to hunt. Or maybe just for a walk. Honestly, Flutter just needed something to do.
Deliah crouched down, waiting. A rustle from the bush opposite of her peaked her interest. Her ears turned forward. A rabbit. Deliah shot out and killed it. Soon, she found another bird. Two pieces of prey. Not too bad but she could do better. Deliah went over to the river to find some more.
Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 11:40 AM

Rivershine Stud
Posts: 253
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{Lupin's Pov}
"I gazed looking into the light waiting and watching Flutter's every move, She was like a hawk going speedy to find something to do, I wanted to see if i could make any company to her, Maybe not but it was worth the shot, I trotted over and flopped right down beside her, I soon became shy and embaressed and didn't know what to do, I looked to our alpha and did a slight tail wag"
{Remus's Pov}
"I looked over to Lupin and began thinking to myself, "What an idiot she is, running up there when she's shyer then shy", I chuckled to myself at the thought of it, She really was a beautiful wolf and i would die just to be her mate, I wasn't the alpha though so i couldn't do that, I got up and began walking towards the stream, Once there i allowed my paws to soak up the nice cool water"
Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 01:02 PM

Swirly's stable
Posts: 396
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Flutter turned her head at the wolf who had come next to her. She had no words. Surely everbody in the pack knew how shy she was? Instead she said " Hi. Um, who are you?"
Instantly she felt stupid. What kind of question was that? She galnced at Deliah. She was deputy, she could help, right? Honestly, Flutter had no idea what to do. She was used to being in the shadows.
Deliah saw Flutter glance at her but she didn't do anything. It was about time she found a friend. A young wolf all by herself? How would she survive in a pack where she had to work with others? Deliah walked to Scar. "Don't you think the pack is growing bigger? That's a good thing. Maybe wolves will stop coming onto our territory." She added with a slight growl.
Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 01:16 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12338
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Scarred Thorn

Scar walked all the way back to the pack base and pointed out the cave Shotzee could sleep in before going to sit under the same pine tree he usually sat under. He turned his head to the wolves interacting, shaking his muzzle slightly with a small sigh. Scar looked to Delilah when the she-wolf walked up, nodding. "Yes, it is a great thing. As my deputy/beta wolf, I just wanted to say.. did you see that female wolf that attacked me? Well I have a .. let's just say a hunch, that she is a bounty hunter wolf out to get me. With that having been said, she's not going to stop till one of us is dead or she has a change of heart. Now my orders- do not attack her, even if she is on the territory. She is definitely dangerous, and I don't want anyone getting hurt." Scar stated to the wolf, then glanced at the cave where Shotz lay, asleep.

Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 01:31 PM

Swirly's stable
Posts: 396
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Deliah paused. Then she nodded her head. "Yes, Scar. Will you announce it to the pack? It could be dangerous if they accidentally attack her. And you? Will you still go out, even though it's dangerous?"
Deliah had a feeling Scar would but didn't say anything else. He was alpha after all.
Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 02:21 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12338
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Scarred Thorn

Scar nodded slowly. "I will tell the pack, I just wanted you to know- just in case. I will still go out; confining myself will not deter her. She will come into the den spaces if I don't come out, endangering everyone." He answered, his tail tip flicking slightly

Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 03:58 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Bo jumped over a log, his ears pressed against his skull, he dodged a branch and ran out into a clearing, a fresh water stream ran through the middle of it, Trian landed on a nearby branch and watched Bo as he leaned forward to take a sip from the gleaming water
Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 04:04 PM

Sunset Mt Training
Posts: 522
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Blade walked over to Scar. "How's it going?" He asked "Do you need me to do anything?" Blade wanted to help in any way he could.
Iris sat on a rock thinking. "no one wants me here." She sighed. She didn't like Bo and Blade seemed to hate her. Everyone else ignored her. She stood up and with out saying a word walked away. she left the camp and started to walk as far away as she could. She was leaving and never coming back no one would care.
Wolf Pack RP Thread! November 17, 2023 05:02 PM

Swirly's stable
Posts: 396
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Deliah saw the she-wolf leaving. Curious, Deliah ran after her. What was her name again? Isla? No, it was... Iris! Deliah quietly scolded herself for not knowing the she-wolf's name.
"Iris? Iris, are you there?"

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