Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Wed 02:41am  
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02:14:47 Loony
Love him
and EWW isn't that bad :)
01:36:47 Captain America
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Breezy Way Ranch
12:26:37 Red
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Only 34 minutes left!!
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction?
Port Royal Equines
11:46:34 ISO Kratos Straws
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Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

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EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
10:14:04 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
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Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
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NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
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-HEE Click-

Feed the fear is a handsome Chestnut foundation EEE rating.
Stud fee is 0
Legacy Leagues
09:57:33 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
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Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
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WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
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Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Willow Gate Farm
09:45:41 willow ~ KNNs
-HEE Click-
Need gone
The Lone Star
Art still open for bids:
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Dash and Duchess
09:22:50 T1 Artist, W+ seller
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Selling WWW 2yo svenned Zz Ccr SH mare by Atlas!

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
02:14:47 Loony
Love him
and EWW isn't that bad :)
01:36:47 Captain America
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
12:26:37 Red
-HEE Click-

Only 34 minutes left!!
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction?
Port Royal Equines
11:46:34 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
10:14:04 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-

Feed the fear is a handsome Chestnut foundation EEE rating.
Stud fee is 0
Legacy Leagues
09:57:33 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Willow Gate Farm
09:45:41 willow ~ KNNs
-HEE Click-
Need gone
The Lone Star
Art still open for bids:
-HEE Click-
Dash and Duchess
09:22:50 T1 Artist, W+ seller
-HEE Click-
Selling WWW 2yo svenned Zz Ccr SH mare by Atlas!

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Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 6, 2023 07:16 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Welcome to the land of Curseshore!
(This RP is based off the book Eragon & Wof)
Wild waves crash on the cliff side of curseshore, The weak sun dapples down on thoughs who walk her forest, thoughs who drink her waters will be healed of mind and body, until one day a Dark power took over Curseshore, a wide ranged group of corrupted protecters and their dragons. Will the four new members of the dragon guard be able to unite and stop the evil mass?
⚠️Please keep in mind that your dragon has to hatch at the start, as they start rapidly growing, try and unite the four players⚠️

You may Start

Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 6, 2023 07:44 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Age of Darkness
The Sickle raised over Nol's head dropped in a swift loop, freeing the dried Wheat from the ground, Nol bent to grab the small handful of wheat from the ground, dropping it into the weaved basket hanging from his back. Nol was about to grab another handful of dried wheat when something happened.
The wind picked up the pace, sprinting around him much like a hurricane, Nol turned to run, he valued his life much more then some wheat, but somebody blocked his way, somebody in a white cloak.
"Hello?" Nol said, "You should go, it's dangerous here" he said, turning to peak at the forming hurricane, all the white cloaked figure did was stuff their hands in their pockets.
"Not yet young one" a raspy voice came from the weird cloaked figure, just at that moment the figure pulled a large white stone from their pocket.
"take this, She has choosen you, I feel it" The cloaked figure extended their hands towards Nol, the white stone sitting warmly in their palms.
"Uh, who's 'she'?" Nol said blinking rapidly, trying to wake from this weird dream.
"your bonded of course, now take it, I don't have much time, there's others to visit, oh, Trust your instincts"
The cloaked figure leaned forward propping the large white stone in Nols hands, Nol stared down at the egg, dazed at what just happened, but when he looked up the figure was gone.
'Why would they just me this over grown white stone, and who are the 'others?' The weird guy mentioned' Nol thought, stuffing the white stone in his own pockets to avoid his brother and father taking it.
"Hey Randa" Nol said walking inside the small cottage they all called home, Nol half walked, half ran to his room, putting the White stone under his bed, thankfully he didn't share a room with anybody, and when the stone was well hidden, he slumped down on his bed, thinking about his weird day
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 6, 2023 08:30 PM

