Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Wed 02:46am  
Stables Online:  49 
02:14:47 Loony
Love him
and EWW isn't that bad :)
01:36:47 Captain America
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
12:26:37 Red
-HEE Click-

Only 34 minutes left!!
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction?
Port Royal Equines
11:46:34 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
10:14:04 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-

Feed the fear is a handsome Chestnut foundation EEE rating.
Stud fee is 0
Legacy Leagues
09:57:33 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Willow Gate Farm
09:45:41 willow ~ KNNs
-HEE Click-
Need gone
The Lone Star
Art still open for bids:
-HEE Click-
Dash and Duchess
09:22:50 T1 Artist, W+ seller
-HEE Click-
Selling WWW 2yo svenned Zz Ccr SH mare by Atlas!

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
02:14:47 Loony
Love him
and EWW isn't that bad :)
01:36:47 Captain America
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
12:26:37 Red
-HEE Click-

Only 34 minutes left!!
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction?
Port Royal Equines
11:46:34 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
10:14:04 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-

Feed the fear is a handsome Chestnut foundation EEE rating.
Stud fee is 0
Legacy Leagues
09:57:33 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Willow Gate Farm
09:45:41 willow ~ KNNs
-HEE Click-
Need gone
The Lone Star
Art still open for bids:
-HEE Click-
Dash and Duchess
09:22:50 T1 Artist, W+ seller
-HEE Click-
Selling WWW 2yo svenned Zz Ccr SH mare by Atlas!

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Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 11, 2024 09:46 AM

Oakwood Barn
Posts: 1690
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Kaelix - With Lorelei | Raffle - Tied up and chilling with Jadis
Adam - Waiting outside grocery store | Summer - Waiting with Adam
Lorelei - With Kaelix | Jadis - Hitched next to Raffle
Aaren - Grocery shopping inside with Eloise | Asterix - Waiting outside for Aaren
Eloise - Grocery stopping inside with Aaren | Tango - Waiting outside for Eloise
Emma - Sitting in the bunks listening to music | Splash - Standing outside, chilling

Hello! And welcome! Here is this roleplay thread! You must be accepted to post here, please!

Please go to the links below to view information on the layout and plot of this rp:


2 Cabins - One for male, one for female
One small stable - six stalls
Faucet - Next to Stables
Fire pit - Wood
The two cabins are next to each other, seated on a river which gathers many different kinds of animals. Each cabin has a worn down path that leads from the house and connects, gathering To lead to the stables.
Each stall has a water bucket and food bucket built in. Outside of the stalls is a halter hook and a blanket rail. The tack lockers are small and will only hold a saddle, saddle pad, and bridle. Other things will have to be kept in the cabins.
The horses drink from the river water or the faucet nearby. The faucet may have spiders hanging from it at times, so watch yourself.
A small campfire area sits in the area between the two cabins, two paths leading to them. Log benches surround the small fire pit, allowing for seating.
A fallen branch near the men's cabin act as a good, stable bridge between the cabins and the other side of the river.

Full Camp Map




Cabin Layout:

This is the same for both cabins.
When you walk in the front door, you are met with a hall. If you go down the hall a bit, you get to the restroom on the left. Two doors on the right will lead you to two bedrooms. If you continue you are spit out into the open living room, kitchen, and eating area. The sliding doors at the back lead to the porch. When you walk through the living room, a door will be on the wall opposite the porch doors. This will lead you to one bedroom.

Cabin Arrangements:

Cabin 1(Male/boy cabin)
Room One - Largest Room (not by much) - Adam Reiner Jacobs
Room Two - Average Sized - Aaren Grey Kitt
Room Three - Average Sized - Kaelix Ryan Winston
Cabin 2 (Female/girl cabin)
Room One - Average Sized - Eloise Rae Browns
Room Two - Average Sized - Lorelei Baumstark
Room Three - Average Sized - Emma Ray Boucher

Stall Arrangments

Stall One - Closest to barn doors, on right side - Adam Reiner Jacobs | Summer
Stall Two - After Stall One, on right side - Aaren Grey Kitt | Ask No More
Stall Three - After Stall Two, on right side - Eloise Rae Browns | Mango Tango
Stall Four - Closest to barn doors, on left side - Lorelei Baunstark | Winter Wonder
Stall Five - After Stall Four, on left side - Emm Ray Boucher | CH Coveted Waterfalls
Stall Six - After Stall Five, on left side - Kaelix Ryan Winston | Rallying A Raffle

Grocery Run Schedule:

