as jack walked by william and kattie he greets them and asks them if they've seen his horse whos escaped AGAIN Edited at June 7, 2023 06:57 PM by MAXD
The wild mare calmly ate grass waiting for something to acually happen.
Mocha Mocha Wished that she could Accually do something besides Eat grass Maisie Maisie Galloped on the Ranch Horse she rides named Coco, Coco was a Light Colored Bay Mare and was never Stuborn but Coco could be very Silly and Playful and Maisie loved that about her Edited at July 8, 2023 04:03 PM by Autumn Acres
After eating in one spot for a couple of minutes, she decided to gallop, full out, across the plains. Her mane showed in the wind, as she passed a couple horses, she turned her head and pinned her ears back at them.

Mentions:N/A Shiloh Shiloh sat up still exhausted in the small hotel room that she had paid for late last night when she arrived in this small town in Texas . She grabbed her clothing and quickly threw it on and braided her long messy black hair. She waved dismissingly at the hotel keeper as she walked out onto the creaky wooden steps and into the slightly busy town with her unladylike outfit which usually received negative attention. She received a few dirty looks from other women and cat calls as she tacked Deluxe up quickly and rode out of the main town towards the open prairie. "I'm so happy to leave that hellhole of a town" she spoke quietly to deluxe as he plodded along the dry rut filled dirt path."Next stop Red Rustler Ranch" Edited at August 15, 2023 04:26 PM by Hot Heifer Ranch

Wesley / 23 / M / WW Whiskey On Me (Whiskey) / Mentions: Hellfire - Wesley yawned, tacking up WW Whiskey On Me and hopping on the blue roan sabino stallion. He needed another horse, really, because Whiskey was awesome but he didn't like other horses. Wesley needed a horse that would get along well with other horses. He urged the short stallion towards the wide open west, and Whiskey cantered towards the fields of nothing. Wesley got a couple miles out, and saw a big herd of horses. He scanned it before his gaze landed on a beautiful mare. Wesley glanced around, seeing a small canyon. It was surrounded with big rocks on either side, that widened and mare a hemisphere like shape. Wesley circled Whiskey around to the side so he was at the back of the horses and facing towards the canyon. He urged Whiskey into a canter, then let out a loud whoop. The herd was a little boxed in, so in order to escape his lasso they would either have to go in a tiny crack off to the side that was a dead end, or into the big canyon.
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Hellfire Mentions: Wesley Hellfire heard the cry of a cowboy and stood still for a second, making sure they knew that she was there. Making herself seem vulnerable. Their horses seemed, well, rather, chunky, compared to the wild mustangs that roamed free. Hellfire knew that the narrow crack would lead to a dead end, but the cowboy's horse probably wouldn't be able to fit. It would be hilarious! She then zipped forward, showing off her speed and heading straight forward, where she would run into a large cliff, but, Hellfire was prepared. As soon as she got to the wall, she zipped to the side, making way for the narrow crack. The cowboy's horse was definitely nowhere near the agility of Hellfire, or so she thought. As soon as she got into the narrow crack she was astonished to find that the cowboy's horse was not as chunky as she thought. That horse squeezed right through...