Sunset Mt Training
Posts: 521
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Azia's pov
Azai was walking in the woods like he always did when he needed to think. He turned a corner and saw a cloaked figure. That in itself was odd because he didn't walk on any paths that were known to others. He had created his own.
"Are you lost" He asked his voice semi-cold
"No. I have something for you. Take this he has chosen you to be his rider." The figure said in a raspy voice.
"Me? I don't know what you are talking about. I'm barely even a man!" Azai yelled.
"Don't doubt me just do it." the figure shoved a solid egg shaped object into Azai's hands.
Well that was nice Azai thought. The the egg started to hatch.
"A dragon!" azai yelled almost dropping the egg. The there was a blinding flash of light. When Azai woke up there was a dragon hatchling on his chest.
"AHHHH! Gosh oh don't do that dude!" He screamed

Edited at October 6, 2023 08:44 PM by Sunset Mt Training
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 6, 2023 08:48 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Age of darkness
The darkness of night seeped through Nols open window, Nol sighed, he had been watching the white stone, it had done nothing yet, ' what am I kidding myself, it's just a stone' Nol thought, Nol crossed his room and closed his window, drawing the curtains.
Nol walked over to his bed where the stone sat, wrapped in his scratchy bed sheets, he reached out and touched the stone, lightly dragging his finger tips over the surface of the smooth stone, as he did a blinding flash of bright white light seared his corneas, "Ow!" He yelped, but Black pressed at the edge of his vision, soon taking over.
Nol was surrounded by black, something wriggled on his stomach, a birds chirping followed, Nol cracked open a eye, looking down at his stomach, there sat a pastel blue baby dragon, with dark blue spots.
"Holy Shit!" Nol hissed, scampering away from the dragon, meanwhile knocking it off him.
Nol looked at the dragon, which was now looking up at him with big navy blue eyes, "oh, sorry.. uh.. dragon.." Nol said, the hatchling chirped and nuzzled him.
"uh, no, I have to turn you in, dragons are illegal, well except for those of the corrupted Riders.., but their bad"
Nol felt something tug at his heart, a singe of sadness, but that was when he realised that it didn't come from him, but it came from the small hatchling infront of him.
"Oh my.., I need to sit down. So you can feel my emotions.. and I can feel yours?" Nol yapped, the hatchling blinked, flicking its tail.
"wait, are you a boy or girl?" He said, sitting back slightly to observe the small dragon, as he did, he remembered what the cloaked figure said, 'she' the figure had said.
"Oh your a female!, oh.. last I checked the corrupted dragons were all males.. you must be priceless.." Nol kept of muttering to himself, realising everything, If he turned in the glittery stunning female dragon infront of him, the corrupted Riders could possibly use her to breed more corrupted dragons.
"so.. I can't get rid of you.. can I?" He said, reaching out to touch the small dragon, but realised there was a small blotch on his tanned skin, he turned his arm over and stared at the marking.

Nol traced the dragons head and gazed at the little dragon in front of him, "I read about this.. only Riders of Curseshore get these, that's it, isn't it? I am a Rider and your my dragon.." Nol started to laugh, "I am a Rider!" The dragon chirped happily beside him, nuzzling him and hopping around his room.
"alright, I guess I should get you fed"

Edited at October 6, 2023 09:40 PM by Ponies heaven
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 7, 2023 11:38 AM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Age of darkness
The sound of birds chirping woke Zahra. She yawned, sat up, and bonked her head on the low ceiling. "OW!!" She cried, sliding off her palette and rubbing her head. "I really need to extend the ceiling on this place..." She mumbled to herself, exiting the little hut she called home. As soon as she stepped outside, there were chirps and buzzes and barks and brays. She smiled, and looked around, her eyes adjusting to the morning light. There stood her creature friends, among which there were deer, frogs, wolves, bees, and even donkeys. Smiling, she ducked inside and grabbed what she needed. Walking back outside, Zahra went around the circle feeding each creature its share, except for the bees, who got their own food. After she ate her own breakfast, Zahra decided to go on a walk. I'm running low on water anyway, she thought, snatching a bucket on her way out. She strolled along the hidden paths that criss-crossed the forest. Only the most skilled hunters or travelers would be able to find and see them. Zahra turned a corner and almost screamed. Her bucket fell to the mossy earth. In front of her was a hooded figure, with his pointer finger crooked, beckoning her to come closer. Zahra hesitated, an when she did so, the figure spoke in a raspy voice. "Don't be frightened. Follow me." It said, and, almost without knowing, Zahra did. She followed the figure through bending paths for a few minutes, before they reached a little pond. The cloaked person turned, and said, "Take him. Take care of him. Train him. He is yours now." And the he disappeared into the forest. Zahra was perplexed. But then she saw a large round stone a few feet in front of her, in the water. But it was no stone. This was an egg.