None At The Moment

Edited at October 14, 2024 06:53 PM by Oakwood Barn
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 11, 2024 09:52 AM

Oakwood Barn
Posts: 1690
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Adam Reiner Jacobs

Adam was awoken from his sleep early in the morning, his alarm blaring noisily. He groaned, sitting up and swiping the alarm off his phone. Eugh, mornings... Another glance at his phone revealed it was 6:00 am which meant he had a lot of time before he had to be in town. It was... sort of trippy, not to have Ethan right here with him... Adam shook his head and stood. Ethan left for his wife, it's fine. He thought to himself, grunting when he stood. He walked out of his room, dressed only in a pair of sweats and a thin shirt. It got chilly up here, he had to keep warm somehow. Walking to the small kitchen located in his cabin, he stopped at the pot. Grabbing one and filling it with water, he set it over the stove, and began to boil it. As the water boiled Adam walked over the the porch doors, opening them and instead closing the screen to allow the air in. The air that made a shiver shot up his spine. Adam closed his eyes, leaning back against the counter and closing his eyes as he waited for the familiar popping of the water being boiled. Once he heard it, his eyes opened and he straightened. He grabbed his cup, and a coffee pack and poured the water over the packet. He stirred it together and stared at it for a few minutes before grunting. Black coffee it was. Maybe he could get groceries while he was in town? Yeah... probably. Adam took the pot with some water left and opened the screen door, walking outside and pouring the water out. He sucked in a sharp breath of the chill air and looked around. Everything seemed to be in the right place... And Summer seemed to be docile for the moment. Adams's eyes went up, looking over the nature around him. Tall pine, birch, and oak trees towered above him, their leaves floating to the ground with the wind. The river running right past the two cabins was a cool, icy color. No surprise he saw so many fish swimming around in it. His gaze trailed to his right, where a firepit sat between his cabin and the one for the girls... If there were any. It had been empty for a while now. Twisting to his left, he saw the Oak Bridge. Well, that's just what he called it. It was a fallen oak that lay perfectly across the river. And, Adam had shaved the top off to flatten it. It had taken a while, but it was better than trying to get a horse and a team through the raging waters. Adam turned around, stepped back inside, and closed the porch door behind him, locking it tight. He sauntered back to the kitchen tiredly, putting the pot in the sink so he could wash it when he got back, and grabbing his coffee. He took a sip as he made his way back to his room to get dressed and do his hygiene for the day.
After he brushed his teeth and put on deodorant, he started dressing with a pair of tighter pants with fleece lining, same with the shirt, then tugged on some dark cargo jeans sort of pants, and a black jacket. He honestly had no idea what half of these things were called. And didn't care. They got the job done without him freezing so it was good. Adam grabbed his black fingerless gloves, tugging them on, then his actual, warm gloves and put them on too. Adam pulled on some socks and some riding boots that were also quite warm and nodded. Good enough for him. He walked toward the door, picking up his coffee as he went. He turned right down the hall and stopped at the front door. He grabbed Summer's brush bucket, his saddlepack, and his backpack. He'd need them all today. Adam tugged open the front door, slipping out and into the chilly morning air once more. He began walking along one of the worn-down paths to the stables. There was a path from the firepit and the 'Girls Cabin' that met up and merged to create one path. Adam walked along the path, reaching the barn after a few minutes. He stopped in front of the barn doors, sliding one open and slipping inside, then shutting the door behind him. Summer stuck her head out of her stall door at the noise, seeing Adam and letting out a soft, hungry knicker. Adam smiled quietly, tired eyes looking over at the feed area. He set down the brush bucket, the saddle pack and his backpack. He walked over to the feed area, scooping Summer her grain and walking over to a small locked cabinet. He opened it with the key around his neck. Pulling it open he took a small pill bottle that was prescribed for Summer. He took out one small tablet and snapped it in half. He put the half in the grain and closed the pill bottle. He put the bottle away and closed the cabinet, locking it once more. Adam carried the grain to her stall, opened her stall, and stepped inside. He poured the grain into Summer's bucket and let the eager mare get to eating. Adam stepped out of the stall, letting her eat. He began getting things ready to leave, taking Summer's tack out, and checking it for bugs, nicks, etc. When he found nothing, Adam sighed, leaning against Summer's stall door and waiting. He glanced at the other five empty stalls and frowned... Maybe he was a bit lonely out here. Adam shook his head, straightening and peeking into the appaloosa mares' stall. She butted him with her nose and he jerked back before huffing a laugh.
"Wow... eager much."
He mumbled to his horse. Adam grabbed her rope halter, which was a blueish-green color. He slid it on over Summer's head, tying a knot at the side of her head and humming. He leaned forward, brushing Summer's mane to one side of her neck and placing a kiss on her forehead. He shoved the barn door open wider and led Summer out. He brought her to the middle of the aisle, dropping her lead rope to the ground.
He muttered, even if she didn't understand him completely. They'd done this a lot in the past two years. Adam grabbed a brush from Summer's brush bucket and began brushing her off. She wasn't too dirty, which was nice, considering he didn't have to struggle with this early in the morning. Summer stood silently, letting her head drop toward the ground and relaxing her head. Adam finished brushing her and grabbed his saddle pad, putting it on his mare and following it with the rest of the tack needed. Once he got her tacked up, he tightened her girth slightly, but not too much at the moment. He untied her halter knot, slipping it off and sliding her bridle on instead, fitting it into her mouth and around her face. It was a gentle bit bridle, thankfully. Summer had never had a real bit... hm. He flipped the reins over Summer's head and rested them on the saddle. He had a long ride in front of him. Since they had to go to town today... Adam sighed, grabbing his saddlepack and his backpack. He put his backpack on and secured his saddlepack to his saddle. He gripped Summer's reins loosely and walked her toward the door, her hooves clopping against the concrete. It was some of the only concrete up here... Adam led her to the barn doors, shoving one open. Summer walked out with him leading her, her ears perked in mild interest. She had seen this thousands of times by now. Adam spun Summer around so he could close the stable door, shoving it closed and locking it firmly.
Adam approached Summer, checking her girth and tightening it before he got on. He gripped the horn of the saddle, shoving a foot into the stirrups and pulling himself up. Summer pinned her ears like the cranky mare she was, but relaxed once more as Adam sat deep into the saddle. He clicked to Summer, urging her forward. Summer complied, beginning her walk down as Adam kept his eyes on the trail.
1 Hour and 30 Minutes Later
Adam and Summer finally got into town, Summer's hooves clopped against the solid concrete of the mountain base village. He sighed quietly, beginning to point Summer toward the firehouse. He knew that's where applications and interviews were done. The fire captain, who Adam knew, also had to make sure these people and their horses were good. Well, if they had a horse that is. Adam sighed, tugging at Summer's reins gently and squeezing her sides.
He told her. The appaloosa stopped, allowing Adam to swing a leg over her butt and hop down. He patted her neck gently and looked at the firehouse door. Ah... seem's like he was early. What time even was it? Adam walked toward the front door of the fire station. He tied Summer to a post, making sure she was alright. The firehouse thankfully had some hay that Summer could munch on, so he gave her a bit of that to entertain her. Adam made his way inside the station, sitting with Mark, who was the fire captain. Mark nodded at him and Adam sank into a seat, eyes darting to the clock. 9:04. Well, he made good time... Hopefully the new people would be here soon. He only knew what Mark told him about the newbies. Which wasn't much. Adam closed his eyes, setting his head back against the chair. It was warm in here.... he would just relax for a few minutes.
That didn't last long, his eyes opened and he groaned.
"Of course, I forgot to finish my coffee..."
He grumbled. Mark glanced at him and smirked.
"There's some in the break room."
He told Adam. Adam stood, walking toward the break room without another thought. He got to the coffee and began making himself some in the warmth of the firehouse.

