
iris Iris ignored the voice "i'm imagining things" She muttered and picked up her pace.
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"Iris!" Deliah snapped. "Come back! Why are you leaving?" Deliah was confused. Why was she so determined to get away if she was just hunting? It didn't matter. Deliah wasn't going to lose a pack member.

Iris iris didn't hear delaih she kept walking. she shook her head as a lump formed in her throat. "no one wants me." she thought misrebaly
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Scarred Thorn Scar noticed Iris was walking off, so he excused himself from the conversation. The she-wolf didn't look too happy, and it wasn't like he wanted to intervene- but Delilah didn'tseem to be getting to Iris. Scar trotted after Iris, coming up beside her. "You good?" He asked
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Deliah Deliah went up next to Iris on her other side. "Why are you going?" Her voice was soft , rare for Deliah. "Your friends will miss you. Are you alright?" Deliah could tell something was wrong.

Iris "I have no friends. No one cares about me so I'm leaving. I'm impossible to love." Iris started to run. Blade Blade saw scar walk away and he knew something was wrong. He didn't care about Iris though.
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Scarred Thorn +++ Scar looked quite concerned when Iris ran off. "Hey- Iris? I care about you, ya know. You're definitely not impossible to love... so maybe you just want to talk about it. Please don't leave... our pack needs you." He darted forward a couple bounding paces, then slowed and stopped.
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Iris Iris looked at Scar. "Do you really care though? I've never been loved and I never will be. So tell me do you really care and will anyone else really care that I'm gone?"
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Scarred Thorn +++ Scar tilted his head. "Of course I care. I care about everyone in the pack! You are special, and I for one would be devastated if you left." He answered, truthfully. "I cannot speak for anyone else, but I am certain some members of our pack would miss you greatly. And after a while? Everyone would miss you."
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Iris "you care? Like how much? I'm a just another pretty jewel in your collection or do you REALLY care?" Iris empasised the word really. She looked into scar's eyes skeptically.
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