Edited at October 7, 2023 11:38 AM by Galloping Stables
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 7, 2023 03:41 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Age of darkness
Nol stepped through the threshold of the cottage, the hatchling wriggling in his pack, Nol glanced at his pack, "shh!" He muttered.
This morning,the little pastel blue dragon and eaten most of Nols breakfast, which consisted of fruits (which she noticeably left for Nol) dried meats and bread, his favourite.
Nol walked through the thickets that surrounded his family's beloved home, crouching to the ground and sliding his pack off his shoulder, and setting it down, as he did a sharp white head poked out from the flaps, dark eyes glaring.
"what?, it was the only way to get you outside" he said bitting his lip, he wasn't yet sure what this dragon was capable of yet, looked like he needed to brush up on his dragon books.
The hatchling reached up and pointed towards the window, Nol blinked in suprise at her, "you want me, to fit in that window?!" The hatchling growled up at him, "your a madman!" He said chuckling, with that he plopped down beside the hatchling and ran his fingers over her beautiful scaled body.
"what should I name you? I mean.. I have a few ideas.. like Shelmaumnios, Ogau and Lamnuro, take your pick"
He scribbled the names in the dirt and looked at her, "just ounce on the one you like" with that the small dragon leaned forward to examine the names, she snorted and pounced on Lamnuro.
"Lamnuro. Lam, nice!" He said, he stood, and the hatchling beside him did too, he looked at her noticing how she was now mid-thigh height, "wow, you grow quickly" he said, tracing around her horns, "anyway, today I have to go into town to grab more wheat seeds, and.. you can't risk coming" he said, feeling a stab of sadness flow through the bond, the more days he had spent with the dragon, the worse it felt when he needed to leave.
The horse moved swiftly under Nols strong build, cantering towards Mainin, the closest town and harbour. Nol turned in his seat, gazing back in the direction of the cottage, where he had left Lamnuro in the protection of his sisters, Nol had somewhat worked up the courage to admit to his sisters that he was a rider, they seemed to take a instant liking towards Lam and were okay with Nol being a rider.
Nol was riding with his father, Wolf, and his brother, Leif. Leif was trailing behind with the young shire horse pulling a cart full of the harvest to sell at the docks.
The sound of waves crashing among the cliffs of Mainin greeted them as Nol and the other men entered the protected ring of houses, Nol gazed around, his eyes lingering over precious metals, meats and stock as they passed.
"Don't look to long, I don't want to lose a son to the stock yards" Wolf muttered as they approached Tom, the mid-aged man that brought the farmers harvest, stock and minerals to ship over to the dark masses armies to save his neck, Nol was never a fan of him, but he was by far even less of a fan of him since Lam hatched.
Something dark flickered in the corner of Nols vision, Nol turned in his seat to gaze at the mysterious movement, something dark stood pressed to a house, Nol narrowed his eyes at the blur trying to make sense of it when his fathers heavy hand fell of his shoulder, "well son, help me unload the wheat" Nol nodded and tore his attention away from his father back to where the dark blur was, but was not longer seen there.
Nol spent the rest of the noon, unloading and packing wheat, until every last pound had been converted into carry crates.
"all done, my sons" Wolf said mounting his dapples mount, turning him and urging him into a hasty canter, "I don't want supper to be cold!" He cried, his voice distant.
Leif and Nol mounted quickly and urged their own mounts onward, trying to beat their father.
Thankfully Nols sisters had lukewarm meat stew and crusty bread waiting for the men when they came back, each one of them devouring their portion. Once finished Nol carried his bowl to the sink, taking the opportunity to speak to his sisters in privacy, "how's lam doing?" He whispered to the girls.
"She is very well-mannered for a dragon, you know?" Whispered back one of his sisters, "that's not what I asked" Nol said rolling his eyes, running a hand through his hair.
"she's doing fine, mighty me, she has a appetite" his other sister admitted, smiling.
Nol smiled and granted his goodnights before walking into his bedroom, Lam sat on his bed curled up with her eyes closed, Nol found himself smiling again, he closed his door and lit a oil lamp, setting it down on his carved wooden desk, he removed a few books from his shelf featuring dragons, magic and weapon knowledge.
Nol flipped through the book, looking for what he saw at Mainin today, he got to page 738 before stopping, there on the page in the magic section, was a scribbled version of what he saw.