Kaelix Ryan Winston


Edited at October 11, 2024 09:54 AM by Oakwood Barn
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 12:27 AM

Blue Diamond
Posts: 9085
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Emma Ray Boucher
Emma rises from bed and glances outside. Sunny. Good. As she gets dressed in an old grey t-shirt and jeans with her favorite belt, she looks toward her lean-to horse shelter with her horse Splash still fast asleep. Usually Splash is up by now... Emma calls out to her through a window. "Splash! Sweet girl! Wake up sleepyhead!"
Splash immediately pops her head up and looks around, spotting Emma. She nickers and trots to the fence. I'm so glad I have Splash. I don't know how some people get by without horses in their lives Emma thinks. Emma is in a rush now, looking over at the clock that read 7:30 am. "Shit! I'm gonna be late! Crap, crap, crap!" In her haste to be out of the door she drops her halter she had grabbed for Splash. The halter is a turquoise color with beadin across the noseband, and a. engravement of "Splash" on either side. "Ugh! Why can't one thing go right BEFORE 8am?!" she sprints outside and straps the halter onto Splash's head, tugging her along. "Come on Splashy girl!" she pursuades.
1 Hour later
Once the tack was on Splash, Emma hops on. "Let's go. We're late, and it's a 30 minute ride up, putting our end time at....hmm....LATE!" Splash snorts in "Aggreance".
0.5 Hour Later
Emma takes a deep breath and strides through the doors of the station. "I'm here for the rescue job?" She calls toward the fireplace from the door, slightly louder than normal level. She glances around and locks eyes with the cutest guy she has EVER seen. Emma blushes, and ducks her head. "Please" She mumbles.

Edited at October 14, 2024 12:23 PM by Blue Diamond
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 11:47 AM

Golden Groves
Posts: 39
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Aaren Grey Kitt
The trip from Aarens apartment complex to his barn was a whole fiasco.
The young man had woken up on the wrong side of bed- his alarm had gone off an hour later than it was supposed to, so it was about 6:30 in the morning. Aaren had to rush and get into his outfit for the day, a simple black, tight-fitting shirt that complemented his figure quite nicely and his riding pants, a dark grey color. He strapped on his silver watch and hiked on his newly polished black riding boots. Looking at his wrist the time read 6:50. Not terrible, but he didn't have time to make his hair at all tidy- the dark curls were mussed through with his hair but really that's all he did to style it anyway, so it wouldn't really matter. Aaren ran a hand over his face, a yawn leaving his mouth as he stepped into the kitchen area of his small apartment. He really needed an upgrade in his living space. His boots sounded against the wooden floorboards as he made his way to the fridge to grab one of the donuts he had purchased the previous night just for this morning. He poured himself a mug of dark coffee before he quickly finished off his food and downed his drink. The time was now 7 AM,
The man grumbled under his breath, grabbing his sunglasses and light brown coat as well as his car keys before walking out of the room and into the complex's hallway. Aaren had to speed walk down to the elevator and thankfully nobody else accompanied him down or he would have had an absolute fit. By the time the young man left his apartment and entered his car, it was already ten minutes after seven. It took thirty minutes to get to his barn and it would probably take him another hour or so to get all of Asterix's supplies and get her loaded into the trailer to drive to Cliff Grove Villiage, which was, again, a long way away. Maybe an hour and a half or so to get there from the barn. How wonderfully this morning was going for him.
Aarens' estimations of time were actually somewhat accurate. He had gotten to the barn by 7:30 and collected all of his mare's tack for the day, a couple of extra saddle pads as well, and that had taken to about 8:00. Which wasn't the absolute worst, but Asterix had decided she didn't want to go anywhere at all and stay in her stall. It took 15 or so minutes to coax her out of the actual stables and put on her halter and blanket, as well as get her into the trailer on the back of Aarens truck.
After an absolute beat Aaren finally started up the car and pulled out onto the road and then the highway. He scrolled on his phone for a moment before popping his earbuds in and listening to his music. Also immediately the tension that was building up within him dissipated. They would only be a couple of minutes late, the GPS on his phone stated that it only takes an hour and three minutes to get the the village. To Aarens surprise there was hardly any traffic at all and the route was actually quite scenic. The autumn breeze drifted to the color-changing leaves and encouraged some to fall, mountains slowly started peaking up and soon the area where the man was driving actually started to look like the pictures on the resume page.
Aaren pulled into an older-looking road with a sign reading, "Welcome to Cliff Grove Village!" but he didn't actually start seeing signs of a village until a few minutes later when a few houses and other buildings started popping up. His car slowed and Aaren rolled down his window, the cool breeze brushing against his face. It took a few minutes of searching because his GPS wasn't specific, but he finally found a horse trailer lot and parked. It was also conveniently placed close to the interviewing area where Aaren was supposed to meet up with his possible new boss.
Aaren had enough time to unload Asterix and tie her to one of the sections of his trailer, providing a net of hay for her to munch on as he took off her blanket and started brushing her. The mare had been kept inside the barn all of last night so she thankfully wasn't at all that dirty. She did carry with her a bit of dust but nothing Aaren would need to work extra hard on to brush off. The Appaloosa's hooves didn't need picking, as they had already been picked early this morning by his stables staff. Aaren swung the mare's navy blue saddle pad on, as well as her fairly new black English saddle. Her bridle slipped on easily, and Aaren swung the reins up and to her saddle where they rested. He swiftly wrapped on her dark blue boots and was finally done tacking up. Aaren checked his watch and a small, pleased smile was placed on his lips for a brief moment. 9:05 AM.
Walking to the fire station was fairly easy to navigate and only took five or so minutes. Aaren noted the mare that was tacked up and tied to a post in the front of the fire station, it was possible that the horse could either be another possible recruits or the heads. The young man strode into the station, taking in the earthy smell and the somewhat dim lighting. Taking off his sunglasses and coat he draped the coat over his arm and put the sunglasses in his back pocket.
"I'm here for one of the positions for the forest rescue. I was told that this was the place to come."
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 12:13 PM