These creatures are known to work for dark masses Dragon Riders had sworn to protect people from.
These creatures are normally used for spying on enemies or delivering messages.
Nol read the passage and shook his head, "well that wasn't much help.. geez" he said, running his hand over the yellowed page, he narrowed his eyes and read again, the words Spying and Dark masses catching his attention, "hold up, that Thing could be spying on me for the dark masses army?…" Nol turned and glanced at lam, then at the door where he was certain his sisters were still washing up. If these things came to get him or send one of their messages, he would be endangering his family, he loved his family more then anything in the world, but.. if this would protect them.. he had to let them go.
Nol got up and scribbled a letter for his sisters, and his father, Nol doubted his brother would miss him, and quickly gathered his belongings, squeezing as many books on the arcane world in his bag as possible.
Lam cracked an eye open, and the strangest feeling flowed through Nol and a unknown voice filled his head.
'Where are we going?'
Nol turned and looked at Lam, "you speak! I mean..", 'You speak!' Nol thought, directing his thoughts at Lam.
Lam blinked at him, 'you didn't answer me, Nolhend'
Nol chuckled and rubbed the back of he neck, this was going to need some getting used to, 'we have to go, otherwise we would be endangering my family, I saw what they call a Tarriaksuk today' he thought picturing the shadowy creature, the way it slunk around and blended in.
Lam growled, 'Your right, it's not safe here' she muttered
Nol sighed reaching to grab her, Lam lifted her chin and allowed herself to be propped up in his open bag.
The horse whinnied loudly as Nol approached, "Shh!, your gonna wake them!" He hissed at the anxious horse, stroking the geldings neck, he quickly tacked up the horse in record time, mounting and urged the horse to trot away from his old home, 'I can't believe I am doing this..' he thought
Lam squirmed in his pack, 'Yea, I can't believe you didn't pack us any food' she growled.
Nol slumped, "dammit" he cursed, "oh well, lucky i know how to hunt" he said looking around to make sure the shadow creature wasn't around, casting another glance at his home he entered to forest, leaving forever.

Edited at October 8, 2023 07:05 AM by Ponies heaven
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 8, 2023 11:20 AM