Oakwood Barn
Posts: 1690
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Adam Reiner Jacobs
Adam glanced up as a short female walked in. Great... he thought he had more time. Alone. He stood, approaching her and shaking her hand.
"Hello. I'm Adam Jacobs."
He greeted politely. Though, slightly annoyed. He really didn't want to be here. He wanted to be back in the mountains with Summer. Adam pulled his hand away from the female and glanced back at Mark for help. Mark rolled his eyes and stood, walking over to the short female.
"Hello, Ms. I'm Mark, head of fire here. I'll be doing most of the interviewing today. Adam here- is isolated."
He crawled. Adam smacked him on the back of the head and glanced at the door. His eyes scanned another male as he walked in and he sighed.
"Hello. Yes, you're in the right place."
Adam muttered. He reaches out a hand, shaking the males hand. He let's go again after a moment.
"Could I get your names? Then we can start."
Mark asked politely, glancing at the male and nodding in hello.
Once he got their names, Adam nodded and grabbed two pieces of paper.
"Please fill these out then we can begin. Sit wherever you'd like."
Adam commented, handing them out and sitting back down in the spot. He crossed his legs, watching them both.
Human Name:
Human Age:
Horse Breed:
Horse Stable Name:
Horse Gender:
Friendly with other horses?:

Edited at October 12, 2024 01:37 PM by Oakwood Barn
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 03:42 PM

Golden Groves
Posts: 39
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Aaren Grey Kitt
Aaren's eyes flickered the three people in front of him.
First, a comfortably clothed young woman wearing a grey shirt and jeans- he looked her up and down, most likely another person interviewing for a position at the job Aaren was also here for. The men in front of her proved that thought when they verified that they were both in the right place. The man who had introduced himself as Mark and the head of the fire station seemed polite, Aaren took that as something respectable. The second young man looked to be about Aaren's age, maybe a bit younger- he introduced himself as Adam. There was something also forced about the way he spoke politely to the young woman and himself. Was that annoyance he sensed in his tone? Putting that aside, Aaren complied and shook Adams's hand back, his grip firm and steady.
"Yeah. Aaren. Aaren Kitt."
His reply to Mark came out a bit sharper than Aaren had initially tried to make it sound, his voice deep with his English accent. He wasn't usually stressed, but this morning had been a hell of a ride. When he was stressed Aaren may come off as snippy or a bit rude, when it reality he's just jittery. While Adam was getting their papers Aaren glanced at the small woman beside him. She had to be at least a foot and a half shorter than him because he absolutely towered over her. She was a pretty little thing though, having a well-structured body and a decent sense of style. Which was respectable. His eyes met hers and sharpened immediately, causing his eyes to narrow slightly, two pools of icy blue met his dark chocolaty brown ones. A small smirk crossed his lips before his attention turned back to Adam, who now stood holding out a piece of paper to each of them.
He spoke lowly, taking one of the papers from Adam's hand and turning to take a seat on one of the side tables' leather seats. There was a container of pens on the wooden table and a lamp that Aaren switched on, the light flooding onto the desk. It was a fairly short form, which was nice.
Human Name:
Aaren Grey Kitt
Human Age:
Horse Breed:
Horse Stable Name:
Horse Gender:
Friendly with other horses?:
She can be. Asterix likes her personal space and will want other horses to respect that.
Aaren finished the form in less than five minutes, making sure his handwriting was as neat as it could be as he had written in cursive and sometimes rushes through that. He checked for spelling and punctuation errors before switching the lamp off, putting the pen back, and sliding his chair back so he could get off. Standing up, Aaren pushes his chair back and turns to walk over to the two men at the front. He hands out the paper in front of him and clears his throat.
"Hope this is alright. I'll fix it if something isn't written properly."
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 03:52 PM

Oakwood Barn
Posts: 1690
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Adam Reiner Jacobs
Adam glances at Aaren, taking his paper. His eyes went down to the handwriting and he made a face.
"... Right."
He hummed.
"Please sit down, I have a few questions about this."
Adam told him, glancing up at him. He shifted slightly in his seat, reading over the paper again. He glanced up at Aaren.
"Okay then. So, I'm a bit- actually, a lot concerned, about what you noted on your mare. Where we will be staying it's pretty cramped. And she will have to be okay with being really close to multiple other horses. I do believe the other horse owners will try to give each other space, but I'm just letting you know."
He said, sounding a lot less annoyed. He sounded more... relaxed, when he talked about where he lived. When he talked about home.
He looked up at Aaren, shifting in his seat again. God these chairs were too plump- he actually hated it... Wow he spent to much time alone. This was awkward-
"Okay... Secondly, you will be sharing a cabin with me and another male. You will have to get accustomed to that."
He continued. Adam looked down at the paper again as he listened to the males' response.
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 04:16 PM

Golden Groves
Posts: 39
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Aaren Grey Kitt
Taking a seat in the chair across from Adam, Aaren's jaw twitched slightly at the commentary of the young man. His brows furrowed briefly before relaxing into the seat, crossing his right foot on his left knee. He nodded along to what Adam noted about Asterix and sharing a space with other people. He had kind of already known this might be a bit of a problem on his mare's part, but sharing a space with others was something he had grown accustomed to back at his apartment when friends came over and stayed for weeks on end.
"Yeah, sharing a living space with others shouldn't be a problem for myself. I'm used to it by now..."
A pause.
"As far as Asterix goes- we've, me and my stables staff, have been working with her around other horses for two months or so. She's been getting better with socializing and whatnot. She may just need time to adjust to the other horses. I actually think it'll be good for her to be a bit pushed into interacting with them."
He ran a hand through his hair while he spoke, shaking his curls slightly before finishing. His mare was hesitant about meeting new horses, and people for a matter of fact. Not to mention her level of spookiness.
"She'll usually just go off to the side of the pasture or stay in her stall for most of the time. Unless another horse is physically prodding at her will she get annoyed, but Asterix is pretty chill on the ignoring others part. If she does get annoyed, she won't do anything but give a shriek to tell others off. "
Aaren looked up and at the young man sitting in front of him, taking in his posture and body language, while straightening slightly himself and clearing his throat. The coffee he had this morning had either worn off or it had just not worked whatsoever because the man was as tired as he was when he rolled out of bed this morning.
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 04:31 PM

Oakwood Barn
Posts: 1690
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Adam Reiner Jacobs
Adam nodded, sighing quietly.
"Sorry- I'm just... unsure about this."
He told Aaren with a head shake. Adam glanced up at Aarens face, taking him in. He nodded.
"Alright then. That's good... He's not too spooky and okay around other horses. Okay. She won't mind being in harsh conditions will she?"
He asked Aaren. He glanced sideways, noting the female was still filling out her form still. Mark spoke up.
"Aaren, do you work well in groups? If you join the team Adam has quite the rules that need to be followed. Not just for your safety but for your horses. Are you prepared to listen to him?"
Mark asked, eyebrows raising as he sipped his coffee. Adam looked at Aaren curiously. Yes, Adam was hesitant about this whole idea, but he really did need someone else on the team with him. He couldn't do this alone. Frankly, he was shocked they let him be alone for this long.
(Sorry, it's going so slow to start. I'm just doing intros :3)
Forest Rescue RP | RP Thread! October 12, 2024 04:37 PM

Burning Rose Equine
Posts: 5750
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Eloise Browns
Eloise drove down the bumpy road to the little village called Cliff Grove. She had woken up extra early for this, and was quite excited to get her knew job. She and Tango had taken a flight from New York down to a little town just outside of Cliff Grove. Despite the fact she woke up early to pack up and drive, she had hit some traffic on her way there and she was running late.
When she did pull into the fire station parking lot she was 30 minutes late, and very agitated. Eloise hated being late, it was the bane of her exsistance, and it truely bothered her. So right after she parked her truck, she cut the engine and rush out of her truck and into the fire station. Eloise was a blur of blonde hair until she found the guy who looked like the guy she was supposed to talk to.
The man was sitting with another man, probably interviewing him or something. The one with the darker skin and black hair, who she was standing next to, was quite handsome on first glance, but she didn't really get a good look at him before all her attention was pointed to the other man. "Um, I'm Eloise, Eloise Browns. I'm here for the forest rescue position." she said, confidently. She was wearing black skinny jeans that had faded to a dark gray, her riding boots, a white shirt and a leather jacket. New York taught her how to dress very classy, unlike most of the others in the room.

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