Sunset Mt Training
Posts: 521
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Azai's pov
The dragon inched back.
"hey it's okay I'm sorry you just scared me. Come here little...OW" Azai looked at his hand which the dragon had just chomped on.
"oh you're a female aren't you? Opps my bad I'm sorry." He smiled and examined the pitch black dragon. She had a silver crescent on her forhead. "Why don't I call you Dark Moon. Moon for short." The dragon rubbed against him.
"Okay well let's go it's not safe to stay here." He picked the dragon up and mounted his black horse Mystery.
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 8, 2023 03:01 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Age of darkness
Zahra stared at the egg, wondering what creature could be inside. Maybe an ostrich? It looked big enough for that. Or perhaps a crocodile? It doesn't really matter, anyways. I'll take it home and keep it warm until it hatches. Wait, maybe it's not abandoned. Maybe the mother is around here somewhere, and if I take it home, the mother will abandon it.
"It has no mother."
Zahra nearl jumped out of her skin. She turned around, and there was the cloaked figure again.
"You scared me!" She cried, then turned back to the egg. "Are you sure?"
"Trust me." The figure said, and then, in a swirl of mist, it was gone.
Zahra shrugged, and picked up the egg. It was heavier than she would've thought, and it took her a while to get it back to her hut. She set it down on her bed and nestled it in the scratchy blanket. Then she sat and watched. Nearly an hour later, nothing had happened. Zahra was in the exact same position, and so was the egg. Zahra was about to doze off when the egg moved. Her eyes snapped open and she stared at the egg. It wiggled again. Then a crack shot down the center of the blue egg and it popped apart. There, blue and white pieces of egg scattered around it, was a wyrmling dragon.
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 8, 2023 03:07 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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age of darkness
Nol cuddled Lam in the make shift camp they had made, Nol had spent a good few hours finding a good spot, before spending a few more hours hunting, thankfully he had successfully managed on bring down a large buck, a fine meal for both him and lam. Nol sat back a little and rested his head on his pack, bringing out his book, but it was to dark to read, so he closed his eyes and slept.
Nol woke and pulled off his covers edging out into the fresh morning air, "hello?" He said, after he though he heard a noise, he really hoped that it wasn't the shadow person, luckily nobody was out there, 'must of been a woodland creature' he thought.
Lam chirped, 'must of' she remarked
Nol backed their belongings up and tacked up the gelding, loading his stuff onto the mount, before mounting himself.
Nol traveled for what seemed most of the day, night drew closer and he looked around worriedly, he wanted to get as far as possible before settling down for the night.
Lam jumped out of his pack, perching on the horses rump 'where dinner?' She said, tilting her head, Nol turned and glanced at her, "I will get it when we settle down for the night" he said.
Lam sighed, 'oh, and when's that?' She replied
"soon" Nol said, he urged the tired horse forward into a canter slipping and sliding between large wooden trunks, Nol turned a corner and spotted a hut among the overgrowth.
"blimey, someone lives here!" He said pointing to the smoke, 'maybe I could win off this hut' he thought, rubbing his chin.
Lam snorted, 'thats not a good idea, and I don't want to lose my rider because he wants to stay in a hut for a night' she said, Nol was about to argue but he realised, she was right
"alright, what would you do?" He asked the growing dragon
'knock and ask to stay for the night?' She recommended
Nol snorted, "and if that goes wrong, I will be sleeping in the trees, again" he said dismounting he horse, making his way to the hut, he raised his closed fist and knocked on the door, "hello?"

Edited at October 8, 2023 03:18 PM by Ponies heaven
Dragon Riders of Curseshore! OPEN October 8, 2023 06:14 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Age of darkness
Zahra yelped and leapt backwards. Confusion and anger boiled inside her. A dragon. A DRAGON! She thought in her mind, but before she could think anything else, she realized that there was another presence in her head. A small one. A helpless one. A presence that thought, fear, confusion. Zahra's animal instincts told her that this was not herself. This was the dragon. Inside her head. Zahra, still a little cautious, took a step forward. The dragon stepped back.
"Shh, it's okay." She cooed, reaching out a hand toward the little blue creature. Just then, a knock came from the door. Zahra and the dragon both jumped, and Z hurried to hide the little thing under the covers. Zahra whispered to the wyrmling. "Please hold still and be quiet." And just like that, the dragon did. Zahra took a deep breath and opened the door.
In front of her was a boy. He had brown hair and wore rags. There were sandals on his feet, and he looked nice enough. But Zahra hadn't been around people for years, so of course she was hesitant. "Hello. What can I help you with?" She asked, polite as ever.

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